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23. TalkLeft: Turow On Capital Punishment the Commission, the members were asked whether any of them opposed capital punishment. andothers as a springboard to discussing the pros and cons of the http://talkleft.com/new_archives/001319.html | |
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29. Gordon pros and cons of capital punishment A student project; Clark County prosecutingAttorney The Death Penalty - offers statistics and information on the death http://www.csun.edu/education/sed/ghhs/gordon/gordon.htm |
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31. Ultimate Punishment: A Lawyer's Reflections On Dealing With The Death Penalty death penalty cases, so I m well aware of the pros and cons. Whether you re staunchlyin favor of capital punishment, strongly against it or somewhere in http://law-books.org/0374128731.html |
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35. Dialogues, V. 5: Capital Punishment: Elie Wiesel, Richard Heffner Synopsis Elie Wiesel and Richard D. Heffner plumb the depths of heated issuesweighing the pros and cons of capital punishment and the role of the state http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/DialoguesV5CapitalPunishment-1082795/ | |
36. Dialogues, V. 5: Capital Punishment: Elie Wiesel, Richard Heffner SYNOPSIS Elie Wiesel and Richard D. Heffner plumb the depths of heated issuesweighing the pros and cons of capital punishment and the role of the state. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/DialoguesV5CapitalPunishment-1082795/about.php | |
37. Capital Punishment: An Act Of Mercy - Conservative Monitor Marilyn vos Savant once devoted half of her Ask Marilyn column in Parade magazineto a consideration of the pros and cons of capital punishment, without once http://www.conservativemonitor.com/religion/2001005.shtml | |
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39. DNA Tests Should End Capital Punishment heinous crimes sit down and work up a balance sheet of pros and cons before acting?One of the strongest arguments against use of capital punishment stems from http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/columnists/tmoran/tm8.htm | |
40. Capital Punishment: An Act Of Mercy -- America's Future -- Week Of March 23, 199 vos Savant recently devoted half of her Ask Marilyn column in Parade magazineto a consideration of the pros and cons of capital punishment, without once http://www.americasfuture.net/1997/mar97/97-0323b.html | |
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