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61. Know Your Sport The sport reached the olympic Games in 1924. Almost half a century later, in Munich in 1972, canoe/kayak branched out into the dramatic whitewater version, the http://www.woaolympians.com/canoe.html | |
62. Olympic Preview: Canoe/Kayak canoe/kayak. First olympic Appearance 1924. by Gerry Brown. FIRST OF ALL, there are some basic differences between canoes and kayaks. The canoe paddler kneels to paddle while the kayaker paddles sitting down. There are two distinct disciplines in the canoe/kayak competitions slalom and sprint http://www.factmonster.com/spot/ol-canoe.html | |
63. Welcome To The United States Canoe And Kayak Federation Website taking whitewater paddlers, sea kayaking professionals escaping pressures, families enjoying canoe outings on manages the two olympic disciplines, whitewater http://www.usacanoekayak.org/awho.htm | |
64. Pro Sport ::: Olimpiada 2004 :: Olimpiada-sporturi 29. 17 August 2004. Event, Time, Venue. Men s C1 canoe Single Heats 1st Run, 1000 - 1040, olympic canoe/kayak Slalom Centre. Women s http://www.prosport.ro/?c=53&sport=Canoe_Kayak_Slalom_Racing |
65. Pro Sport ::: Olimpiada 2004 :: Olimpiada-sporturi canoe / kayak Flatwater Racing. 23 August 2004. Event, Time, Venue. Men s K1 1000m Heats, 0830 0854, Schinias olympic Rowing and canoeing Centre. http://www.prosport.ro/?c=53&sport=Canoe_Kayak_Flatwater_Racing |
66. Canoeing founded in 1924, is the sport s highest authority The men s canoe / kayak flatwater racing disciplines were first included in the olympic Games competition http://www.ana.gr/olympics/English/pages/OlympicSports/Canoeing.html | |
67. CBS.SportsLine.com - Olympics Schedules Time, Sport, Event, Venue. 130 am, canoe/kayak Flatwater, Semifinals Men s kayak Single 500meter, Schinias olympic Rowing and canoeing Center. http://cbs.sportsline.com/olympics/summer/schedules/daily/0826 | |
68. Washingtonpost.com: Canoe/Kayak http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/sports/olympics/longterm/cankayak/front.htm | |
69. Olympics Canoe Flatwater Tickets The main features of this sport are power and canoe / kayak flatwater incorporate speed races for nine individual m or 1,000 m, respectively (olympic distances http://www.cheappremiumtickets.com/Olympics/Olympics_Canoe_Flatwater_Tickets.cfm | |
70. Olympics Canoe Slalom Tickets An olympic sport must be widely practiced by men in at Purchase olympics canoe Slalom Tickets. The basic features of canoe / kayak slalom are dexterity, power http://www.cheappremiumtickets.com/Olympics/Olympics_Canoe_Slalom_Tickets.cfm | |
71. SLAM! Sports: 2000 Summer Games: Canoe/Kayak 27 Reigning canoe champion Doktor disqualified Sept. 27 Brunet powers into pair of finals in kayak Sept. 23 Angel Perez reaches Olympics again Sept. http://www.canoe.ca/2000GamesCanoeKayak/moreheadlines.html | |
72. Athens Rentals Summer 2004: Location Map Olympic Venues Volleyball, Peace and Friendship Stadium. Helliniko olympic Complex. Sport, Venue. canoe / kayak Slalom, HCO (Helliniko) olympic canoe kayak Slalom Centre. http://mykonos-accommodation.com/athens-home-rentals-location.htm | |
73. Olympic Peninsula Multi Sport Adventure Washington State: Kayaking, Canoeing, Mu adventure where you ll bike the olympic Mountains, Trek coast, surf National Park beaches, kayak an ocean river, explore romote hotsprings and canoe across a http://www.infohub.com/TRAVEL/SIT/sit_pages/11105.html | |
74. Canoe/ Kayak  News Reports, Sydney Results, Ancient Origins, Olympic History, developed the faltboot, German for folding canoe, a lightweight Eastern Germans later developed a kayak with a years before it became an olympic sport in Berlin http://www.times-olympics.co.uk/communities/canoe/canoeancient.html | |
75. Canoe/ Kayak  News Reports, Sydney Results, Ancient Origins, Olympic History, canoes, kayaks and folding canoes were all in evidence, but the olympic life of the folding canoe was a brief one it would never be seen again. http://www.times-olympics.co.uk/communities/canoe/canoehistory.html | |
76. Www.2005worldmasters.com - Sprint Canoe/Kayak Sport Introduction Sprint canoe / kayak racing is an olympic sport in which paddlers race in kayaks and canoes over a clearly defined, unobstructed course in the shortest http://www.2005worldmasters.com/bcm/wmgames/wmgames-website.nsf/0/3D45D089C69E60 |
77. MSNBC - Olympics - Schedules Front Page Tennis. Olympics. AFL. College Football. News. Business. sports. Tech / Science. Entertainment. , Small Business Tips. canoe / kayak. MONDAY, AUG. 23, Schinias Centre. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4688142/ | |
78. Olympic Flatwater Canoe Kayak Tickets For Athens 2004 olympic flatwater canoe kayak tickets. canoe/kayak Flatwater Heats M W, 8/23/2004 Monday 830am, Schinias olympic Rowing and canoeing Centre, $175, $165. http://www.razorgator.com/athens-2004/flatwater-canoe-tickets.html |
79. Olympic Slalom Canoe Kayak Tickets For Athens 2004 olympic slalom canoe kayak tickets. Athens 2004 Summer Games. canoe/kayak Slalom Heats, 8/17/2004 Tuesday 1000am, olympic canoe/kayak Slalom Centre, $175, $165. http://www.razorgator.com/athens-2004/slalom-canoe-tickets.html | |
80. Filoxenia '04 Schinias olympic Rowing and canoeing Centre. Sport, Venue. canoe / kayak Flatwater, Schinias olympic Rowing and canoeing Centre. Rowing, http://www.filoxenia2004.com/choice_location.asp | |
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