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61. UT Library Online - General Libraries News - Capital Punishment Highlighted In B general Libraries News. printable (pdf) version. capital punishment in MexicanHistory highlighted in Benson Latin American Collection exhibit. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/about/news/capital.html | |
62. Death Row and based on that precedential decision, the Colorado general Assembly revised the tobe executed by the current method of capital punishment, lethal injection http://www.doc.state.co.us/DeathRow/DeathRow.htm | |
63. Capital Punishment to investigate. capital punishment. A general bill to abolish thedeath penalty entirely, HB88, has been filed by Rep. Tom Burch http://www.kycouncilofchurches.org/Legislation04/capital_punishment.html | |
64. MEN AND WOMEN: THEIR OPINION ON CAPITAL PUNISHMENT nonsignificant results that I received could be that the people that I surveyedstrongly agreed or disagreed with the idea of capital punishment in general. http://clearinghouse.mwsc.edu/manuscripts/439.asp | |
65. Capital Punishment In Ohio In 1974, the Ohio general Assembly revised OhioÂs Death Penalty law the death sentence,Ohio lawmakers enacted the current capital punishment statute, which http://www.drc.state.oh.us/public/capital.htm | |
66. Capital Punishment like to live on death row, and the entire issue of capital punishment in Oregon Oregon sdeath row inmates are segregated from the general population, with one http://www.doc.state.or.us/publicaffairs/cap_punishment/capitalpunishment.shtml | |
67. John W. Lamperti | Capital Punishment consistent pattern of non deterrence. Although they find agreement that the overall(general) homicide rate is not responsive to capital punishment, they do http://www.math.dartmouth.edu/~lamperti/capitalpunishment.html | |
68. General Assembly Third Committee, Social, Cultural, & Humanitarian they all present a similar sanctity of life argument opposing capital punishment. Commissionon Human Rights (UNCHR), the United Nations general Assembly (UNGA http://www.smhs.org/remmell/frsh4.htm | |
69. Ashcroft Preaches Love And Capital Punishment Addressing a news conference, Attorney general J. Joseph Curran Jr. said Capitalpunishment comes only at the intolerable risk of killing an innocent person. http://www.commondreams.org/views03/0208-03.htm | |
70. Capital Punishment Helen Prejean capital punishment United States Religious aspects Moral andreligious aspects Politics Current Events True Crime Murder - general http://topics.practical.org/browse/Capital_punishment | |
71. Circle Of Prayer - Capital Punishment purposes of criminal punishment in general Rehabilitation. punishment should tryto restore the right summarized four objections to capital punishment in our http://www.circleofprayer.com/capital-punishment.html | |
72. CBS News | Capital Punishment Reforms Urged | April 15, 2002Â 14:24:07 Penalty Information Center in Washington, DC, which researches capital punishmentbut takes might get a cooler reception in the Illinois general Assembly than http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/04/15/national/main506143.shtml | |
73. Column: Capital Punishment For Corporations? in effect imposing capital punishment on these unnatural persons. That proposal hasbegun to find an audience. In April, New York Attorney general Dennis Vacco http://www.ilsr.org/columns/1998/092298.html | |
74. Capital Punishment: A Pollak Library Research Guide here SUBJECT capital punishment KEYWORD death penalty. ARTICLES top. 1500journals and magazines, general and scholarly sources. Opposing http://guides.library.fullerton.edu/cap_punish/ | |
75. Commentary Magazine - For Capital Punishment, By Walter Berns ..It is plausible to think that the rising sentiment in favor of capital punishmentis linked to a general shift toward greater conservatism in society http://www.commentarymagazine.com/Summaries/V68I2P73-1.htm | |
76. Libraries: Capital Punishment Resources: A Library Research Guide issues related to capital punishment, sometimes an encyclopedia can help with theprocess. The College of Wooster Libraries has many general and specialized http://www.wooster.edu/library/instruction/coursepages/fys/woodfysfa00.html | |
77. 1995/57. Capital Punishment Having considered the fifth quinquennial report of the Secretarygeneral on capitalpunishment and the implementation of the safeguards guaranteeing the http://www.un.org/documents/ecosoc/res/1995/eres1995-57.htm | |
78. People For The American Way | Capital Punishment capital punishment. The plan, originally proposed during Janet Reno s tenure as attorneygeneral and finalized under Ashcroft, was put on hold in August.74 In http://www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general/default.aspx?oid=1162 |
79. Kant On Capital Punishment The point here is that by stealing, criminals make property insecure in general. Whenwe come to the particular case of capital punishment, we see that Kant http://brindedcow.umd.edu/140/kantcap.html | |
80. Capital Punishment The PHRMG points out the dangers of sentencing people to capital punishment in general,and the execution of the punishment in particular, for the following http://www.phrmg.org/monitor1999/jan99-capital.htm | |
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