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81. On Capital Punishment capital punishment damages our country s leadership in he world. Yemen, and Iran sentencesJuveniles to death. of the development nations have no death penalty. http://www.lightparty.com/WarOnDrugs/CapitalPunishment.html | |
82. ACLU-Mass: States Moving Away From The Capital Punishment States Moving Away from capital punishment. Arkansas passed juvenile repeal legislationin the House. commission to investigate problems in CA death penalty. http://www.aclu-mass.org/issues/2004-05-03_states_moving_away_from_capital_punis | |
83. Editorial: The Young Condemned / Rendell Should Support A Death Penalty Ban For obvious poster child of juvenile capital punishment, there are Today, four juvenilessit on Pennsylvania s death row launched its No death penalty for Juvenile http://www.post-gazette.com/forum/20030202edaclu0202p1.asp | |
84. End The Juvenile Death Penalty (washingtonpost.com) The juvenile death penalty with its arrogant assumption that society can judge isone of the least defensible aspects of American capital punishment. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article&node=&contentId=A2533- |
85. The Juvenile Death Penalty - The Advocate: November 1999 The juvenile death penalty is even more arbitrary and capricious than the death penaltyfor adults. shown that the application of capital punishment in the http://dpa.state.ky.us/library/advocate/nov99/juvdp.html | |
86. Lesson 21 Capital Punishment As Policy is the belief that this punishment is necessary criteria to be prosecuted as capitalmurder The application of the juvenile death penalty is more arbitrary than http://www.policestudies.eku.edu/POTTER/Lesson21.htm | |
87. Death Penalty Opponents of capital punishment say that most people sentenced to members took heartin the punishment that a Travers believes, Malvo was a juvenile while he http://www.catholicherald.com/articles/04articles/cns-penalty.htm | |
88. Daily News From Louisville, Kentucky And Southern Indiana From Courier-journal.c will change the minds of many legislators who support capital punishment. A billsupported by Patton to do away with the juvenile death penalty failed earlier http://www.courier-journal.com/localnews/2002/10/25/ke102502s301469.htm | |
89. No Alla Pena Di Morte - NO To The Death Penalty - Comunità Di Sant'Egidio rate for juvenile offenses has declined rapidly in recent years and deathpenaltyopponents say it s only a matter of time before capital punishment for those http://www.santegidio.org/pdm/news2004/26_01_04.htm | |
90. Please End Juvenile Executions! Petition Including the twelve states without capital punishment, this brings the totalnumber of states with no death penalty for juvenile offenders to 31. http://www.petitiononline.com/alive04/petition.html | |
The states without the death penalty for juveniles have increased since 1989. Today of the 38 states that have the death penalty five states have chosen a minimum age of 17, 14 a minimum age of 16. Altogether 19 states do not permit the execution of juvenile offenders (Wyoming and South Dakota signed a law prohibiting the execution of juvenile offenders in 2004). Including the twelve states without capital punishment, this brings the total number of states with no death penalty for juvenile offenders to 31. When the death penalty for the mentally retarded offenders was abolished in 2002, 30 states were in a comparable position. And even in states allowing the death penalty for juveniles, the public does not seem to stand completely behind it. Why else would the jury have recommended life for the juvenile sniper, Lee Boyd Malvo. | |
91. Capital Punishment In The United States: A Forum On Death-Penalty Issues 1979 to 1985, specializing in capital punishment, habeas corpus related to criminaland juvenile justice, clinical expert on the death penalty, habeas corpus http://www.fathom.com/course/10701044/contributors.html | |
92. Reprieve.org.uk - The Online Resource On Capital Punishment record with misgivings about executing juvenile offenders and states to impose thedeath penalty on killers to use chemicals to carry out capital punishment. http://www.reprieve.org.uk/ | |
93. Capital Punishment In Indiana times in the state s history when capital punishment was handed of horse stealingalso was a capital crime in United States has executed 271 juveniles in the http://www.indystar.com/library/factfiles/crime/capital_punishment/deathrow.html | |
94. CNN.com - Supreme Court Will Revisit Execution Of Teenage Killers - Jan. 26, 200 14 juvenile offenders were sentenced to death 13 young killers since capital punishmentwas reinstated According to the death penalty Information Center, there http://www.cnn.com/2004/LAW/01/26/scotus.death.penalty/ | |
95. Kentucky Overview - Juveniles - The International Justice Project Foes of capital punishment plan to attack several issues, but some prohibiting theexecution of those who commit capital crimes as juveniles had the http://www.internationaljusticeproject.org/juvKentucky.cfm | |
96. Death Penalty - Juvenile Issue Brief has made it easier to try juveniles as adults 37a, which states that ÂNeither capitalpunishment nor life a moratorium of the imposition of the death penalty. http://www.nmha.org/position/deathPenalty/juvissuebrief.cfm | |
97. TalkLeft: ACLU To Host Juvenile Death Penalty Conference Friday February 14, 2003. ACLU to Host Juvenile death penalty Conference The ACLUCapital punishment Project is sponsoring a Youth death penalty Conference. http://talkleft.com/new_archives/001792.html | |
98. Ajc.com Opinion Legal System No Protection For Juveniles the most culpable offenders, the death penalty should never The threat of capitalpunishment simply will not Moreover, research shows that juveniles tried in http://www.ajc.com/opinion/content/opinion/1103/06malvo.html |
99. [06-24-99] Michael Kroll, America's Growing Isolation On The Death Penalty And J parliament formally abolished the death penalty after its of the United States oncapital punishment is even it comes to executing juvenile offenders, defined http://www.pacificnews.org/jinn/stories/5.13/990624-justice.html | |
100. The Redwood Highway: Crime, Law And Related Links On The Web Some writings on juvenile justice, delinquency and control. Top of page. DeathPenalty. Illinois Governor Ryan s Commission on capital punishment. http://www.sonoma.edu/cja/info/infop5.html | |
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