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21. Focus On The Death Penalty Current Issues in capital punishment The death Penalty Today From the death AmnestyInternational death Penalty Websites Primarily antideath penalty sites http://www.uaa.alaska.edu/just/death/ | |
22. Death Penalty Links On Rights and capital punishment, by Russell Madden. (1996) Response letter writtento George H. Smith, author of an antideath penalty article apperaring in http://www.clarkprosecutor.org/html/links/dplinks.htm | |
23. Pro-Life, Anti-Death Penalty? By James R. Kelly And Christopher Kudlac, America Catholics became consistently both against abortion and capital punishment. most favorabletoward the death penalty. leads to very clear antiabortion sentiment http://www.americamagazine.org/articles/kellyprolifeantideathpenalty.cfm | |
24. WWW Links of Justice s statistics from 1977 to 1995 on capital punishment how its It includeslinks to current news items concerning the antideath penalty movement and http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/angel/wwwlinks.html | |
25. Pro-death Penalty.com capital punishment is a topic that brings up deep emotional reactions for those onboth sides of With very few exceptions, these sites are antideath penalty. http://www.prodeathpenalty.com/ | |
26. Death Penalty Links a curriculum about the death penalty, definitely with an antideath penalty prejudice;CNN Student News - Scheduled to Die; capital punishment Resources at http://www.prodeathpenalty.com/links.htm | |
27. Death Penalty/Capital Punishment Campaign for Criminal Justice Reform More antideath penalty statistics and opinionsalong with capital punishment report cards for 28 of the fifty states. http://library.smc.edu/research/topics/deathpenalty.htm | |
28. Capital Punishment antideath penalty advocates argue that imprisonment itself could deter criminals. HugoAdam Bedau in his article, capital punishment and Social Defense http://www.bridgeport.edu/~darmri/capital.html | |
29. Powell's Books - Against Capital Punishment: The Anti-Death Penalty Movement In Against capital punishment The antideath Penalty Movement in America, 1972-1994by Herbert H Haines Condition Standard. Available at Burnside. Free Shipping! http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?inkey=1-0195132491-0 |
30. Catholics Against Capital Punishment awareness of Catholic Church teachings that characterize capital punishment as unnecessary Bydisseminating news of Catholicoriented anti-death penalty efforts http://www.cacp.org/pages/585134/ | |
31. The Abolitionist Pages - Anti-death Penalty - Capital Punishment - Materials punishment and the Bible (Scottsdale, Pa; Herald Press, 2002); Megivern, CAPITALpunishment THE CURIOUS Organizations Supporing A Moratorium on death Penalty. http://users.cwnet.com/jjlynch/Abolitionist/ | |
32. Reappraising Death: The New Debate Over Capital Punishment case against capital punishment. The good news is that years of hardscrabble organizinghave created an infrastructure of local anti-death penalty groups in http://www.soros.org/initiatives/justice/articles_publications/articles/newdebat | |
33. DPINFO Legal Information capital punishment Life or death; The antideath Penalty Movement hasFailed; A Response to the Bedau and Radelet Study (Justice For All); http://www.dpinfo.com/prodplinks.htm | |
34. CJBS: Capital Punishment Included in the anticapital punishment defense were arguments that the death penaltyis not a deterrent, is morally offensive and an archaic form of punishment http://www.cpa.ca/ogloff.htm | |
35. Creative Ideas, Capital Punishment And Right To Life of witch hunting, slavery, and evolved out of the anticommunist fever In other wordsputting some one to death is equivalent of capital punishment, No Reason. http://www.creativeideasforyou.com/no_capital_punishment.html | |
36. Against Capital Punishment: The Anti-Death Penalty Movement In America, 1972-199 Against capital punishment The antideath Penalty Movement in America,1972-1994. Against capital punishment The anti-death Penalty http://www.legallibraries.com/Against_Capital_Punishment_The_AntiDeath_Penalty_M | |
37. Against Capital Punishment: The Anti Death Penalty Movement In America 1972 1994 Against capital punishment The anti death Penalty Movement in America1972 1994 Herbert H Haines. Against capital punishment The http://www.west-midlands-woodturners.co.uk/Herbert-H-Haines-Against-Capital-Puni | |
38. OUP: Against Capital Punishment: Haines Against capital punishment The anti-death Penalty Movement in America,1972-1994. Herbert H. Haines, Professor of Sociology, State http://www.oup.co.uk/isbn/0-19-513249-1 | |
39. YOU CAN LOOK IT UP (Abortion V Capital Punishment For Catholics) YOU CAN LOOK IT UP (Abortion v capital punishment for Catholics) NRO The To swilhelm73.Pro-lifers are predominately anti-death penalty AND anti-uthenasia. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1125558/posts | |
40. Criminal Justice In America--Links, Chap. 16--Capital Punishment capital punishment Statistics The latest statistics and publications on the deathpenalty Karla Tucker Homepage This is an antideath penalty memorial to Karla http://www.crf-usa.org/links/cja/cja_ch16.htm | |
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