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Canadian Prov General: more detail | ||
1. Canadian Social Research Links Thousands of links to websites about canadian social programs. Updated at least twice a week. Federal/National. Federal government general ( 167) Federal government - departments Brain drain ( 54) Budgets (canadian fed-prov-terr. govt. budgets) http://www.canadiansocialresearch.net/ | |
2. Canadian Ground Water Canadian Ground Water General Insurance Program Telephone Insurance Brokerage Address /Street City prov. Postal Code Insurance 1151 canadian Ground Water canadian Ground Water general Insurance Programgeneral Insurance http://www.lacknermclennan.com/forms/DrillersPropLiability.pdf |
3. Education@canada - Education In Ontario Postsecondary Education in Ontario (canadian Information Centre for International schoolsin Ontario  school registry list, general admission requirements http://www.educationcanada.cmec.ca/EN/Prov/ON.php | |
4. Education@canada - Education In Saskatchewan and print information related to academic upgrading (GED Â general Education Development). Westernand Northern canadian Protocol for Collaboration on Basic http://www.educationcanada.cmec.ca/EN/Prov/SK.php | |
5. Prov.ca ~ General Information general Information. Customs canadian Immigration Regulations For Visitors fromthe US American citizens (or permanent residents) may enter Canada without http://prov.ca/campus/conference/geninfo.asp | |
6. General Inquiries International Trade Services canadian and US Customs Brokerage, ground, air and ocean freight shipping and Online customs and shipping form technology. Company Name. Address. City. prov/State . http://www.pcbusa.com/quotgl.asp | |
7. Lists Of Canadian General Elections - Encyclopedia Article About Lists Of Canadi 37th general Election 2000. Ranked 1st 11 874 400 12.94/km² Admittance into Confederation- Date - Order prov. This article describes the canadian province. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Lists of Canadian general elections | |
8. Canadian Directory Of Victim Services be an exhaustive listing of all social services agencies in Canada, but concentrates aidtheir clients, communities and victims of crime in general by sharing http://www.vaonline.org/prov.html | |
9. The Canadian Military Heritage Project The canadian Military Heritage Project The Cerberus; having on board Brigadier general Brown's 1st Battalion of the prov incial Regiment Called The Prince of http://www.rootsweb.com/~canmil/uel/pwar.htm | |
10. Credit Institute Of Canada - Law/General of Forms and general Information, Ingram s Surrogate Guide, AH Ingram Looseleaf binder,Civil Code of the prov. The canadian Credit Men s Legal Directory, CCMTA Ltd http://www.creditedu.org/lib_lawgen.htm | |
11. Prairie General Education (K - 12): Details At CrossCanadaSearch CrossCanadaSearch is a Christian search engine for Canada. Accepts canadian listings. Church, college, music and ministry sites. Think, Live, Serve at prov.ca. FREE Daily Bible Reading. Put Your http://crosscanadasearch.com/Detailed/1364.html | |
12. Canadian Financing Quarterly 416) 9563219CanadianFinancing QuarterlyWarren LovelyA Monumental Fiscal DivideCanadian and US earmarked for prov'l health careActual/Planning Surpluses$ bil* general fund spending http://research.cibcwm.com/economic_public/download/cfqdec03.pdf |
13. 2000-Developments In Canadian Maritime Law Prepared for the Open Meeting of the. canadian Maritime Law Association 528 (B.C. prov. Ct.) This was an considered in the context of the general law of negligence http://www.admiraltylaw.com/papers/2000.htm |
14. Canadian Adoptees Registrar: Adoptees And Adoptive Relatives Searching: WE ARE IN ONTARIO CANADA Born, Birth First Name, Birth Surname, Birth City, prov. 1978-01-02,YVONNE, ST CATHARINES, ON, general, st catharines, ADOPTEE, BIRTH MOTHER. http://www.canadianadopteesregistry.org/adoptee_1978_01.html | |
15. Canadian Adoptees Registrar: Birth Relatives Searching: WE ARE IN ONTARIO CANADA NEW. 1981-02-07, ERIC THOMAS, MACDONALD, TORONTO, ON,general, BIRTH MOTHER, ADOPTEE. Born, Birth First Name, Birth Surname, Birth City,prov. http://www.canadianadopteesregistry.org/birth_1981_01.html | |
16. Canadian Broadcasting Corp. V. New Brunswick (Attorney General) matter, raised by the Attorney general of Canada, concerns the appropriate scopeof constitutional review to be undertaken in relation to s. 486(1). Rice prov. http://www.lexum.umontreal.ca/csc-scc/en/pub/1996/vol3/html/1996scr3_0480.html | |
17. Canadian Rockhound: General Interest Clubs Rock Mineral Clubs with a general Interest Below is a list of clubs in Canada witha broad interest in rocks, minerals, gems, lapidary and Club, Location, prov. http://www.canadianrockhound.com/clubs/list_broad.html | |
18. Harbour Commission, Canadian Ports Commission | Ocean Transportation, Ports | Oc Harbour Commission, canadian Ports Commission Company Port Of Belledune ContactGuy Desgagnes Address general Delivery Address Town/prov Belledune, NB E0B http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/communic/statistics/oceans/industries/ocntp02_e.htm | |
19. Air Services | Ocean Industries | Oceans | Statistical Services | Fisheries And Company canadian Helicopters Contact Mark Dobbin Address PO Box 5188 StationC Address Contact Address general Delivery Address Town/prov Lac La http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/communic/statistics/oceans/industries/group02_e.htm | |
20. Canadian Consumer Handbook For advice on how to respond to a collection agent, refer to the first partof this handbook on general information. prov. Equifax Canada Inc. http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/epic/internet/inoca-bc.nsf/en/ca01514e.html | |
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