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41. A&B Public Speaking: Usenet Groups, Listservs, And E-zines The first includes a date and the name of a Usenet group, such as alt.punk.europe;the Try typing in death penalty OR capital punishment OR cruel and http://www.abacon.com/pubspeak/research/noteuszn.html | |
42. Medaille College Library US statistics about crime, law enforcement, capital punishment, gun control andreports from Amnesty International on the death penalty, juvenile justice http://eres.medaille.edu/library01/alt/sub6.asp | |
43. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print Women Black Widows, Child Killers, and Other Women in Crime by Betty alt PublisherComments Against capital punishment The Antideath penalty Movement in http://www.powells.com/usedbooks/Crime.71.html | |
44. AllRefer Reference - Russia - Secrecy Laws - How The System Works | Russian Info alt hough Mirzayanov was brought to trial in and 1994 the incidence of capital punishment(inflicted in complete eliminat ion of the death penalty from the http://reference.allrefer.com/country-guide-study/russia/russia215.html | |
45. Cuban Anarchism 00 0600 From galt@asylum.cs.utah.edu (Greg alt) Subject Re capital punishment decreed 7Article 25 of Fundamental Law further extends death penalty for acts http://flag.blackened.net/liberty/cuba.html | |
46. Directory - Society: Issues: Crime And Justice: Death Penalty An interactive exploration of capital punishment, including arguments for punishmentThe death penalty · iweb alt.activism.deathpenalty Editors jtaylorj http://www.incywincy.com/default?p=29167 |
47. Salon Alt | Gang Land capital Offense by John F. Sugg. death by lethal injection isn t punishment enough sensational,though no less compelling, arguments against the death penalty. http://www.salon.com/media/col/shre/1999/11/12/gangsters/print.html | |
48. Links To Web Sites And Books Dealing With Capital Punishment - The Death Penalty See http//www.clarkprosecutor.org/html/links/dplinks.htm. The alt.activism.deathpenaltynews group dedicated to the capital punishment issue. http://www.religioustolerance.org/execut6.htm | |
49. Celebrate Life Alternatives To The Death Penalty Indianapolis Coalition to Abolish the death penalty Indiana InformationCenter on the Abolition of capital punishment www.iicacp.org/. http://www.indyaccess.org/library/death_penalty_alternatives.htm | |
50. Electric Current Through An Electric Chair Laurence A History of capital punishment reports the This is a cruel descriptionof punishment. not use electric chairs for their death penalty; only lethal http://hypertextbook.com/facts/AprilDunetz.shtml | |
51. Juveniles Against Capital Punshment / Norway Juveniles Against capital punishment, is working to get teenagers devoted to work against, and eduacte about death penalty especially in the United States. Founded by Ann Kristin Fredriksen and http://www.angelfire.com/ms/philantrop | |
52. Sojourners : Get Connected : Links Key Words capital punishment, death penalty, HUMAN RIGHTS, PRISON, PRISONERS,PRISONS,. Don t Kill AbuAli. http://www.sojo.net/index.cfm?action=get_connected.links&mode=keyword_detail&key |
53. Pat Robertson Calls For Death Penalty Moratorium, Sojourners Magazine/July-Augus of voices questioning the application of the death penaltyÂincluding the he remainsa supporter of capital punishment, citing Old http://www.sojo.net/index.cfm?action=magazine.article&issue=soj0007&article=0007 |
54. From Saved By Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 Subject Information Center, which opposes capital = punishment. /P P smaller=20 percentageof capital crimes are opposed overturning state death = penalty=20 laws. /P http://www.abanet.org/crimjust/juvjus/dparticles/wpostsimmons12704.mht | |
55. :: Ez2Find :: Death Penalty An interactive exploration of capital punishment, including arguments www.thepubliccause.net/deathpenalty.html;punishment The death penalty Site Info http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Society/Issues/Crime_and_Jus | |
56. Sojourners a more fully informed national discussion on the death penalty. organizations formedthe National Commission on capital punishment. http://www.sojourners.com/soj9605/960544.html | |
57. Sojourners Pelke s public stand against the death penalty initially caused tension him and hisfather, who favored capital punishment for Paula http://www.sojourners.com/soj9505/950526.html | |
58. Toronto Patterson - Texas Death Row Images from Focus on capital punishment American University Texas on the chargeof capital Murder 2002 Canadian Coalition Against the death penalty This page http://www.ccadp.org/torontopatterson.htm | |
59. FindingWeb Directory - /Society/Issues/Crime_and_Justice penalty Information An interactive exploration of capital punishment, includingarguments punishment The death Search death penalty at FindingWeb Search. http://dir.findingweb.com/Top/Society/Issues/Crime_and_Justice/Death_Penalty | |
60. ZZ_Uncategorised The death penalty is the harshest form of punishment in the world capital punishment,is the execution of criminals by the state, for committing crimes http://www.studentcentral.co.uk/ZZ_Uncategorised/more5.html | |
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