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61. :: UTP HOME :: Publishes books and journals of academic and general interest. Special strengths in medieval and Renaissance studies, literature, and canadian history. http://utpress.utoronto.ca/ |
62. Math-Net Links: Collection Math.prov.soc Mathematical Societies and Associations. Collection math.prov.soc. Meta Index. CSHPM (Canada) canadian Society for the history and Philosophy of Mathematics http://www.math-net.de/links/content?xxx=YYY&collection=math.prov.soc |
63. 233 (Salmonsens Konversationsleksikon / Anden Udgave / Bind V: Cikorie - Demersa historik) 233 corona 1894; W. Page, The Victoria history of.the By i Dominion of Canada, prov. deltog i Syvaars-krigen som Adjutant hos general Granby og http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/salmonsen/2/5/0241.html | |
64. Engineering Institute Of Canada/Institut Canadien Des Ingénieurs A federation of canadian engineering societies that sponsors education standards, recognizes individual engineers and records engineering history. Overview, members, professional development and general information. http://www.eic-ici.ca/ | |
65. CanLinks: Directory Of Web Resources Relevant To Canadian Studies A directory of web resources relevant to canadian studies covering literature, arts, history, Quebec, museums and general information. http://lucking.net/canlinks/canlinks.htm |
66. From Colony To Country A Reader's Guide To Canadian Military History Bibliographical pathfinder for the general reader with an interest in Canada's military heritage. From the National Library of Canada. http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/milit/index-e.html |
67. Canadian Hi-Performance Discount: Serving The Needs Of Automotive And Performanc Sells components and parts to automotive and performance enthusiasts. Includes corporate history and general information, online catalogue, news, order, payment, shipping and returns information, also related links. http://www.hi-performance.com/ | |
68. Sled Dog Central - The Canadian Eskimo Dog Breed history and general description with nice pictures. http://sleddogcentral.com/canadian_eskimo.htm | |
69. Canada@Brazil / Canada@Brazil canadian Consulate general, with information and links about Canada and Brazil. http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/brazil/saopaulo/ | |
70. The Canadian Association Of General Surgeons Providing continuing education opportunities and public policies in the areas of clinical care, education, and research. http://cags.medical.org/ | |
71. OSH Answers: General Safety Tips A Service from the canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS). http://gala.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/safety_haz/woodwork/gen_safe.html | |
72. Macleans.ca Weekly general interest magazine featuring canadian and world news. http://www.macleans.ca | |
73. Canadian SKATE - News And Results From The Canadian Figure Skating Community A general site for fans of canadian skating. http://members.tripod.com/~CDNSK8/ | |
74. Canadian Amateur Tug Of War Associaton (CATOWA) general information about the association, results, photos, rules, chat and news. http://www.tugofwar.ca/ | |
75. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Pre-1773 History Of The Jesuits Visit New Advent for the Summa Theologica, Church Fathers, Catholic Encyclopedia and more. The history of the Jesuits in Italy was generally very of the Dominicans, and even their general, Fra Francisco Romero object was to secure a separate comissarygeneral for Spain http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14086a.htm | |
76. Canadian Flag Etiquette Contains general etiquette, vertical display, and order of provincial flags. http://flagspot.net/flags/ca_prtcl.html | |
77. Introduction - Inventory Of Canadian Digital Initiatives Provides descriptions of canadian information resources created for the Internet, including general digital collections, resources centered around a particular theme, and reference sources and databases. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/initiatives/index-e.html | |
78. Canadian Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse Environment Canada's pollution prevention (P2) website and database featuring general information, tools, legislation, success stories, and technology. http://www.ec.gc.ca/cppic/en/index.cfm | |
80. Canadian Management Centre - Canada's Training And Development Leader Providing financial management, human resources, leadership, communications, customer service, sales, project management, and general managerial courses. Located in Toronto, Ontario. http://www.cmcamai.org/ | |
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