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101. Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference Brings together undergraduate students from across Canada to interact with worldclass technology leaders in industry and academia. http://www.cutc.ca/ | |
102. Intelligent Technology Solutions Inc. A canadian corporation that specializes in technical consulting and recruiting services. Practice areas include ecommerce, systems development and integration, technical infrastructure services, microelectronics, and project management. http://www.intelligentinc.com/ | |
103. Bienvenue à L'Agence Spatiale Canadienne - Welcome To The Canadian Space Agency Promotes the peaceful use and development of space, advances the knowledge of space through science and ensures that space science and technology provide social and economic benefits for Canadians. Provides news, resources and events. http://www.space.gc.ca/ | |
104. Intelligent Capital Partners Investment focus canadian companies in new technology related products or services. http://www.icpi.ca/ |
105. Technology The business strategy of technology articles, statistics and tips from a canadian perspective. http://www.canadaone.com/technology/ | |
106. Tomorrowtoday.com Science and technology news briefs from daily canadian television program. Includes current headlines plus earlier show transcripts, interactive videos and related links. http://www.tomorrowtoday.com/content/ | |
107. Source Canadian Source canadian is a recruitment company located in Halifax,recruiting sales, management, information technology and engineering personnel. Useful and interactive web site. http://www.sourcecanadian.com/ | |
108. Canada Institute For Scientific And Technical Information: Splash Page / Institu canadian research library for science, technology, engineering, and medicine. http://cisti-icist.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/ | |
109. Welcome To... / Bienvenue à ... Collections include over 600 web sites covering canadian history, geography, science, technology and culture, ranging from national treasures to local history. The site features educational resources, such as curriculum units, classroom activities, quizzes and games. Also available in French. http://collections.ic.gc.ca/ | |
110. Canadian Embassy - Paris, France / Ambassade Du Canada - Paris, France Presents information about canadianFrench relations, including co-operation in the fields of space, science and technology, as well as information about the embassy, consular services, and a list of links about Canada. http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/canadaeuropa/france/ | |
111. Ni-Ka Online - DFAIT / Ni-Ka En Direct - MAECI Offers information about investment, technology and science; political and economic relations, and about traveling and living in Japan. Has details of the canadian Embassy in Tokyo, the Consulates General in Osaka and in Fukuoka, the Consulate in Nagoya, and the trade sections of the offices of the Honorary Consuls in Hiroshima and Sapporo. http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/ni-ka/ | |
112. Faze Magazine Online canadian news magazine for teenagers covering a wide variety of topics such as social issues, technology, pop culture, sports and fitness, and entertainment. http://www.fazeteen.com/main.htm | |
113. Canadian Business Magazine Provides articles on technology, investing and other such topics as they relate to national economic issues. http://www.canadianbusiness.com/ | |
114. CACTS/SCTCA Active in the development and application of air cushion technology, primarily in transportation with hovercraft. http://www.vif.com/users/malina/cacts/default.htm | |
115. Accpac End To End Accounting And Accpac EBusiness Solutions For Small To Large E canadian reseller site features service packs, newsletter and contact information. http://www.omniceon.ca/ | |
116. HTML REDIRECT Regulatory reporting software for canadian industry. Developing online well test database for Canada. Consulting services include analysis of well tests and reservoir studies. http://www.rapid.ca/ |
117. Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Chapter Of NASTT The North American Society for Trenchless technology (NASTT) is an association of consulting engineers, educators, contractors, governmental agencies and regulators involved with the application of trenchless technologies. Our Chapter is an affiliate of NASTT and helps to represent the canadian perspective in the North American trenchless technology marketplace. http://www.nasttglsl.on.ca/ | |
118. William Buschert Consists mainly of professional things pertaining to teaching in philosophy and political theory. Also includes writing and links dealing with ethics in business and technology and canadian political theory. http://duke.usask.ca/~wjb289/ | |
119. R.F. Binnie & Associates A canadian municipal engineering and surveying company, located in British Columbia, Canada. Offices in Surrey, Burnaby, and Squamish. Services include trenchless technology. http://www.binnie.com/ |
120. Welcome To Baum Publications Ltd. Baum Publications includes canadian Environmental Protection, Heavy Equipment Guide, and Oil Gas Product News which each feature a special trenchless technology supplement. http://www.baumpub.com/ | |
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