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Capital Punishment Pro Death Penalty: more detail | |||||
121. Chicago Tribune | Registration The newspaper's investigation resulted in five stories of failures in the Illinois capital punishment system. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/specials/chi-deathillinoisseries.special | |
122. The Ethics Site. Abortion, Euthanasia, Death Penalty, Bioethics, Kant, Aristotle A compendium of links and articles that, while more heavily weighing against capital punishment, does provide assets that argue for the death penalty. http://ethics.sandiego.edu/Applied/deathpenalty/ | |
123. Frontline: The Execution: Readings Here are some of the best pro and con ever made on the issue of capital punishmentincluding opposing views of 1997 call for a moratorium on the death penalty. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/execution/readings/ | |
124. Pope's Statement While the vast majority of US Catholics support capital punishment, Pope John PaulII has declared the Church s near total opposition to the death penalty. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/angel/procon/popestate.html | |
125. Capital Punishment There are several safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facingthe death penalty. For example, capital punishment may be imposed only when http://www.bridgeport.edu/~darmri/capital.html | |
126. Death Penalty - Faith And Values the new report from the Illinois Governor s Commission on capital punishment outliningmore than 80 necessary measures to make death penalty cases more fair http://www.faithandvalues.com/channels/death-penalty.asp?source=overture |
127. Probono.net | Death Penalty studies and reports on capital punishment, including a new lawyers who have providedpro bono representation Hand of Counsel Reforming capital Defense Systems http://www.probono.net/deathpenalty/index.cfm | |
128. Capital Punishment - College Library Undergraduate Research Guide Library Reference Collection HV 6787 S68 Check the index under capital punishment. . prodeathPenalty.com Site provides information in support of the death http://college.library.wisc.edu/resources/subject_guides/capunishment.htm | |
129. CNN - U.S. Bucks International Trend Against Capital Punishment - January 31, 20 capital punishment In the United States The US Supreme Court in 1972 struck downstate death penalty laws, a ruling that also brought federal executions to a http://www.cnn.com/2000/US/01/31/death.penalty.usa/ | |
130. Boston.com / News / Nation / Democrats Shift On Death Penalty describes himself as a death penalty opponent because it is inequitably enforcedand has been wrongfully applied. Yet he says capital punishment should be http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2003/12/07/democrats_shift_on_death_p | |
131. Death Penalty penalty in the US, methods used, ,and other countries and their stance towards capitalpunishment. Human Rights Watch US death penalty. prodeath penalty.com. http://www.newsbatch.com/deathpenalty.htm | |
132. History Of Capital Punishment Colorado capital punishment in Colorado. The person behind it is strongly prodeathpenalty and he, for example, got such a simple detail as the number of http://www.helsinki.fi/~tuschano/cp/ | |
133. 8th Amendment: The Death Penalty - U.S. Government Lesson Plan (grades 9-12) - D prodeath penalty http//www.prodeathpenalty.com. The New American CapitalPunishment http//www.thenewamerican.com/focus/cap_punishment/index.htm. http://school.discovery.com/lessonplans/programs/8thamendment/ | |
134. Pro-Death Penalty Resources Why the death penalty? This section is under construction. It is intendedto provide links to, and papers about, the prodeath penalty position. http://sun.soci.niu.edu/~critcrim/dp/pro/pro.html | |
135. Anarchism And Capital Punishment Anarchism and capital punishment. Excerpted from the book;. I have alsoseen it stated that capital punishment is murder in its worst form. http://flag.blackened.net/daver/anarchism/tucker/tucker12.html | |
136. Index Of /~tonya/spring/cap Parent Directory 17May-2002 1847 - COMMENTF.HTM 17-May-2002 18......Index of /~tonya/spring/cap. Name Last modified Size http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~tonya/spring/cap/ | |
137. CheatHouse.com - Capital Punishment: Pro http://www.cheathouse.com/eview/38441-capital-punishment-pro | |
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