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1. Cancer GeneticsWeb - Home Page cancer geneticsWeb www.cancergenetics.org. http://www.cancerindex.org/geneweb/ | |
2. Ask NOAH About: Cancer Genetics Ask NOAH About cancer genetics. genetics Basics. Genetic Disorders Basics. cancer genetics Basics. Your Family History. What are cancer Genes? Gene Testing and Counseling. Gene Therapy. Special Considerations. Breast and Ovarian cancer genetics cancer genetics Oncology.com. cancer genetics Overview - National cancer Institute. cancer and http://www.noah-health.org/english/illness/cancer/cancgen.html | |
3. National Cancer Institute - Prevention, Genetics, Causes Breast cancer Prevention, genetics, Causes. Cervical cancer Prevention, genetics,Causes. cancer Prevention. cancer genetics. cancer Causes and Risk Factors. http://www.cancer.gov/cancerinfo/prevention-genetics-causes | |
4. The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle And Cancer Basic introduction to the eukaryotic division, and its relationship to oncogenes and tumour suppression, from to genetics of cancer, from North Dakota State University, Fargo. http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/instruct/mcclean/plsc431/cellcycle/cellcycl1.htm | |
5. Carolina Georgia Cancer Genetics Network Center What is the cancer genetics Network (CGN)? What are the questions the CGN is trying to answer history of cancer, registering in the cancer genetics Network (CGN) offers a unique http://cancer.med.unc.edu/cancergenetics | |
6. Www.cancergenetics.org/ cancer.gov genetics of Breast and Ovarian cancer (PDQ®) Date Last Modified 03/11/2004, genetics of Breast and Ovarian cancer. (Refer tothe PDQ summary cancer genetics Overview for more information on linkage analysis http://www.cancergenetics.org/ |
7. ThinkQuest : Library : Life: A Study Of Genetics And Molecular Biology Source of information from the basics to contemporary issues such as cloning and cancer. Includes interactive demonstrations and a discussion forum. http://library.thinkquest.org/20465/ | |
8. National Cancer Institute - Cancer Genetics cancer genetics. General cancer genetics Information. Glossary of Genetic Terms.Understanding Gene Testing. cancer genetics Overview (PDQ®). http://www.nci.nih.gov/cancerinfo/prevention-genetics-causes/genetics | |
9. Cancer Genetics And Developmental Biology [BC Cancer Research Centre] Research focuses on identifying genomic changes, and signaling and metabolic pathways associated with tumour progression. Includes information on research groups, staff, and related resources. http://www.bccrc.ca/cg/ | |
10. Division Of Cancer Epidemiology And Genetics (DCEG) Home Page Atlas of cancer Mortality. Breast cancer Risk Assessment Tool HER2 Polymorphism Increases Risk of Breast cancer. Formaldehyde Exposure May More from NCI NewsCenter. NCI cancer Bulletin http://www-dceg.ims.nci.nih.gov/ | |
11. Home Page Information about this Canadian institutional research strategy and database which addresses the genetic susceptibility of cancer. http://www.acgp.ca | |
12. Whitehead Institute The Whitehead Institute is a nonprofit, independent basic research and teaching institution recognized worldwide for pathfinding programs in cancer and AIDS research, developmental biology, structural biology, infectious disease, and genetics. http://www.wi.mit.edu/ | |
13. National Cancer Institute - Genetics Of Breast And Ovarian Cancer Refer to the PDQ summary cancer genetics Overview for more information on linkage analysis the PDQ summary on Elements of cancer genetics Risk Assessment and Counseling for more http://www.nci.nih.gov/cancerinfo/pdq/genetics/breast-and-ovarian | |
14. National Cancer Institute - Lung Cancer: Prevention, Genetics, Causes Search cancer genetics Services Directory genetics Search Page Directory ofprofessionals who provide services related to cancer genetic risk assessment http://www.cancer.gov/cancerinfo/prevention-genetics-causes/lung | |
15. Division Of Cancer Epidemiology And Genetics (DCEG)Human Genetics Program: Offic Established in 1996 to provide an expanded focus for interdisciplinary research into the genetic determinants of human cancer. http://www-dceg.ims.nci.nih.gov/hgp.html | |
16. National Cancer Institute - Cancer Genetics Overview cancer genetics Overview (PDQ®) Date Last Modified 12/18/2003. cancer genetics Overview. Significance of the Terms Mutation and Carrier. Assumptions Concerning the Identification of People With an http://www.nci.nih.gov/cancerinfo/pdq/genetics/overview | |
17. Cancer And Genetics national and international cancer support groups, genetic resources,genetic clinics with genetic counselors and geneticists. http://www.kumc.edu/gec/support/cancer.html |
18. Human Cancer Genetics The Division of Human cancer genetics at The Ohio State University. Located on the College of Medicine campus in Columbus, the overall mission of the Division is the rapid identification, analysis http://www.cancergenetics.med.ohio-state.edu/ | |
19. Cancer Center Home Provides information about prevention, diagnosis, support, community outreach, genetics, nutrition, research, clinical trials and news, as well as an introduction to the institution. Located in Charlottesville, Virginia. http://www.healthsystem.virginia.edu/internet/cancer/ | |
20. CGAP Collaboration Information about NCBI's involvement in NCI's CGAP collaboration. Collaborating on. public cancer data. PubMed. Entrez. BLAST of Nature genetics, entitled "A genomewide map of chromosomal breakpoints in human cancer", is continuously updated http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ncicgap | |
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