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Canadian Prov General: more detail | ||||
161. From Colony To Country A Reader's Guide To Canadian Military History Bibliographical pathfinder for the general reader with an interest in Canada's military heritage. From the National Library of Canada. http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/milit/index-e.html |
162. General Coach, Manufacturer Of Quality Travel Trailers, 5th Wheels, Truck Camper canadian manufacturer of travel trailers, 5th wheels, truck campers and park model recreational vehicles. http://www.generalcoach.on.ca/ |
164. The Canadian Hyperlexia Association Page Information on a syndrome which interferes with language and social interaction, coupled with a precocious ability to read. Contains articles, strategies, personal stories, words from the kids, and general information about the CHA and support groups. http://home.ican.net/~cha/ | |
165. Canadian Multiculturalism Act Contains general information about this Act from the Department of Justice. Includes a disclaimer statement, and related information. http://lois.justice.gc.ca/en/C-18.7/ | |
166. Canadian Democratic Movement Forum for general discussion of democracy and issues in Canada. http://www.canadiandemocraticmovement.ca/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl |
167. Coming Soon H Division of the RCMP serves the province with seven detachments. Lists links to each detachment, general information about the force, priorities, programs, services, news and a link to Operation Hope. http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/ns/index_e.htm | |
168. Canadian Hi-Performance Discount: Serving The Needs Of Automotive And Performanc Sells components and parts to automotive and performance enthusiasts. Includes corporate history and general information, online catalogue, news, order, payment, shipping and returns information, also related links. http://www.hi-performance.com/ | |
169. Sled Dog Central - The Canadian Eskimo Dog Breed history and general description with nice pictures. http://sleddogcentral.com/canadian_eskimo.htm | |
170. The Canadian Piano Page Listing of provincial and general piano resources including stores, tuners, technicians and teachers. http://www.canadianpianopage.com/ | |
171. Welcome To Homeschooling Horizons Magazine! A canadianbased online and print publication designed to empower and encourage homeschoolers. Local, regional, and general topics. http://www.homeschoolinghorizons.com/ | |
172. Canadian UL Information Provides information on canadian regulations, organizations, and general information. http://www.ionline.net/~elubitz/ | |
173. Breast Cancer Support, Information And Advocacy canadian support organization which gives general information, details about local resources and access to an online forum. http://www.bcans.org | |
174. Canadian Shipowners Association The general objective is to promote an economic and competitive canadian marine transportation industry. http://www.shipowners.ca/ | |
175. Ostéoporose Québec general information on various aspects of osteoporosis and bone health. Includes Quebec and canadian health links and contact information. http://www.osteoporose.qc.ca/ |
176. Consulate General Of Italy Consulate general of Italy Versione 11.03.2002CITT. RICO. Vancouver. RECOGNITION OF ITALIAN CITIZENSHIP. Please note that the following is intended as a general guide and that your own case may differ and require specific evaluation. http://myitaliancitizenship.com/downloads/VancouverApp.pdf |
177. CIC Canada | Canada-Manitoba Immigration Agreement, June 2003 4.3 Canada and Manitoba agree to consult annually on information about the generalsettlement situation of immigrants and refugees, and movements of temporary http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/policy/fed-prov/can-man-2003.html | |
178. UG Library:Gov't Publications - Canada-Legal Materials Topic pages for canadian materials Generalinformation for government publications. http://www.lib.uoguelph.ca/resources/government/Canada/calegal.html | |
179. Alphabetical List general Insurance Co., 1993 1 http://www.canlii.org/ca/cas/scc/r.html | |
180. Women's Hockey History 1997, The Ontario Women s Hockey Association, city of Kitchener and the CanadianHockey Association will host http//www.whockey.com/prov/on/owha/history.html http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~andria/prov/on/owha/history.html | |
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