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81. Prostate Cancer - Humana Press Comprehensive and cuttingedge, Prostate cancer Biology, genetics, and the NewTherapeutics synthesizes all the major recent work that is not only rapidly http://www.humanapress.com/Product.pasp?txtCatalog=HumanaBooks&txtProductID=1-59 |
82. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Research in cancer biology, plant genetics, genomics and bioinformatics, and neurobiology. http://www.cshl.org/ | |
83. Colon Cancer Alliance: Genetics Only 10% of colorectal cancers are hereditary. Looking for more informationabout the genetic nature of colorectal cancer? This http://www.ccalliance.org/about/genetics/genetics.html | |
84. Roy R Swiger's Biotechnology Homepage, Genetics, Cancer, Links, Research, Academ Educational links for professionals and researchers in the field of cancer genetics, including the method of fluorescence insitu hybridization and its applications. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/3333/ | |
85. Colon Cancer Alliance: Genetics Of Colorectal Cancer article genetics of colorectal cancer understanding cancer genetics specificgenetic studies, genetics of Colorectal cancer By Wylie Burke, MD, PhD. http://www.ccalliance.org/about/genetics/genetics_of_colorectal.html | |
86. CNN.com - Quality Of Care, Genetics Possible Factors In Racial Breast Cancer Dif CNN http://cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/cancer/06/12/black.cancer.wmd/index.html | |
87. Kimmel Cancer Institute: Genetics & Molecular Biology Program The genetics and Molecular Biology (GMB) Program of the Kimmel cancer Center iscomposed entirely of NIH funded investigators with interests in the basic http://www.kimmelcancercenter.org/Science/BasicSciencePrograms/GMB.htm | |
88. - - - - HEALTHOLOGY - - - - Dr. Linda T. Vahdat and Gladys Rosenthal, of the Strang cancer PreventionCenter, discuss the relationship between genetics and breast cancer. http://www.hormonalchange.healthology.com/focus_webcast.asp?f=breast_cancer&b=ho |
89. Cell -- Archive Of Issues By Date Published biweekly, it includes original research articles of exceptional significance in areas including molecular biology, biochemistry, cancer research, cell biology, developmental biology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, neurobiology, plant biology, structural biology and virology. http://www.cell.com/contents-by-date.0.shtml | |
90. Hospital Practice: Genetics Series Features articles on applied molecular genetics on topics such as cancer, obesity, and nervous disorders. Offers a journal search engine. http://www.hosppract.com/genetics.htm | |
91. Cleveland Clinic > Gastroenterology > Colon Cancer > Medical Genetics Program , HNPCC (Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer). A newly availabletest detects a genetic mutation linked to colon cancer in Ashkenazi Jews. http://www.clevelandclinic.org/gastro/colon/genetics/ | |
92. OBOS: Breast Cancer And Genetics and age. In addition, family history, and in a small number of casesgenetics, can indicate an increased risk for breast cancer. http://www.ourbodiesourselves.org/brca1.htm | |
93. Ribomed Home Page Develop and sell novel geneticsbased detection technologies for diagnosing and monitoring cancer and other diseases. Products include both diagnostic reagent kits and medical diagnostic devices. http://designergenesinc.com/ | |
94. Tumour Genetics Introduction cancer genetics. There are more than 200 different types of cancerand each year more than 77,000 Australians are diagnosed with the disease. http://www.tumourgenetics.com.au/intro.html | |
95. Atlas Chromosomes In Cancer of genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology gives concise and updatedreviews on genes, cytogenetic and clinical entities in cancer (leukemias and http://www.infobiogen.fr/services/chromcancer/ | |
96. Genetics Northwest - Kristen Beck - Genetic Counselor Offers prenatal and cancer genetic counseling, and genetic testing including paternity testing and Native American ancestry testing. A genetics library is also available for interlibrary loan and document delivery. http://www.geneticsnw.org/ | |
97. Women's Cancer Network - Cancer Info (Page 1 of 2) Next Page Ovarian cancer and genetics Publish DateJanuary 2, 2003. Most ovarian cancers are sporadic cancers http://www.wcn.org/interior.cfm?pagetype=detail&diseaseid=8&contentid=10416&feat |
98. Women's Cancer Network - Cancer Info (Page 1 of 1) Lung cancer and genetics Publish Date January 6, 2003. Tolearn more about genetics and cancer, click here. Return to Lung menu, http://www.wcn.org/interior.cfm?pagetype=detail&diseaseid=7&contentid=10428&feat |
99. Health 24 cancer and genetics The lost genetic material may have contained tumour suppressorgenes which would normally have prevented the growth of cancers. http://www.health24.com/centre.asp?action=centerarticle&show=boompie&Boompieid=3 |
100. University Of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center-Genetics cancer genetics. Specific Aims. To explain the origins of cancer in animalmodels by identifying genetic factors that affect tumor growth. http://www.cancer.wisc.edu/clinician/programs/genetics.html | |
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