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41. ADW: Sus Salvanius: Information hogs have well developed teeth, with upturned canines and molars it was placed inthe Critically endangered category. home.net/rchung/pigs/index.html List_info http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Sus_salvanius.ht | |
42. Just For Kids - Ages 9-12 - Non-Fiction - Animals - Mammals Takes a look at extraordinary canines, presenting real stories from endangered Animalsseries photos, table of contents, glossary, bibliography, index, range map http://www.just-for-kids.com/912NFMA.HTM | |
43. Science Biology Flora And Fauna Animalia Chordata Mammalia wolf restoration, support captive breeding of highly endangered canines such as http//mywebpage.netscape.com/ecnewletter/index.html;TrophyGallery.Com contains http://world.ammissione.it/browse_/Science/Biology/Flora_and_Fauna/Animalia/Chor |
44. Boxer Dog Site Web Useful Links. Site Map about Courteous canines, LLC dog training, as well as regarding rare and endangered species. Dog Owner s Guide Site index http://www.animalresourcepages.com/boxers/11/boxer-dog-site-web.html | |
45. SPARKLES VINTAGE COSTUME JEWELRY - Tips & Newsletters or use the index links at the bottom of The only animal whose upper canines grow upwardsthrough Convention on the International Trade in endangered Species of http://www.sparklz.com/info/ivory2.htm | |
46. The Internet International Directory: A Behavior modification for canines is the general topic Information on endangered speciesworldwide is available here Address http//www.wcmc.org.uk/index.html. http://www.fos.ut.ac.ir/links/home/inter/Internet/HTML/a1.htm | |
47. Andy Kerr - Welcome Back The Wolf today) didn t help the game, nor the wild canines that preyed who drift in willbring the protections of the endangered Species Act Go back to column index. http://www.andykerr.net/ChieftainCols/Col11.html | |
48. Wolf Park - Wolf Hybrid Position They do, however, need some contact with other canines, or should the same thing,the image of an entire endangered species suffers. Back to Wolfdog index page. http://www.wolfpark.org/wolfdogs/guidelines.html | |
49. Wild Dogs-WCVB-TV Pet Center canines are the most widespread predators on earth, and many are among the most thewhite Arctic Wolf, the diminutive Asiatic Wolf, the endangered Mexican Wolf http://wcvb-tvpet.ip2m.com/index.cfm?pt=itemDetail&item_id=2296&site_cat_id=106 |
50. Outdoors-411.com Forums - View Topic to remove the wolves from the endangered Species List. http//www.billingsgazette.com/index.php?ts=1 display withcattle, and absolutely hate canines when left http://www.outdoors-411.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?topic=1903&forum=4&4 |
51. :: Ez2Find :: Simulated Pets URL http//operationpetgame.com/games/index.php?game=4309; programs struggle to savethis endangered predator Window A place to train Eorlan, canines that can http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Games/Online/Virtual_Pets/Si | |
52. Lecture 34 - Perissod. 2 inguinal (= groin region) mammae; Upper incisors and canines are retained Vulnerableendangered. thePrzewalski Horse http//www.treemail.nl/takh/index.htm. http://www.uvm.edu/~jdecher/Lecture31.html | |
53. Ladywildlife Index Of Wildlife endangered Wildlife of the world. I will be making a new index page foreach catagory soon, due to the lengthy time of loading this page. http://ladywildlife.com/index2a.html | |
54. Wild Dog Foundation A project of The World Carnivore Society, dedicated to promoting wolf restoration, supporting captive breeding and promoting conservation of endangered canines. http://www.wilddog.org/ |
55. De Wildt Cheetah And Wildlife Centre - North West Province - South Africa - Enda Why was the cheetah once an endangered species? Other doglike features are weak jaws,small canines, and paws with hard foot-pads making it difficult for them http://www.dewildt.org.za/cheetah/ | |
56. The Unique Cyberpet Ring local superstition and its large size makes the fairly intelligent animal very endangered. DateJanuary 02, 2003 A very unique site with all sorts of canines! http://www.ringsurf.com/netring?action=info&ring=uniquecyberpets |
57. Index Of Published Posts For Dog News Takara Matsushita Electric Industrial index Corp ; dog Operation Devil Dog hotcanines cooling vests; Koala endangered species Australia; search and rescue http://radio.weblogs.com/0107233/posts.html | |
58. CILP Subject Index -- December 5, 2003 Aristotelidis, Jorge G. Trained canines at the US The growing conflict between theEndangered Species Act and Back to index (TOP) .To Tables of Contents | |
59. Page Title endangered Species Coalition NO ESA HELP FOR IMPERILED ISLAND FOXES Efforts to sizedfox one of North America s most imperiled canines. Biologists estimate http://www.linkny.com/~civitas/page290.html | |
60. Revista De BiologÃa Tropical - Cystine nephrolithiasis in an endangered canid, Chrysocyon brachyurus (CarnivoraCanidae a cystine urolithiasis frequency of 3% in domestic canines (Coppo 1991 http://www.scielo.sa.cr/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-7744199900030003 |
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