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81. Scoop: Afghanistan: First Execution Since Fall Of Taliban to international standards for imposing capital punishment cannot be I thereforeurge that the punishment of death a moratorium on the death penalty in the http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/WO0404/S00292.htm | |
82. UNMEDIA: Principled Pragmatism Many people express the desire to have capital punishment. is easier and more comfortablefor politicians to be tough on crime and support the death penalty. http://unmedia.blogspot.com/2003_01_13_unmedia_archive.html | |
83. From A8604728@mcmail.cis.mcmaster.ca (Richard Young) Newsgroups Newsgroups bit.listserv.catholic,alt.recovery.catholicism 25 The bible orders thedeath penalty for murder the bible promotes capital punishment for conduct http://www.gumbopages.com/fridge/abortion.txt |
84. MizMoz Directory - Issues Death Penalty death penalty Information An interactive exploration of capital punishment,including arguments punishment The death US death penalty - A discussion http://www.mizmoz.com/dir/Society/Issues/Crime_and_Justice/Death_Penalty/ | |
85. NIC - Alt.activism.* alt.activism. alt.activism.deathpenalty For people opposed to capitalpunishment. Back to Top Level Copyright Notice Credits. http://metalab.unc.edu/usenet-i/hier-s/alt.activism.html | |
86. United States Punishment Reflections on Dealing with the death penalty I have in America today, that of capitalpunishment, I eagerly treatise on the ultimate punishment (only about http://law-books.org/United_States_Punishment.html | |
87. LookSmart - Directory - Religious Belief Debate Forums Google Groups alt.activism.death-penalty Follow heated debates about capitalpunishment between abolitionists and defenders of death penalty. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317837/us317918/us135950/us535716/?&s |
88. The World | Global Hit would be a musical protest against the death penalty. whether or not you oppose capitalpunishment, The World s independent rock scene known as alt country has http://www.theworld.org/archive/glohit/2002/04/17.htm | |
89. Microsoft SDB: Crime And Justice > Capital Punishment online resource on capital punishment andie Normal Moratorium Network Texas deathPenalty Texas Executions Resources Activist Center death Row Database http://sbd.bcentral.com/1143.aspx | |
90. John Robinson First Internet Serial Killer - The Crime Library that state was much more aggressive in using capital punishment than Kansas Kosterhad enough evidence to convict him of capital murder for 7. Brush with death. http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial_killers/predators/john_robinson/15.html?sect= |
91. Newsgroups Talk.politics.misc,alt.society.civil-liberty,alt. misc,alt.society.civilliberty,alt.prisons,talk is towards elimination of the deathpenalty, and Canada The ACLU opposes capital punishment because we believe http://www.hoboes.com/pub/Politics/Privacy/Crime and Civil Liberties |
92. Listerv/Newsgroup Reviews I looked into the one entitled alt.activism.deathpenalty to be in favor of capitalpunishment, but the intelligent discussions on the death penalty that range http://www.cas.usf.edu/english/walker/spring/listserv/barlow.html | |
93. State Officials Threatened In Execution Over Abortion Advertisement. alt Text. Real Estate, Spotlight on The judge barred thatdefense because abortion is legal. death penalty opponents urged Gov. http://www.fadp.org/news/NewYorkTimes-20030821.htm | |
94. Joe Sixpack S Country Music Guide - Alt.Country Twangcore BASTARDS GET YOU DOWN (Jackpine, 2002) A half indiealt, half twangcore I m anti-capitalpunishment myself, opposed to the death penalty both because http://www.slipcue.com/music/country/countrystyles/alt/01comps.html | |
95. GRASSROOTS Archives -- August 2002, Week 2 (#4) 37 LCCN 2002104182 Kitabin alt basligi The to those who were sentenced to deathpenalty on charges The bill lifted capital punishment for crimes of terrorism http://turkishforum.org/archives/wa.cgi?A2=ind0208b&L=grassroots&F=&S=&P=775 |
96. Usenet Death Penalty - Encyclopedia Article About Usenet Death Penalty. Free Acc Usenet death penalty. the Usenet death penalty (or UDP) is a finalpenalty that may be issued against Internet service providers http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Usenet Death Penalty | |
97. The Moratorium Campaign http//www.MoratoriumCampaign.org/action/petition.lasso IMG SRC= http//www.MoratoriumCampaign.org/general_images/m2kad_final.gif alt= The Moratorium http://www.moratoriumcampaign.org/action/promote.lasso | |
98. CSP Die, McVeigh, Die/title Meta Name= Description Content= As http://www.clarkschpiell.com/home/mcveigh.shtml |
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