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Canadian Prov General: more detail | ||||
61. Statistics Canada: Historical Statistics Of Canada SOURCE Statistics Canada, canadian Forestry Statistics, (Catalogue 25202). betweenthe former series and the newer ones, as explained in the general note to http://www.statcan.ca/english/freepub/11-516-XIE/sectionl/sectionl.htm | |
62. Winnipeg General Strike - Canadian Heritage Gallery Image of workers during the strike. http://www.canadianheritage.org/reproductions/21834.htm | |
63. Beauty Shop Canada - Cosmetics, Beauty, Contact Lens line of beauty bath products, fragrances, soaps, hair care and deodorants Shippingfrom $4.00 for BC and $5.00 for all other prov/territories. canadian pricing http://www.canadianshoppingdeals.com/beauty.html |
64. Canadian Military Medals And Decorations - Veterans Affairs Canada Veteran Affairs Canada presents various war medals, service badges and honours. Provides detailed information of each, photographs where relevant and circumstances under which they would have been awarded. http://www.vac-acc.gc.ca/general/sub.cfm?source=collections/cmdp/mainmenu |
65. Canadian Geographical Names - Abbreviations And Symbols For The Names Of The Pro Saskatchewan, Sask. SK, Sask. Saskatchewan. Yukon Territory, YT, YT, Yn, Territoiredu Yukon. * On 6 December 2001, the Governor general of Canada proclaimed the http://geonames.nrcan.gc.ca/info/prov_abr_e.php | |
66. The Canadian Supreme Cutting, Reining, Working Cow Horse show in Canada. Site includes general information, class list, entry and draw information, patterns and schedule. Located in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada every September. http://www.canadiansupreme.com/ | |
67. CAACMA HOME PAGE Specializing in Northern and Southern Kung Fu, and Wu Tai Chi in London, Ontario, Canada. Includes images, FAQ, history, announcements, and general articles. http://www.pakmei.net | |
68. Canadian Medical Association Journal A peerreviewed international general medical journal published biweekly, 2 volumes per year. http://www.cmaj.ca/ | |
69. Home Resources and information for and about the manual therapist. Includes general information, education, current issues, research, links, and a private members section. http://manipulativetherapy.org/ | |
70. Welcome To CANMAT Information about anxiety, depression and bipolar disorders for the health professional and the general public. http://www.canmat.org/ | |
71. Competitive Intelligence E-Monitor of Yukon http//www.gov.yk.ca/ YT InterGov Yukon http//www.intergov.gc.ca/prov/yk_e.html. SECTORGeneral Information. canadian Patents Trademarks. http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/sc_mangb/cip/engdoc/resources.html | |
72. Canadian Federation Of Independent Scouts Federation of canadian Traditional Scouting associations. general information, bylaws, contacts, and links. http://www.geocities.com/c_isf/ | |
73. Canadian Immigration For Hungarians This page is set up to give general information about the canadian immigration system to the Hungarian people back in Hungary. http://mypage.direct.ca/m/mferencz/ | |
74. Ontario Government Sites - Canadian Social Research Links The general public is See the canadian Social Research Links Case Law / CourtDecisions / Inquests page for information on the Kimberly Rogers inquest. http://www.canadiansocialresearch.net/onbkmrk.htm | |
75. CIDL - ICBN An alliance of canadian libraries and organizations to promote, coordinate and facilitate the development of collections and services. Site contains general information with links to members' projects and further resources; also available in French. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/cidl/ |
76. The Atlas Of Canada Offers links and resources for exploring the cultural geography of Canada. Features statistical profiles of communities, resources for educators, and general and contact information for the project. http://cgdi.gc.ca/ccatlas/atlas.htm | |
77. Literacy For Independent Living (LIL) - Other Useful Links - General Information reference material to the field of literacy in general. to provincial and territorialliteracy organizations in Canada. http//www.nald.ca/provINCE/prov.htm. http://www.nald.ca/lil/english/links/g-info.htm | |
78. Canadian Political Science Association - Association Canadienne De Science Polit Information on teaching and research in political science; general information on the CPSA and the services offered to the community. http://www.cpsa-acsp.ca/ | |
79. GymScore Depot - Results Of Canadian Gymnastics Meets 2004. SK prov. 04 Humboldt, SK Apr. 30May 2. Nationals 03 Saskatoon, SK May 18-25.Canada Games 03 Bathurst-Campbellton, NB March 2-7 - Info. Elite Canada 03 http://users.accesscomm.ca/gymscoredepot/ | |
80. Canadian Geothermal Energy Association (CGEA) Information about the canadian Geothermal Energy Association, its members, directors and their ongoing projects. Also, a description of geothermal resources in general and specific to Canada. Online bibliography of information about geothermal resources in Canada http://www.geothermal.ca | |
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