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1. Death Penalty: Failures Of 3 Main Arguments hume@aol.com (Hume) Newsgroups alt.activism.deathpenalty. Subject Failures of 3 Main Arguments these high-school students, it does notjustify capital punishment for murderers. http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/27a/081.html | |
2. Amnesty : Death Penalty From a Usenet post to alt.atheism. Pro The threat of the death where the death penalty helps the guilty go free erodes the argument that capital punishment ensures no http://www.ichimusai.org/artiklar/arguments-against-dp.html | |
3. Death Penalty Links to capital punishmentfocused sites. some flexibility" about capital punishment but that he is alt.activism.death-penalty An emotional, sometimes hate-laced, news group dedicated to the http://goodlight.net/adnob97/htm-cn/deathp.htm | |
4. Omniseek: /Lifestyle /Crime /Correction And Rehabilitation /Death Penalty available...... spring/cap/group1.htm) capital punishment the death penalty. information from different religious ksebung/jericho.html) Usenet alt.activism.death-penalty. No http://www.omniseek.com/srch/{83637} | |
5. PlanetPapers - The Alternative For Death Penalty Completely free essays. papers and reports on all topics. Thousands of studentwritten essays all completely free and online now, New essays daily. debate about the death penalty? The public cannot agree on the effectiveness of the capital punishment laws in the furhter illustrate the alt. of the d.penalty and how that http://www.planetpapers.com/Assets/3513.php | |
6. NIC - Alt.activism.death-penalty For people opposed to capital punishment. Readers 13000 (0.3%) {57%}Mesgs per month/day 2531/84 {87%} Crossposting 18% {58%} Megs http://metalab.unc.edu/usenet-i/groups-html/alt.activism.death-penalty.html | |
7. THE 8TH AMENMDENT & THE DEATH PENALTY THE 8TH AMENDMENT THE death penalty. USE THE FOLLOWING LINKS TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS What has the Supreme Court had to say about the death penalty? Has it ever declared capital punishment to be unconstitutional? When? Why? http//www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/po.html alt. In Virginia? http://www.homestead.com/fchsssd/files/THE_8TH_AMENDMENT.htm | |
8. Open Directory - Society: Issues: Crime And Justice: Death Penalty death penalty Information An interactive exploration of capital punishment, including arguments for and against March 4, 2003) Usenet alt.activism.death-penalty - news http://open.thumbshots.org/Society/Issues/Crime_and_Justice/Death_Penalty | |
9. Dud Arguments About Capital Punishment dud arguments from my experience on the usenet group alt. activism.deathpenalty ,but duds similar to these may Characterizing capital punishment as barbaric http://www-personal.umich.edu/~spragge/duds.html | |
10. Open Hand: Internet Ethics In the spring of 1995, a participant in the usenet discussion group on capital punishment,alt.activism.deathpenalty, posted an abstract to a selection of the http://www-personal.umich.edu/~spragge/ethics.html | |
11. Criminology Punishment recently, I had taken an indifferent view on capital punishment. held a strong opinionon the death penalty.Sister Helen Women In Crime by Betty alt and Sandra http://law-books.org/Criminology_Punishment.html | |
12. "hello" costs more than incarceration Author M. Lucas Email vsd76@hotmail.com Date 1998/10/07Forums alt.activism.deathpenalty capital punishment COSTS MORE THAN http://www.physics.niu.edu/~morphis/death_costs.html | |
13. Alt.muslim - Your Muslim News Community Dying for a Consensus on capital punishment. which the death penalty is an appropriatepunishment for a difficult that (the likelihood of a death sentence) is http://www.altmuslim.com/islam_comments.php?id=440_0_17_0_C |
14. From Saved By Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 Subject Supreme whether the Constitution prohibits = the death penalty for crimes 0A= var google_hints=3D = capital+punishment,Children+and 3Dtop align=3Dleft IMG alt=3D The http://www.abanet.org/crimjust/juvjus/dparticles/nytsimmons12704.mht | |
15. Death Penalty - Other Resources (Ohio ESL) Google group search capital punishment . Google group search deathpenalty . newsgroup alt.activism.deathpenalty. HOME BACK http://www.ohiou.edu/esl/project/penalty/net.html |
16. Should Berry Be Executed?: Respect The Dignity Of His Choice By Ronald J. Pestri devote so much energy to confronting capital punishment with every the human dignityto which death penalty opponents are of Abu Ghraib by Robert alt God and http://www.ashbrook.org/publicat/oped/pestritto/98/berry.html | |
17. Internships leads the movement to abolish capital punishment, developing strategic lawmakers andthe antideath penalty movement. ac=47639 border= 0 alt= WebSTAT - Free http://www.ncadp.org/html/internships.html | |
18. ERUUF's Death Penalty Abolition Web Site the death penalty. Feel like discussing your opinions with the world? alt.prisonsnewsgroup (longstanding website where prison reform and capital punishment http://www.eruuf.org/capital_punishment.htm | |
19. MPR: Archive For Michael Khoo of death penalty to Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty is asking legislators to let Minnesotavoters decide whether the state should reintroduce capital punishment http://news.minnesota.publicradio.org/tools/search/author/author_collection.php? |
20. MPR: Archive For February 2004 Pawlenty announced in December that he supports capital punishment for extreme casesof first degree murder. Critics say the death penalty doesn t deter crime http://news.minnesota.publicradio.org/tools/search/date/month_collection.php?mon |
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