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101. Edited Hansard * Number 075 (Official Version) Statement made by Jason Kenney, canadian Member of parliament and grandson of Mart Kenney, in the House of Commons on the occasion of Mart's 88th birthday and 70th anniversary as an entertainer. http://www.parl.gc.ca/36/1/parlbus/chambus/house/debates/075_1998-03-17/HAN075-E | |
102. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Timothy Warren Anglin canadian journalist and member of parliament, born in the town of Cloankilty, County Cork, Ireland, 1822; died 3 May, 1896, in Canada. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01504a.htm | |
103. INN By The Park,B&B,4 Comfortable Smoke-free Bedrooms Situated In Gatineau(HULL) Offers smokefree bedrooms in downtown. A few minutes walk to the parliament of Canada, casino and the canadian Museum of Civilization. http://www.bbhull.com/Index.html | |
104. Parliamentary Internet Parlementaire parliament Bienvenue au Parlement du Canada.english Français. Important Notices Avis importants. http://www.parl.gc.ca/ |
105. WorldLII - Categories - Countries - Canada - Parliament Legal directory and search engine legislation, case-law, journals, law reform, by country and subject. WorldLII Categories Countries Canada parliament. Find. any of these words http://www.austlii.edu.au/links/2085.html | |
106. EASTERN TOWNSHIPPER MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT PAGE The Eastern Townshipper. EASTERN TOWNSHIP MEMBERS OF parliament. DAVID PRICE, MP. ComptonStanstead. Progressive Conservative Party. ROCK FOREST. Constituency Office. France Lacroix, Constituency Assistant. Sylvie Dor, Administrative Secretary http://www.easterntownships.com/parliament.html | |
107. Publinet Home Page Information about the parliament of Canada Published by InformetricaLimited. Subscriber Services User ID and Password required. Status http://www.informetrica.com/publinet/ | |
108. Canadian Pugwash Group (CPG) http://www.pugwashgroup.ca/ | |
109. CNN.com - Canadians Crowd Parliament To See Trudeau's Coffin - October 2, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/americas/10/02/canada.trudeau.ap/index.html | |
110. Un Trésor à Découvrir : Colline Du Parlement / A Treasure To Explore: Parliam Translate this page Un trésor à découvrir Colline du Parlement / A Treasureto Explore parliament Hill - Ottawa (Ontario) Canada. http://www.parliamenthill.gc.ca/ | |
111. The Hill Times - Newspaper Online. Since 1989, CANADA S POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT NEWSWEEKLY, May 24, 2004. The SpinDoctors What are your seatcount predictions for the next parliament and what http://www.thehilltimes.ca/ | |
112. Yorkshire CND -Weaponization Of Space Motion In Canadian Parliament - 20/6/02 Translate this page 20 June 2002 Weaponization of Space HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA DebatesMotion on the Order Paper Motion M-527. MP Svend Robinson http://cndyorks.gn.apc.org/yspace/articles/bmd/canadianmotion.htm | |
113. CPAC Canada's Political Channel - Chaîne Politique Du Canada Chaîne de télévision par câble. Présentation et historique. Grille horaire, programmation, visualisation en direct. Câbloéducation. http://www.cpac.ca/ |
114. EasyDNS Parked Domain screen.com is a parked domain. For more information about this domain,click here. easyDNS. myprivacy, eh? Sick of having your email http://www.screen.com/understand/Netiquette.html | |
115. Un Trésor à Découvrir : Colline Du Parlement / A Treasure To Explore: Parliam Avis Important. Important Notices. / () http://www.collineduparlement.gc.ca/ | |
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