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21. Terminology For The Lanier Canoe 2003 Club (LCKC) and Lake Lanier Rowing Club (LLRC) are volunteer clubs formed to preserve the legacy of the two olympic sports, Flatwater canoe / kayak, and Rowing http://www.laniercanoe2003.org/terminology_for_the_lanier_canoe.htm | |
22. Summer Olympics 2000 Canoe/Kayak Fan Guide Check out each sport s fan guide for more In the Crosshairs looks at the olympic sports. canoe/kayak in the Crosshairs. olympic competition dates Sept. http://espn.go.com/oly/summer00/canoekayak/s/viewers.html | |
23. SLAM! Sports: 2000 Summer Games: Canoe/Kayak Pick a sport. 1 Fischer becomes Germany s alltime olympic best. More canoe/kayak Headlines. http://www.canoe.ca/2000GamesCanoeKayak/home.html | |
24. Texaco Press Release - USA Canoe/Kayak Announces The 2000 Texaco Whitewater Slal Texaco sponsor our National Championships, said USA canoe/kayak Executive Director These organizations govern and cultivate olympic sports and select amateur http://www.chevrontexaco.com/news/archive/texaco_press/2000/pr5_30d.asp | |
25. USATODAY.com - Kayaker Has Hawaii In Her Heart And On Her Boat In this olympic year, USATODAY.com will give athletes 10 questions to help them explain their sports and themselves. Kathy Colin (canoe/kayak). http://www.usatoday.com/sports/olympics/athens/sea/2004-05-21-colin-10_x.htm | |
26. USATODAY.com - Armstrong Takes Prize With Peachy Performance Sport Select a sport. canoe/kayak The US earned the maximum number of olympic berths in http://www.usatoday.com/sports/olympics/2004-04-27-aow-armstrong_x.htm | |
27. FANOFUNNY - CartooNet Festival 2000 "Olympic Humour" : Sports race Athletics running Baseball Basketball Boxing canoe/kayak Cycling Cycling Tennis Volleyball Volleyball Beach Water polo Weightlifting Wrestling Olympics, http://www.fanofunny.com/olympichumour/eng/sport-17.html | |
28. Athens Summer Games Tickets Athens Summer Games Event Tickets Tickets olympic sports Complex Indoor Hall BEACH VOLLEYBALL Tickets olympic Beach Volleyball Centre BOXING Tickets Peristeri olympic Boxing Hall canoe/kayak http://www.wstickets.com/olympics/games/olympics_tickets.html | |
29. CANOE/KAYAK SLALOM RACING Tickets CANOE/KAYAK SLALOM RACING Event Tickets canoe/kayak SLALOM RACING Ticket Prices, Tickets for Athens Summer sports Athens Summer sports in olympic canoe / kayak Slolom Centre Athens. http://www.wstickets.com/olympics/games/canoeing_tickets.html | |
30. Canoeing Price QTY COKE canoe SLALOM PICTOGRAM PIN, Price QTY COKE canoe kayak sports EQUIPMENT PIN. Price QTY SHELL canoe kayak olympic MEDALLION, Price QTY http://www.aussiepinshop.com.au/ezi/category71_1.htm | |
31. Corfunet.com - Olympic Games 2004 and olympic Indoor Hall, Athens olympic sports Complex. Boxing, 14 29, Persteri olympic Boxing Hall, West canoe/kayak Flatwater Racing, 23 - 28, Schinias olympic http://www.corfunet.com/misc/olympics.php | |
32. History Of Canoeing & Kayaking Competitive canoe/kayak flatwater racing is a relatively new sport. canoeing as an olympic sport began in 1924 as a demonstration sport, and became an official http://www.chevroncars.com/wocc/lrn/artcl/artcl.jhtml?id=/content/Sports/a1846.x |
33. Apada - Athens 2004 Olympic Games Page - By EVENT Finals, olympic Indoor Hall (Athens olympic sports Complex AOSC 1 (Faliron Coastal Zone olympic Complex canoe/ kayak - Slalom, olympic canoe / kayak Slalom Venue http://www.apada.com/2004/2004_ByEVENT.html |
34. Apada - Athens 2004 Olympic Games Page - Stadiums near Marathonas, the complex will contain the olympic canoe/kayak and Rowing Center and will thus be the venue for 2 of the 28 sports canoe/kayak, and Rowing. http://www.apada.com/2004/2004_Stadiums.html | |
35. CANOE/KAYAK Canoeing and kayaking became more of a leisure activity when other methods of travel became available, eventually becoming an olympic sport in 1936. http://www.canadagames.ca/Content/Sports/Sport Profiles.asp?ItemID=1980&LangID=1 |
36. Women's Sports Foundation Go Get Fit Sprint canoe racing is currently an olympic sport for men but not for women, and year 2000, women were forbidden in the bylaws of USA canoe/kayak (USACK) from http://www.womenssportsfoundation.org/cgi-bin/iowa/sports/gogetfit/article.html? |
37. Summary Of Olympic Games Sports fours (K4) and the 1000m canoe for singles WomenÂs competition includes 500m kayak for singles CYCLING Â MOUNTAIN BIKE Parnitha olympic Mountian Bike Venue http://www.cartan.com/summarysports.htm | |
38. Press Box - CANOE/KAYAK - Doug Haney Joins USACK Staff - 6/12/2001 been a sports fan and huge participant, said Haney. While at the USOC, I fell in love with my job and the olympic movement. The USA canoe/kayak staff and http://usocpressbox.org/usoc/pressbox.nsf/0/1625d14e9aa6020685256a6900729d45?Ope |
39. Olympic Games Greece 2004 Athens Olympics Schedule Athens Complex, and olympic Indoor Hall, Athens olympics sports Complex. 29 August 2004, Peristeri olympic Boxing Hall canoe / kayak Flatwater Racing, 23 28 August 2004, http://www.aroundgreece.com/olympics-athens-2004-schedule.html | |
40. HNMS / List Of Sports' Venues Athens olympic sports Complex, Aquatics (Diving, Swimming Schinias olympic Rowing and canoeing Centre, canoe / kayak (canoe/kayak_Flatwater_Racing, canoe http://www.hnms.gr/emy/english/ath2004/venues/sports_venues_list_html | |
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