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81. NCADP: National Coalition To Abolish The Death Penalty 5/12/2004 HIGH COURT JUSTICE US WOULD BE BETTER OFF WITHOUT death PENALTY US thiscountry would be much better off if we did not have capital punishment. 5/11 http://www.ncadp.org/ | |
82. American Civil Liberties Union executions; Broken Justice The death Penalty in Virginia; Dead EndA NoNonsense Resource on capital punishment. Oppose Expansion http://www.aclu.org/death-penalty/ | |
83. US Supreme Court Justice Scalia On Capital Punishment: "Death Is No Big Deal" Scalia spoke in January at the University of Chicago, and commented, "Indeed, it seems to me that the more Christian a country is, the less likely it is to regard the death penalty as immoral . http://www.wsws.org/articles/2002/jul2002/scal-j05.shtml | |
84. Death Penalty Links And Resources. -- Rominger Legal Services Capital Punishment capital Defender s Toolbox capital punishment Life or death? capital punishmentthe death Penalty information from different religious perspectives. http://www.romingerlegal.com/deathpenalty.htm | |
85. DPINFO Legal Information Friends For Life working for the abolition of capital punishment.Individual cases, appeals for help, death penalty information. http://www.dpinfo.com/negdplinks.htm | |
86. Who Owns Death? Capital Punishment, The American Conscience, And The End Of Exec Who Owns death? capital punishment, the American Conscience, and theEnd of Executions. Who Owns death? capital punishment, the American http://www.legallibraries.com/Who_Owns_Death_Capital_Punishment_the_American_Con | |
87. Capital Punishment Saves Lives Whether you support or oppose capital punishment, goes the ACLU s With a largelyantideath penalty media cheering in the background, perhaps it could. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/695503/posts | |
88. BCCLA Position Paper: Capital Punishment, 1972 evidence we have been able to obtain as to the deterrent effect of capital punishment,may be stated as follows Prima facie, the penalty of death is likely to http://www.bccla.org/positions/dueprocess/72capital.html | |
89. Death Penalty Commission on capital punishment http//www.idoc.state.il.us/ccp/ A 14member Commissionon capital punishment to closely examine Illinois s death penalty. http://talkjustice.com/links.asp?453053911 |
90. Looking At The Death Penalty capital punishment, Life or death. A class project by University of Texas students.The death Penalty Page. capital punishment Arguments for Life and death. http://www.uncp.edu/home/vanderhoof/death.html | |
91. My Letter To The Nation On Capital Punishment Rather than make the case for the immorality of capital punishment, major anti deathpenalty groups and individuals have instead concentrated excessively on http://www.leftwatch.com/articles/2000/000026.html | |
92. Capital Punishment The death Penalty Part IV The ChurchÂs participation in the debate on capitalpunishment, as on any public policy, seeks to convince our fellow citizens http://www.catholicexchange.com/clibrary/category.asp?category_id=104&main_cat_i |
93. Letters To The Editor In practice, capital punishment has become a kind of grotesque lottery. It cannotbe disputed that most death row inmates come from poverty and that there is a http://www.progress.org/archive/gonza.htm | |
94. AlterNet: DEATH UNPLUGGED six states and the federal government are now conducting reviews of their capitalpunishment systems. Action Alert Largest antideath penalty conference ever http://www.alternet.org/?IssueAreaID=11 |
95. Death Penalty And The ACLU ACLU death Penalty Camapign. http//archive.aclu.org/death-penalty/ -. You arecurrently visiting the ACLU online archives. These pages are not updated. http://www.aclu.org/issues/death/hmdp.html | |
96. Death Penalty Links The Illinois Coalition Against The death Penalty; Indiana Citizens to Abolish CapitalPunishment; death Penalty in Indiana by the Clark County Prosecuting http://www.derechos.org/dp/ | |
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