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21. SBC Support For Death Penalty Based On Bible, Duke Says - (BP) WASHINGTON (BP)Southern Baptists support capital punishment because it is a biblical LibertyCommission at a panel discussion on religious views of the http://www.bpnews.net/bpnews.asp?Id=11063 |
22. I Love Philosophy :: View Topic - Do You Support Capital Punishment? as i see life imprisonment more degrading/immoral/pointless then capital punishment,i might legal system and i am also an atheist so religious views do not http://www.ilovephilosophy.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=140152 |
23. Illinois Coalition Against The Death Penalty procedure that had led to Ryan s imposing a moratorium on capital punishment. Herejects theological arguments ( I respect the religious views of persons who http://www.icadp.org/page162.html | |
24. Information Headquarters: Capital Punishment is) interpreted very differently by people with differing predispositions towardscapital punishment. religious views of the death penalty Death penalty in the http://www.informationheadquarters.com/Thomas_Alva_Edison/Capital_punishment.sht | |
25. Information Plus Reference Series On Current Topics abortion Abortion around the world Public attitudes toward abortion Somerecent religious views on abortion capital punishment Cruel and Unusual? http://www.lib.msu.edu/harris23/general/infoplus.htm | |
26. British National Party- The Voice Of The Silent Majority "Putting The British Fi country would never have happened, capital punishment would never career politiciansimpose their views which is The BNP takes no particular religious position http://www.bnp.org.uk/faq.html | |
27. Cruel And Unusual Crimes, Judicial Activism, And Capital Punishment. But I do not want our judicial employees imposing their religious views on me. Ifwe re going to do away with capital punishment to satisfy religious principles http://tempknak.home.att.net/YoHoHo.html | |
28. Juvenile Justice Links page including sections on death penalty activism, law, religious views, and writingsfrom by and for families of murder victims who oppose capital punishment. http://www.abanet.org/crimjust/juvjus/linkdeath.html | |
29. 20th WCP: A Non-Pacifist Argument Against Capital Punishment nonphilosophers cling to retributionist views, that is the moral argument againstcapital punishment has not religious supporters of the death penalty often http://www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/OApp/OAppWeat.htm | |
30. LookSmart - Article Search For " Capital Punishment Religious Aspects" endless dispute about the death penalty is mainly religious in origin Malcolm. DeathQualification Leads to Biased Juries.(capital punishment views impact jury http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/PI/search.jhtml?isp=FA&cat=news&key=+Capital |
31. Religious Views Play Role In Shaping Political Agendas religious views play role in shaping political agendas. gun control, immigration andespecially capital punishment, Gunty said. related to our religious beliefs http://www.rickross.com/reference/unif/Unif21.html | |
32. Capital Punishment capital punishment is mandated in the Bible for many more find out if your agendahere is political or religious. no doubt some will present their views here http://www.pastornet.net.au/jmm/articles/872.htm | |
33. Genesis 9:6 And Capital Punishment Jesus was tested regarding his views on capital himself was a victim of capital punishment,administered legally the death penalty for religious/moral offences http://www.pastornet.net.au/jmm/articles/668.htm | |
34. Monroe County (NY) Library System - Crime And Criminal Justice - Death_penalty religious views on the Death Penalty. The Bible and capital punishment Sponsoredby Stand to Reason, this site purports finding support for capital punishment http://www.rochester.lib.ny.us/crime/death_penalty.html | |
35. CheatHouse.com - Should Capital Punishment Be Reintroduced In The UK? with Buddha ethics and Buddha social and legal philosophy capital punishment is Pro andthat it should be brought back to the UK religious views Christians and http://www.cheathouse.com/eview/26645-should-capital-punishment-be-reintroduce.h | |
36. RE-XS For Schools - Ethics And Moral Issues/Crime And Punishment includes case studies and teacher s notes. RS Web capital punishment Linksincluding religious views and key texts. Suitable for exam and A Level. http://re-xs.ucsm.ac.uk/ethics/crime_and_punishment/ | |
37. John Carlson, Justice, Religion, And The Death Penalty views, a hefty onus falls upon them to substantiate why their religious beliefs affirmor, at least, do not conflict with their support for capital punishment. http://pewforum.org/deathpenalty/resources/reader/28.php3 | |
38. VN Embassy : News : 05/30/2003 for their opinions or religious views but for their violation of the law. Theseaccused had admitted their offences. As for capital punishment, Viet Nam was http://www.vietnamembassy-usa.org/news/newsitem.php3?datestamp=20030530092305 |
39. FOXNews.com - Views - Heritage Foundation - Balancing Conscience And The Law position of choosing among disparate religious views and determining in an executionif religious objections cause him to oppose capital punishment. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,118148,00.html |
40. Capitalpunishment.htm issues of pro and anti death penalty views. They ally themselves with religious organizations,civil and belief that the abolition of capital punishment is the http://www.fidnet.com/~weid/capitalpunishment.htm | |
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