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41. Brenner Laboratory Research on the function of histidine triad hydrolases, and members of the nitrilase superfamily using enzymology, yeast genetics and Xray crystallography. Located in the departments of genetics, Biochemistry and the Norris Cotton cancer Center at Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH. http://www.dartmouth.edu/~brenner/ | |
42. Rex Cancer Center - Genetics Clinic Rex cancer genetics Clinic. The Rex descent. Rex cancer genetics Clinicis located in the Rex cancer Center at 4420 Lake Boone Trail. The http://www.rexhealth.com/centers/cancer/genetics.htm | |
43. Onyx Pharmaceuticals : Changing The Way Cancer Is Treated  Discovers and develops novel therapeutics based upon the genetics of human disease, with emphasis on cancer. (Nasdaq ONXX). http://www.onyx-pharm.com/ | |
44. CellServ Innovative, Inexpensive Self-contained Kits For Unique Hands-on Laborat Handson laboratory training kits for High School and College Students for unique laboratory experiences and instruction in biology, genetics, cancer, and biotechnology. http://www.cellservkits.com | |
45. Cancer Genetics Laboratory Home Page Research in the laboratory involves four major research projects which straddle the broad areas of embryology, cell biology, genetics, molecular biology and tumourigenesis. The overall aim of the group is to dissect out the genetic events which lead to cancer. http://cancer.otago.ac.nz/ | |
46. UCSD Healthcare: Cancer: Cancer Genetics Unit cancer genetics Unit. An assessment of a patientâÂÂs personal risk of developingcancer, and the identification of appropriate genetic testing options. http://health.ucsd.edu/cancer/patcare/genetics/ | |
47. Welcome To Ramesh Kumar Ramalingam's Home Page PhD thesis on epidermal growth factor receptor in relation to monoclonal antibody culture and breast cancer. Includes molecular genetics glossary, and CV of researcher in Hyderabad, India. http://www.geocities.com/rgklink/ | |
48. UCSD Healthcare: Cancer: Cancer Genetics Unit: FAQ cancer genetics Unit Disease Information / FAQ. Collect and evaluate personal andfamily history information for signs of a genetic predisposition to cancer; http://health.ucsd.edu/cancer/patcare/genetics/faq.asp | |
49. William's Homepage Biography, album, photographic works, memory of father, advanced cancer research, immunology, traditional Chinese medicine, genetics and DNA, philosophy of living, new events and training courses. http://www.geocities.com/william_cs_cho/ |
50. Cancer: The Genetics Of Breast Cancer history of breast cancer who do not want to be tested or who test negative to makea contribution to scientific advancement in breast cancer genetics and also http://www.thedoctorwillseeyounow.com/articles/cancer/breast_3/ | |
51. LSUSU Gene Therapy Program The Gene Therapy Program is located in the Department of Medicine and affiliated with the Stanley S. Scott cancer Center and the Center for Human and Molecular genetics at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center at New Orleans. The major aim of the LSUHSC Gene Therapy Program is to develop new therapies for a series of genetic and acquired diseases including Cystic Fibrosis, Hemophilia, Krabbe's Disease and infectious diseases such as AIDS, TB, and pneumonia. http://www.medschool.lsumc.edu/GeneTherapy/Default.htm |
52. Cancer And Genetics | Valley Breast Center | Valley Medical Center The Valley Breast Center s cancer genetics Risk Assessment program helps you determineyour cancer risk and develop an individualized plan to minimize it. http://www.valleymed.org/services/breastcenter/c_n_g.asp | |
53. National Cancer Institute - Pituitary Tumor Home Page Information resource from the U.S. National cancer Institute which discusses genetics, causes, prevention and treatment matters. http://www.cancer.gov/cancer_information/cancer_type/pituitary_tumor | |
54. Latest Research On Breast Cancer And Genetics Genetic Mutations Associated with Breast cancer. 486495 (Mar 1997). Geneticsof breast cancer, Greene, Mayo Clin Proc 72 (1) 54-65 (Jan 1997). http://www.csu.edu.au/learning/ncgr/gpi/odyssey/BCAN2/genrisk.html | |
55. CSHLP America Publishers of titles on molecular and cell biology, genetics, cancer, microbiology, development, and neuroscience. http://www.cshlpress.com | |
56. M. D. Anderson Cancer Center - Molecular Genetics - Main Department uses molecular genetic approaches to study cell and tissue differentiation, and the genetic basis of human disease, including cancer. provides information on the faculty, graduate education, and seminars. http://www.mdanderson.org/departments/molgen | |
57. Colorectal Cancer And Genetics Colon cancer and genetics. Medical researchers suspected that a portionof colon and rectal cancer cases might have a genetic basis. http://www.csu.edu.au/learning/ncgr/gpi/odyssey/colon/ | |
58. Dalhousie Medical School, Nova Scotia, Canada Research in the neurosciences, cardiovascular, infectious disease, cancer cell biology, transplantation immunology, molecular genetics and population health. http://www.medicine.dal.ca/ | |
59. University Of Chicago Hospitals: Pancreatic Cancer Center: Genetics Of Pancreati in Chicago that offers genetic testing and screening for pancreatic cancer, saysFunmi Olopade, MD, director of the Center for Clinical cancer genetics. http://www.uchospitals.edu/specialties/cancer/pancreatic/genetics.php | |
60. CSHL - GenomicsÃ&ÃBioinformatics Sequencing and database maintenance, related to cancer, neurobiology, plant genetics, genomics and bioinformatics, at Cold Spring Harbor Loboratories, New York. http://www.cshl.org/public/genome.html | |
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