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1. Archived: Exemplary Career Guidance Programs, Comprehensive Career Guidance And US Department of Education report on exemplary program at Zapata High school, 199697. http://www.ed.gov/offices/OVAE/tx3.html | |
2. College And Career Information For Counselors This information has been compiled by Martha Wiseman, guidance counselor at Carl Sandburg High school, to assist guidance counselors and high school students with planning for the future and other guidance issues. career Planning Information. Information on Specific careers Personal counseling Issues. College Information http://www.wisemantech.com/guidance | |
3. K-12: High School Guidance And Counseling : HIGHER EDUCATION REFERENCES High school guidance and counseling. HIGHER EDUCATION REFERENCES 1996 National Exemplary career guidance Programs Making the Connection http://www.ceismc.gatech.edu/busyt/guco.html | |
4. School Guidance And Counseling a student make educational and career plans; and lessons based on the school s guidance curriculum. A Model Developmental guidance and counseling Program for http://www.tea.state.tx.us/guidance/ | |
5. School Counseling Services Tennessee school counseling And. career guidance Standards. Committee List. Introduction. How to Use The school counseling Standards. Standards, Learning Expectations and. Performance Indicators. Grades/Development Area. Academic Development http://www.state.tn.us/education/ci/cistandards2001/guidance/cicounseling.htm | |
6. Counselors in counselor educationÂincluding career, community, gerontological move to a larger school; become directors or supervisors of counseling, guidance, or pupil http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos067.htm | |
7. Career Information school guidance offices; College career planning and vocational or technical schools and institutions; counseling services offered by community organizations; http://www.bls.gov/oco/oco20021.htm | |
8. ---=(Anacortes High School Counseling Center)=--- Information related to the guidance and counseling needs of high school age students in the areas of personal/social, career and academic development. http://www.ahs-counseling.org | |
9. The Career Key: Choosing A Career -- Career Guidance More than 5,000 people visit daily for professional career guidance. Job Search Strategies, career Decisions. career counseling, Networking. school Study Abroad. http://www.careerkey.org/english/ | |
10. Welcome To Longwood High School Guidance And Career Counseling Center East Coast State school Guide. us to your Favorites and return often for updates of guidance and counseling issues, as well as college and career information http://www.longwood.k12.ny.us/lhs/guidance/home page.htm | |
11. Welcome To Longwood High School Guidance And Career Counseling Center http://www.longwood.k12.ny.us/lhs/guidance/Reference guide intro.htm | |
12. ED.gov Where is career guidance and counseling Working? Dorchester District Two career Development Initiatives La Crosse Central High school guidance/career Center, La http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ovae/pi/cte/cgcp.html | |
13. West Bend West Wrestling Announcements, department information, administration list, athletics, calendar of events, clubs and activities, career center, exchange teacher details, gifted and talented department, grading guidelines, guidance counseling, national honors society, library media center, parent handbook, student handbook, school newspaper, school store, testing information, tips for parents and the yearbook. http://www.west-bend.k12.wi.us/west/ | |
14. Guidance And Counseling Index Counselor Report of Needs High school guidance Goals and Objectives High school Local Plan for guidance, counseling, and career Development Middle school Local http://www.glc.k12.ga.us/pandp/guidance/ind-guid.htm | |
15. GADOE.org - School Guidance And Counseling Services The purpose of guidance and counseling is to impart specific ensures that all students can achieve school success through academic, career, and personal http://www.doe.k12.ga.us/support/sss/counseling.asp | |
16. Salem High School Guidance And Counseling Services The guidance and counseling Department at Salem High school offers a our vision statement, ÂTo Provide for the Social, Emotional, career, and Educational http://www.salemschooldistrictnh.com/schools/shs/guidance.htm | |
17. National Association For Gifted Children's (NAGC) Counseling And Guidance Divisi adjustment and motivational difficulties, career counseling, and college placement/guidance for all identified gifted and high talent students in the school. http://www.nagc.org/CounGuide/guide.html | |
18. Counseling And Guidance Lesson Plans of personal/social development, academic achievement, career development, and competencies listed in Florida s school counseling and guidance Framework. http://www.firn.edu/doe/programs/cd_lesson.htm | |
19. Educational Administration And Supervision Links and counseling Postsecondary guidance and counseling counseling Specific Populations career counseling Workng with Ethical Issues for school Counselors. http://www.mhhe.com/socscience/education/edguide/resources.html | |
20. Guidance On Line - A College, Career And Financial Aid Information Guide for Precollege guidance and counseling Clicking on Sites Added Private Scholarships career Information Sites Sites College Preparation Begins in High school!! http://home.cfl.rr.com/nwunder/guidance.html | |
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