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1. Colorado College Tutt Library Capital Punishment General Sources. Punishment and the Death Penalty from a page Capital Punishment The Death Penalty from the Ontario Centre for Religious Tolerance; http://www.cc.colorado.edu/Library/Course/General/Capital.html | |
2. Centre For Capital Punishment Studies School Of Law capital punishment general Links. Any internet search on capital punishment or death penalty will reveal a virtually endless list of sites on the subject. http://www.wmin.ac.uk/ccps/ccpsResourcesGeneralLinks.htm | |
3. Resources_generallinks capital punishment general Links. Any internet search on capital punishment or death penalty will reveal a virtually endless list of sites on the subject. http://www.wmin.ac.uk/ccps/resources_generallinks.htm | |
4. General [M]ayhem - Capital Punishment General Mayhem The Pit Capital Punishment. View Full Version Capital Punishment.philly. personally i think it s hypocritical, barbaric, and antiquated. http://www.genmay.net/archive/index.php/t-343342.html | |
5. Death Penalty Information (from: Http://www.soci.niu.edu/~critcrim) Anticapital punishment Resources from the ASC's Critical Criminology Division U.S. Supreme Court Decisions in re capital punishment. general Information on the Death Penalty http://sun.soci.niu.edu/~critcrim/dp/dp.html | |
6. John Stuart Mill, Speech In Favor Of Capital Punishment that the crime was an exception to his general character rather than a consequence of it, then I The failure of capital punishment in cases of theft is easily accounted http://ethics.acusd.edu/Mill.html | |
7. MINISTER'S STATEMENT ON CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Minister of Justice and Attorney general of Canada, Anne McLellan responds to the Canadian Police Association's call for reinstatement of the death penalty in Canada. http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/news/nr/1997/deathp.html | |
8. Capital Punishment [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] permissible. Philosophical defenses of capital punishment typicallydraw from more general discussions of punishment. The issue http://www.iep.utm.edu/c/capitalp.htm | |
9. PC(USA) - Presbyterian 101 - Capital Punishment In 1959, the 171st general Assembly, believing that capital punishment cannot becondoned by an interpretation of the Bible based upon the revelation of God s http://www.pcusa.org/101/101-capital.htm | |
10. PC(USA) - Criminal Justice - Moratorium On Capital Punishment Home Criminal Justice Issues Moratorium on capital punishment. Moratoriumon capital punishment. 212th general Assembly (2000) Presbyterian Church (USA). http://www.pcusa.org/criminaljustice/issues/capital/moratorium.htm | |
11. Death Penalty on the web that relate to punishment in general and capital punishment in particular and Richard Wasserstrom, "capital punishment as punishment Some Theoretical Issues and http://ethics.acusd.edu/death_penalty.html | |
12. The Economics Of Capital Punishment The economics of capital punishishment, the death penalty the dollar costs of capital punishment versus life in prison capital punishment Quagmire in America, Keith Harries and Derral Cheatwood 1997 p.6) Figures from the general Accounting http://www.mindspring.com/~phporter/econ.html | |
13. Capital Punishment [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] capital punishment. The applied ethics issue of capital punishment involves determining whether the execution of criminals is ever justified, and, if so under what circumstances it is permissible. defenses of capital punishment typically draw from more general discussions of punishment http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/c/capitalp.htm | |
14. Criminal Law - MegaLaw.com of Attorneys general Provides individual attorney general information, high net- Materials that deal with various issues regarding capital punishment. http://www.megalaw.com/top/criminal.php | |
15. Capital Punishment A Theological Essay on capital punishment capital punishment. Kenneth Cauthen. This essay is part of Chapter Eight in my Toward a New Modernism the guiding rule of relations between general http://www.frontiernet.net/~kenc/cappun.htm | |
16. Commission On Capital Punishment | Reports CHAPTER 5 Â PROSECUTORSÂ SELECTION OF CASES FOR CAPITALPUNISHMENT, CHAPTER 14 Â general RECOMMENDATIONS, http://www.idoc.state.il.us/ccp/ccp/reports/commission_report/ | |
17. TheWBALChannel.com - News - Md. Attorney General Calls For Abolishing Capital Pu Contact the Station. Email This Story Print This Story. Md. Attorney general Calls For Abolishing capital punishment. Curran Stay In Jail Until You Die; Death Penalty Does Not Deter Crime. Greg Ng http://www.thewbalchannel.com/news/1945254/detail.html | |
18. BBC Education - AS Guru - General Studies - Society - Crime And Punishment - Sho Should we reintroduce capital punishment in Britain? capital punishment was suspendedfor five years in 1965. In 1970 it was permanently abolished in Britain. http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/asguru/generalstudies/society/29crime/crime06.sht | |
19. Capital Punishment Examines Old Testament law and New Testament principles regarding capital punishment. many cases in which God commands the use of capital punishment. We see this first with the acts with regard to capital punishment? The U.S. Solicitor general, in his amicus http://www.leaderu.com/orgs/probe/docs/cap-pun.html | |
20. Alternatives To Capital Punishment - The Death Penalty for Christian Social Action in 1962 and resolutions by the Seventh, Ninth, Eleventhand Twelfth general Synods and urges the abolition of capital punishment. . http://www.religioustolerance.org/execut2.htm | |
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