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Canadian Socialized Medicine: more detail | ||||
81. - Comments On "Universal Health Care" spend. But let me make this clear Canada does not have socialized medicine it has rationed fee for service medicine. socialized http://www.insultsunpunished.com/wp-comments-popup.php?p=3027&c=1 |
82. TYSK - Health Care 30apr01, Canada Proposes Increased Privatization of their socialized medicine The logical argument here is if the private sector can deliver better, cheaper http://www.tysknews.com/Depts/Health_Care/health_care.htm | |
83. CET Archives: Re: Socialized Medicine -- Calling All Canadians! Re socialized medicine calling all Canadians! Maybe in reply to Christopher Zehnder socialized medicine calling all Canadians! ; http://www.cin.org/archives/cet/200006/0086.html | |
84. Socialized Medicine--One Size Fits None CL9902.html © 1999 Karen Selick socialized MedicineOne Size Fits None An edited version of this article first appeared in the February, 1999 issue of canadian Lawyer. http://www.karenselick.com/CL9902.html | |
85. HEALTHCARE IN CRISIS! IF YOU THINK IT'S BAD NOW... socialized medicine is on Life Support in Britain and Canada. New Medical Malpractice Website Blacklists Plaintiffs. The Cost of Medical Care. http://www.papillonsartpalace.com/healthca.htm | |
86. BCCKEFGHIJKMPQRS quality of care. You also have a working knowledge of a contrasting healthcare system of socialized medicine as is used in Canada. http://www.gsu.edu/~wwwche/webquest5h.htm | |
87. Iowa State Daily | Online Edition Canada, for example, is the darling of many advocates of socialized medicine. But the realities of Canada s idealized system loom http://www.iowastatedaily.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2003/12/09/3fd684bb52c0f | |
88. IAD - Health Insurance In Canada Despite its universal character, Canada does not have a system of socialized medicine. Most doctors in Canada are selfemployed in private practice and paid http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/datapcb/iad/insurance-e.htm | |
89. Wizbang: RINOs, Socialism Lite, And Drug Laundering If these mayors and governors are so enamored of the results of CanadaÂs pricecontrol system (and, by extension, itÂs socialized medicine program), let http://wizbangblog.com/archives/002149.php | |
90. Gore Endorses Canada's Medical System I doubt that the majority of American voters are going to imitate Canada. Despite the many disasters of socialized medicine, there are a number of reasons why http://www.mises.org/fullarticle.asp?control=1102&id=68 |
91. Re: How Bad Is SARS In Canada? in Canada. When (not if) SARS gets into the United States it will spread like wild fire. The neoconservatives scream and holler about socialized medicine but http://www.talkabouttravelling.com/group/alt.travel.canada.ontario/messages/3590 | |
92. Boston Review 7 Woolhandler and Himmelstein, socialized medicine is Good Fortin and Lothar W. Rehmer, Health Information Division, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Canada. http://www.bostonreview.net/BR20.4/Clyne_fn.html | |
93. Definition Stereotype Sick Drug Testing Article Drug New Prescription Drug Infor effect pain america in socialized medical drug america clinic emergencye north medicine back product american association sleep illness canada dental insurance http://www.geo-uiuc.org/ | |
94. News | Canada.com Network medicare. . Whether it is paid by chequebook, cash or credit card, though, private health care is already a canadian reality. Physicians http://www.canada.com/news/national/story.html?id=66c22c9b-bed7-4b7b-a34c-425972 |
95. Publicly Funded Medicine - Encyclopedia Article About Publicly Funded Medicine. the publicly funded medicine system is A private health service also operates in Canada. Social Security is a public organization (actually, several of them http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/publicly funded medicine | |
96. The Independent Institute | CanadaÂs ÂFree Health Care Has Hidden Costs, By in the New England Journal of medicine claimed that Socialist systems are notoriously oblivious to anguish, discomfort The Supreme Court of Canada will hear his http://www.independent.org/tii/news/040423Lemieux.html | |
97. Let's Decriminalize Health Insurance, By Pierre Lemieux (socialized Medicine) The canadian systemÂs originality lies in the scarcity of specialized private clinics (and Âprivate often means Ârun by private doctors, not http://www.pierrelemieux.org/arttwotier.html | |
98. Maine To Provide Universal Health Care - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics And we will all learn in the process, said Jay Wolfson, professor of public health and medicine at the University of South Florida. http://washingtontimes.com/national/20040329-102959-8881r.htm | |
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