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61. Architectural College :: NewSchool Of Architecture And Design :: College News An Series How Latin Ideas Influence design, featuring Margit is sponsored by the Friendsof San Diego architecture. and find out about careers and opportunities http://www.newschoolarch.edu/newsevents.htm | |
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64. Dept. Of Architecture: Careers architecture Professional careers. Architects design buildings andthe spaces around them to be used and enjoyed. They creatively http://www.bsu.edu/architecture/careers/ | |
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78. Careers In Construction. Construction Industry Jobs And Online Recruitment Servi Job listings and resources for professionals in architecture, engineering, and construction management. http://www.careersinconstruction.com/ | |
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80. Architecture College NewSchool Of Architecture And Design San Architectural college in San Diego California, New School of architecture and design fosters professional and sensitive students based on the concept of architectural internship http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.newschoolarch.edu/index.html&y=0 |
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