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Capital Punishment Pro Death Penalty: more detail | |||||
41. Capital Punishment Subject Guide - Print Version angel/ pro and con arguments, interviews, cases, and a death penalty chronologyare presented. California Department of Corrections capital punishment http http://library.riohondo.edu/Subject_Guides/capital_punishment-text.htm |
42. Links And Resources Justice For All s comprehensive prodeath penalty site with Civil Liberties Union,death penalty Campaign This and information about capital punishment in the http://teacher.deathpenaltyinfo.msu.edu/c/resources.htm | |
43. Death Penalty AlaskaAnchorage) After several attempts to introduce capital punishment in Alaska ofarticles and links to both pro and con death penalty sites, historical http://www.plu.edu/~libr/web/deathpen.html | |
44. Death Penalty state.il.us/ccp/ A 14member Commission on capital punishment to closely pro-DeathPenalty.com http//www.prodeathpenalty.com This site intends to serve as a http://talkjustice.com/links.asp?453053911 |
45. Death Penalty Research Center, nearly twothirds of Americans approve of capital punishment. CornellLaw School  death penalty Law Materials pro-death penalty Sites pro http://pewforum.org/death-penalty/ | |
46. Resources proLife Issue Conservative Christians Are Reaching a Turning Point on capital punishment(Beliefnet). Dudley Sharp, Christianity and the death penalty (at http://pewforum.org/deathpenalty/resources/internetresources.php3 |
47. CJBS: Capital Punishment indicated that they favour the death penalty as the death qualified participants maybe influenced only by pro capital punishment arguments because http://www.cpa.ca/ogloff.htm | |
48. The Free Mark Lankford Defence Project - Service Calls For End To Idaho's Death In recent political campaigns, the death penalty has been used both as an that Thursdaynight when he stepped back from his procapital punishment stance and http://hjem.get2net.dk/micrask/free/commentary-02-jun-2000-2.html | |
49. Against Death Rows of prodeath-penalty leaders By Kirsten B. Mitchell MEDIA GENERAL NEWS SERVICE WASHINGTONAlthough the Catholic Church officially opposes capital punishment, http://disc.server.com/discussion.cgi?disc=207906;article=2511;title=Against Dea |
50. Is Capital Punishment Biblical? related sites Apologetics Index on capital punishment. I enjoyed reading your articleabout the death penalty. I am sure you get lots of email pro and con, but I http://watkins.gospelcom.net/capital.htm | |
51. Lemieux Library - Pro's And Con's know we have our work cut out for us, aware as we are that the vast majority of UScitizens say they favor capital punishment. pro death penalty (Retentionist). http://www.seattleu.edu/lemlib/web_archives/DMW/procon.htm | |
52. WebQuest This pro capital punishment document cites biblical quotations and New Testamentreferences in support of the death penalty. This document covers moral issues. http://coe.west.asu.edu/students/ahudson/WebQuest.html |
53. Woodland Public Library - Capital Punishment Call YA 364.66 Wol 1997. ?capital punishment The death penalty debate. SanDiego Greenhaven Press, 2000. Call YA 306.9 pro 2000. The death penalty. http://www.ci.woodland.ca.us/library/captlpunish.htm | |
54. COURTTV.COM - TOP NEWS death row since the state revived capital punishment in 1995. that led to her executiondeath penalty Argument The experts discuss DNA and the pro and con http://www.courttv.com/news/death_penalty/ | |
55. ReligionLink May 28, 2002: Death Penalty: Faith, Reason And Shifting Support Religious prodeath penalty website Logos The American Bar Association s death penaltymoratorium project by state profiles on capital punishment practice and http://www.religionwriters.com/public/tips/052802/052802a.shtml | |
56. Quest Student Pathfinder Keywords Âdeath penaltyÂ, Âracial biasesÂ, Âcapital punishmentÂ,Âdeath penalty organizationsÂ, Âprodeath penaltyÂ. http://www.springfield.k12.pa.us/shs/quest/dppathfinder.htm | |
57. Death Penalty And Human Rights Links prodeath penalty.com. State Penitentiary in Louisiana death Row. United States AnnualReports on capital punishment (part of Burueau of Justice Statistics page http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/links/deathpenalty.html | |
58. Capital Punishment death penalty Quiz; death penalty pro and Con; death Island Religious Leaders; deathRow Writings Doctors and capital punishment; European/American Conventions on http://www.monksofadoration.org/capunish.html | |
59. Capital Punishment Research Resources of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin capital punishment Reports; Websiteof Clark County, Indiana, prosecuting Attorney (pro-death penalty advocate http://www.ll.georgetown.edu/topics/capital_punishment.cfm | |
60. Capital Punishment - The Death Penalty I talked to a prodeath penalty acquaintance about all this figure is derived fromnumber of people executed since 1976, when capital punishment was reinstated http://www.cybercollege.com/fog41.htm | |
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