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         Canadian Prime Ministers:     more books (92)
  1. Harper's failure to sign agreement raises questions.(CANADA)(Reprint) : An article from: Catholic New Times by Gale Reference Team, 2006-02-12
  2. Retiring NORAD: time for a new kind of continental security cooperation.(North American Aerospace Defence Agreement) : An article from: Ploughshares Monitor by Ernie Regehr, 2006-03-22
  3. The election: embarrassing, agonizing and cold.(PRESIDENT'S NOTE)(Column): An article from: Northern Ontario Business by Michael Atkins, 2006-01-01
  4. Canada under a new government.: An article from: Ploughshares Monitor by John Siebert, 2006-03-22
  5. Politics of Kim Campbell by Murray Dobbin, 1993-01-01
  6. Stephen Harper: a moral deficit in political leadership?(COLUMNIST) : An article from: Catholic Insight by Stephen Gray, 2005-06-01
  7. Advice to the PM-elect. : An article from: Wind Speaker by Gale Reference Team, 2006-02-01
  8. Who's who: among world leaders.(PROFILES): An article from: Junior Scholastic by Gale Reference Team, 2007-10-29
  9. A little retribution.(relationahip between Stephen Harper government and Assembly of Nations leader Phillip Fontaine): An article from: Wind Speaker by Gale Reference Team, 2006-05-01
  10. Did Canada vote against both Liberals and the Supreme Court of Canada?(COLUMNIST) : An article from: Catholic Insight by Herman Goodden, 2006-05-01
  11. On Mr. Harper and the return of arrogance.(Stephen Harper): An article from: Northern Ontario Business by Michael Atkins, 2006-06-01
  12. North America & Europe.(The unreported year 2006)(Stephen Harper appointed at Canada)(Iceland being targeted by multinationals)(Republican Party wins United ... An article from: New Internationalist by Gale Reference Team, 2007-01-01
  13. Harper keeps muzzling his followers.(Abortion news)(Stephen Harper silences Conservative MPs): An article from: Catholic Insight by Gale Reference Team, 2006-07-01
  14. Conservatives should thank Cadman: independent MP saved them from a doomed election led by hard-right Harper.(CANADA): An article from: Catholic New Times by Murray Dobbin, 2005-06-19

61. First Among Equals, The Prime Minister In Canadian Life And Politics - Children'
Looks at the job of the canadian leader and includes biographies of all 20 prime ministers.
See Also The prime minister is the leader of Canada. He or she is sometimes called "first among equals." This means that even though all members of the Cabinet are equal, he or she is the most powerful. This website looks at the job of prime minister. It also looks at the personal lives of the people who have been prime minister. Next
Key Word
  • Cabinet
    • The group of people chosen by the prime minister to help him or her run the country. They are also usually Members of Parliament, which means that Canadians have elected them.

    Created: 2001-04-23
    Updated: 2001-11-20 Top of page Important Notices

62. First Among Equals, The Prime Minister In Canadian Life And Politics - Children'
Information on Canada s prime ministers, written for children in grades 4 to 6.The site includes profiles, photos, games and resources for children and
See Also The prime minister is the leader of Canada. He or she is sometimes called "first among equals." This means that even though all members of the Cabinet are equal, he or she is the most powerful. This website looks at the job of prime minister. It also looks at the personal lives of the people who have been prime minister. Next
Key Word
  • Cabinet
    • The group of people chosen by the prime minister to help him or her run the country. They are also usually Members of Parliament, which means that Canadians have elected them.

    Created: 2001-04-23
    Updated: 2001-11-20 Top of page Important Notices

63. First Among Equals : The Prime Minister In Canadian Life And Politics
Information on Canada's prime ministers. Examines both our leaders' political careers and private lives and sheds light on canadians' perceptions of our prime ministers. See Also. canadian Confederation. Introduction. The status of the prime minister has been described as primus menu at left) relating to Canada's prime ministers. The site examines our
See Also
The status of the prime minister has been described as primus inter pares : Latin for "first among equals." This concept defines not only the prime minister's relationship with Cabinet, but also, in a sense, his or her relationship with the public in our modern democratic society. Drawing on a wide variety of documents and artifacts, this site explores five main themes (see the menu at left) relating to Canada's prime ministers. The site examines our leaders' political careers as well as their private lives. It also sheds light on Canadians' perceptions of our prime ministers. From Macdonald to Martin, our political leaders are twenty-one individuals who have made a difference, shaping Canada's identity, sometimes in profound ways.
Biographical information and speeches
  • Go directly to information on each of our twenty-one prime ministers, as well as selected speeches, through the " Profiles " and " Speeches " links at left.
    There is a children's version of this site, intended for grades 4 to 6.

64. First Among Equals : The Prime Minister In Canadian Life And Politics
Information on Canada s prime ministers. Examines both our leaders political careers and private lives and sheds light on Canadians
See Also
The status of the prime minister has been described as primus inter pares : Latin for "first among equals." This concept defines not only the prime minister's relationship with Cabinet, but also, in a sense, his or her relationship with the public in our modern democratic society. Drawing on a wide variety of documents and artifacts, this site explores five main themes (see the menu at left) relating to Canada's prime ministers. The site examines our leaders' political careers as well as their private lives. It also sheds light on Canadians' perceptions of our prime ministers. From Macdonald to Martin, our political leaders are twenty-one individuals who have made a difference, shaping Canada's identity, sometimes in profound ways.
Biographical information and speeches
  • Go directly to information on each of our twenty-one prime ministers, as well as selected speeches, through the " Profiles " and " Speeches " links at left.
    There is a children's version of this site, intended for grades 4 to 6.

65. Prime Ministers Of Canada
Former prime ministers William Mackenzie King, Wilfrid Laurier, John Diefenbakerand Brian Mulroney were also named in the survey, but Story ©canadian Press.
In 4 pages for faster loading. Take the PM Quiz - now there are 2 Sir. John A MacDonald to Sir. Mackenzie Bowell Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 MACDONALD TUPPER BENNETT CLARK MACKENZIE LAURIER SAINT- LAURENT TURNER ABBOTT BORDEN DIEFENBAKER MULRONEY THOMPSON MEIGHEN PEARSON CAMPBELL BOWELL KING TRUDEAU CHRETIEN MARTIN PRIME MINISTERS Feb. 2002: Pierre Trudeau was the top pick as the greatest Canadian of the 20th Century, a new national public opinion survey suggests. In second place was Terry Fox, the inspirational hero who tried to walk across Canada after losing a leg to cancer, while hockey great Wayne Gretzky was the top choice of living Canadians. The poll, conducted by Ekos Research Associates, asked more than 3,000 Canadians to name their choice for top honours. Trudeau was the resounding favourite at 32 per cent, with Fox coming a distant second at six per cent and Gretzky placing third with four per cent. Fourth-place honours were shared by former prime minister Lester B. Pearson, who is viewed as the father of Canadian peacekeeping, and Rene Levesque, who led the separatist Parti Quebecois to its first electoral victory. Both men were named by three per cent of respondents. Former prime ministers William Mackenzie King, Wilfrid Laurier, John Diefenbaker and Brian Mulroney were also named in the survey, but received less than two per cent of the votes.

66. Prime Minister Of Canada - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
government, in which Members of Parliament have long tenure but prime ministers haverelatively short tenures, the canadian prime Minister typically has a long
Prime Minister of Canada
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The Prime Minister of Canada , the head of the Canadian government , is usually the leader of the political party with the most seats in the Canadian House of Commons . The Prime Minister has the right to the style of Right Honourable . The current prime minister is the Rt. Hon. Paul Martin
Paul Martin

Current Prime Minister
Table of contents 1 Qualifications and selection
2 Term

3 Role and Authority

4 Too much power?
Qualifications and selection
The Prime Minister may be any Canadian citizen of voting age (18). It is customary for the prime minister to also be a sitting member of the House of Commons. If the a prime minister should fail to win his or her seat, a junior MP in a safe seat would typically resign to permit a by-election to elect that leader to a seat. However, if the leader of the governing party is changed shortly before an election is due and the new leader is not a Member of Parliament, he or she will normally await the general election before running for a seat. John Turner was briefly Prime Minister in , for example, without being a member of the House of Commons. The official residence of the Prime Minister is

67. Who Wants To Be A Canadian Prime Minister?
Who wants to be a canadian prime Minister? An Internet WebQuest on prime ministersof Canada Do you want to know more about prime ministers of Canada?
Who wants to be a Canadian Prime Minister?
An Internet WebQuest on Prime Ministers of Canada created by Sarah Wethered
New Westminster Secondary School Introduction The Quest Evaluation Conclusion
All of you come from a different country than Canada, and hopefully all of you have some opinion about the leadership of your home country. In Canada, unlike some of your countries, we have the legal right to give our opinion of the prime minister of Canada. We can openly say that he or she is a bad prime minister, or that he or she is a good one. We have many different types of resources to help us make our decision on whether the prime minister is a good one or not.
In the following WebQuest, you will use the power of teamwork and the abundant resources on the Internet to learn all about the Prime Ministers of Canada. Each person on your team will learn one part of the topic and then you will come together to get a better understanding of the topic.
The Quest
What qualities make a good Prime Minister of Canada?
The Process and Resources
In this WebQuest you will be working together with a small group of other students in class.

68. Spouses Of The Prime Ministers Of Canada
At times, prime ministers wives have used their public status to promote charitablecausesMila Mulroney was a spokesperson for the canadian Cystic Fibrosis
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
Spouses of the Prime Ministers of Canada
Unlike in the United States , the wife of the Prime Minister of Canada does not have a prominent role. Although some commentators have tried to style prime minister's wives as "First Lady of Canada," this title is not officially recognized. Use of the term is likely based more on the pervasive influence of American media than on any historical notions of a defined public role for the Prime Minister's spouse. While the American First Lady has a number responsibilities and usually her own staff, the same is not true of the wife of the Prime Minister . This is partially a reflection of the much smaller role of the personal lives of politicians in Canadian media and the fact that the Canadian PM is not the head of state (see also Canadian Monarchy Governor General of Canada Some Prime Ministers' wives have attracted a great deal of attention, however. Margaret Trudeau , who Pierre Trudeau married while in office, became a notable celebrity in her own right, especially during and after the couple's divorce. Maureen McTeer , in turn, attracted controversy when she became the first spouse of a Prime Minister to retain her own surname after marriage.

69. Deputy Prime Minister Of Canada - Encyclopedia Article About Deputy Prime Minist
See also List of canadian Deputy prime ministers The Deputy prime ministers of Canada1. Allan MacEachen under Trudeau September 16 1977 June 3 1979 vacant Prime Minister of Canada
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Deputy Prime Minister of Canada
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition The Deputy Prime Minister of Canada is a position in the Canadian Canada , the northernmost country on the North American continent, is a federation governed as a constitutional monarchy. It is bordered by the United States to the south as well as in the northwest. The Canada-U.S. border is the world's longest undefended border. The country stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. Canada also reaches the Arctic Ocean in the north where Canada's territorial claim extends to the North Pole.
Click the link for more information. government. The position, which is not officially mandated by the Constitution of Canada The Canadian Constitution is the highest law of Canada. It is uncodified. It outlines Canada's system of government, as well as the civil rights of all Canadian citizens. Generally speaking all of the British laws that predate or modify the British North America Act make up the legislation that has been come to be known as the Canadian Constitution. The Constitution, as it is generally known, is made up of many parts (see the list below) , the most significant that are most often cited today are:

70. The Globe And Mail: Prime Ministers - Video Page
Diefenbaker on the canadian Bill of Rights (1958) prime Minister Diefenbaker onthe freedoms enjoyed by all canadians under the new canadian Bill of Rights.
Monday, Jun. 7, 2004

Political history

not our forte

Campbell on
Mulroney on


Clark on

Globe archives
Video from
Here are video segments from CTV, grouped by prime minister and further subdivided into current and archive clips. Lester B. Pearson Current Pearson on the UN
- Prime Minister Pearson, who was President of the United Nations General Assembly (1952-1953), talks about Canada's place in the UN and the world. Pearson lights Centennial Flame (January 1, 1967)
- Prime Minister Pearson launches Canada's 100th anniversary celebrations by lighting the Centennial Flame on Parliament Hill. W-FIVE: Lester Pearson (January 1,1968) - W-FIVE host Charles Templeton interviews Prime Minister Lester Pearson just a few months before his retirement from politics. Pearson resigns (April 6, 1968) - Prime Minister Pearson gives his farewell speech at the Liberal leadership convention of 1968, where Pierre Elliott Trudeau was named as his successor. Canada AM: Pearson on his peers (1972) - In one of his last television interviews, former prime minister Lester Pearson recalls his interactions with Mackenzie King, Winston Churchill, F.D.R., R.B.Bennett, J.G. Diefenbaker and Louis St. Laurent.

71. Prime Ministers
Conservative; Served the shortest amount of time out of all prime ministers; ministersof Railways and Canals during construction of the canadian Pacific Railway

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Prime Ministers of Canada This is a list of the past Prime Ministers of Canada. I have included some of their accomplishments during (and in some cases before and after where appropriate) their time in office. All of the information posted I received from a government book entitled 1867 - 1994, The Prime Ministers of Canada . If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail them to me.
The Right Honourable Sir John A. Macdonald Time served as PM:
1 July 1867 - 5 November 1873,
17 October 1878 - 6 June 1891 Notes:
  • First Prime Minister of Canada Liberal Conservative (forerunner of Progressive Conservative Party, the party adopted the name "Progressive Conservative" in 1942 after John Bracken, a member of the Progressive Party won the Conservative leadership) Died while still in office (6 June 1891)
The Honourable Alexander Mackenzie Time served as PM: 7 November 1873 - 9 October 1878 Notes:
  • Liberal Created the Supreme Court in 1875
The Honourable Sir John Joseph Caldwell Abbott Time served as PM: 16 June June 1891 - 24 November 1892 Notes:
  • Liberal Conservative The first Prime Minister to lead the country from the Senate
The Right Honourable Sir John Sparrow David Thompson Time served as PM: 5 December 1892 - 12 December 1894 Notes:
  • Liberal Conservative Worked for the Creation of the Canadian Criminal Code (1892) Died while still in office

72. Book Reviews - Canada's Prime Ministers
book by JL Granatstein and Norman Hillmer, two eminent canadian historians noted isa sound means of determining the success of our country s prime ministers.
Prime Ministers: Ranking Canada's Leaders.
Toronto: Harper Collins. Pp.234. $18.00, paper.
Irma Coucill. 1999.
CANADA'S PRIME MINISTERS, Governors General and Fathers of Confederation.
Markham, Ontario: Pembroke Publishers. Pp.180. Paper.
Larry A. Glassford
Faculty of Education
University of Windsor
Windsor, Ontario
What makes a great prime minister of Canada? What makes a poor one? What are the key factors that determine success or failure? For that matter, what do we assess, or measure: - length of time in office? - deeds accomplished? - disasters avoided? - popularity with the public? - accolades from political peers? - respect from subsequent historians? Read the first book for the challenge of critiquing Granatstein, Hillmer and friends' assessments of our prime ministers. Browse the second one for the pleasure of Irma Coucill's portraits. Return

73. A History Of The Prime Ministers Of Canada
htm http// http// Hancock, The Kids Book of canadian prime Minister 1998.

74. Prime Ministers Of Canada
prime ministers of Canada (Arms Granted by the canadian Heraldic Authority). Rt.Hon. Pierre E. Trudeau Rt. Hon. Joseph Clark Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney Rt. Hon.'s.html
Prime Ministers of Canada
(Arms Granted by the Canadian Heraldic Authority)
Rt. Hon. Pierre E. Trudeau
Rt. Hon. Joseph Clark
Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney
Rt. Hon. Kim Campbell
Rt. Hon. John Turner

Arms of some Governors General of Canada

Officers of the Canadian Heraldic Authority


75. Mad Guerilla Brigade - Canada Gets New Prime Minister
Martin was sworn in shortly after the resignation of Jean Chretien, who is regardedas one of the most popular prime ministers in canadian history after

76. PROOF! New Canadian Prime Minister And Opposition Leaders Are Hypocrites !!! (ca
who would normally be inside the chamber were interviewing Cabinet ministers andMPs does anybody remember a statement by the new canadian prime Scumball, Paul
Canada - Life and Business Console email password create free account June 2004 S M T W T F S Mailing List
PROOF! New Canadian Prime Minister and Opposition Leaders are Hypocrites !!! H email link Get this: "Government and opposition MPs took only minutes last week to pass a bill that will extend Parliament's medical insurance plan to retired MPs five years earlier than it would otherwise be available." It gets worse, folks... "In a deal reached earlier in private, all parties agreed to treat the bill as though it had received first reading in the usual process, second reading, committee hearings, committee report stage, and third and final reading in only 15 minutes, according to the time notations in Hansard." Remember: the words " as though it had received"... that's unconstitutional. And, the bastards went a wee bit further... It took just fifteen minutes to pass a bill in THEIR FAVOR... while anything of any importance to the Canadian general population would take years... and, even then it would get so watered down that it wouldn't make a fricken bit of difference to anyone anyway... But... if that's bad... get ready for this...

77. Notice About The Site Prime Ministers Of Canada - Note Concernant Le Site Premie
Part of this digital collection was originally produced under contract to Canada's Digital Collections program, Industry Canada.

78. Prime Ministers Of Canada - 1867 To Date
About prime ministers of Canada. Canada s prime ministers bring avariety of life experiences to the job. This unique collection

79. President Bush Welcomes Canadian Prime Minister Martin To White House
President Bush Welcomes canadian prime Minister Martin to White House Remarks byPresident Bush and prime Minister Martin of Canada in a Press Availability The
Issues Education Iraq National Security Economic Security ... More Issues
Current News Press Briefings Proclamations Executive Orders ... Radio News by Date May 2004 April 2004 March 2004 February 2004 ... January 2001
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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
April 30, 2004
President's Remarks

President Bush Welcomes Canadian Prime Minister Martin to White House

Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister Martin of Canada in a Press Availability
The Rose Garden 11:53 A.M. EDT PRESIDENT BUSH: The Prime Minister and I will have some opening comments. We'll answer two questions per side. Mr. Prime Minister, welcome. I'm glad you're here. I've really been looking forward to this meeting because I view it as a meeting between friends and allies. I really appreciate the Prime Minister's clear vision about the world in which we live. He understands the danger of terror. He understands the opportunity of trade. And he understands that we share values that will that are so important, the values of freedom, human dignity. We care about the human condition. I appreciate your concern about working together to help heal those who hurt, provide medicines for those who suffer from a disease. We've got a good friend in Canada. It's an important relationship; it's a crucial relationship; and it's one that I look forward to continuing to nurture with this Prime Minister.

80. The Prime Ministers Of Canada
This site presents brief biographies of all of Canada s prime ministers includingcommentary by leading historians, journalists, and political colleagues.

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