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81. Thedesertsun.com | Gay Marriage Idea Barely Wins In Canadian Parliament Vote Gay marriage idea barely wins in canadian parliament vote. http://www.thedesertsun.com/news/stories2003/national/20030917002512.shtml | |
82. The Globe And Mail In a written statement, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said Turkey strongly condemnedthe canadian parliament s decision and accused Canadian legislators of http://www.globeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20040422.wgeno0422/BNStory/Natio | |
83. Paper Petition For The Canadian Parliament PAPER PETITION FOR THE canadian parliament. If you are a CanadianCitizen ask with an email to action@hec.greece.org to send you http://www.greece.org/themis/halki2/canparl.html | |
84. CEI.ORG: Competitive Enterprise Institute: Canadian Parliament Endorses Kyoto Pr home newscenter Press Release canadian parliament Endorses Kyoto Protocol USStands Virtually Alone Against Global Warming Folly by CEI Staff December 11 http://www.cei.org/gencon/003,03301.cfm | |
85. PI Submission To Citizenship Committee Of Canadian Parliament October 2003 PRIVACY INTERNATIONAL. Submission to the Citizenship Immigration Committeeof the canadian parliament. National Identity Cards. October 4, 2003. http://www.privacyinternational.org/issues/idcard/pi-can-submission-10-03.htm | |
86. Gayapolis News - Canadian Parliament Narrowly Defeats Motion Opposing Same-Sex M Welcome! Username Password Register Now. canadian parliament NarrowlyDefeats Motion Opposing SameSex Marriage. By a narrow vote http://www.gayapolis.com/news/artdisplay.php?artid=212 |
87. Proud To Be Canadian.ca Threads: Who Has The Power To Dissolve Canadian Parlia Who has the power to dissolve canadian parliament? 207 Thu Feb 12 20041126 AM, Re Who has the power to dissolve canadian parliament? http://www.proudtobecanadian.ca/threads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=207&page=0&view |
88. Opinion | Canadian Parliament Must Fix Flaws In Proposed Drug Patent Legislation The devil is in the details of a bill being considered by the canadian parliamentthat would change the country s patent laws to allow drug makers to http://www.kaisernetwork.org/daily_reports/rep_index.cfm?DR_ID=22988 |
89. Canadian Parliament Debate before the canadian parliament. The fact that the Armenianpeople suffered at the hands of a dying empire between 1915 and http://www.diaspora-net.org/pontos/canadian_parliament_genocide_turkey.htm | |
90. Petition To Canadian Parliament To Pass Legislation To Force Tobacco Companies T Petition to canadian parliament to pass legislation to force tobaccocompanies to pay for smoking education . Pétition au ministre http://www.healthwatcher.net/Canada_letters/petition-canada9812.html | |
91. Gay Marriage Endorsed By Canadian Parliament According to the Washington Post, Canada s Parliament voted to endorse the proposalto legalize samesex marriage. Gay Marriage Endorsed by canadian parliament. http://marriage.about.com/b/a/027113.htm | |
92. The Opening Of Canadian Parliament Title. The opening of canadian parliament. Date. 1920 / Ottawa, Ontario. Creators.Andrew Welch. Source / File No. National Archives of Canada / PA030603. Copyright. http://www.canadiana.org/citm/imagepopups/pa030603_e.html | |
93. Canadian Parliament Arranged A Formal Dialogue With China Regarding Falun Gong A canadian parliament Arranged a Formal Dialogue with China Regarding Falun Gongand Other Human Rights Issues Chinese Diplomats Cancelled Without Reason http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200211/8323.html | |
94. Channelnewsasia.com Time is GMT + 8 hours Posted 06 May 2004 1035 hrs canadian parliamentbegins probe of China s human rights record Related News ». http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/afp_asiapacific/view/83444/1/.html | |
95. Welcome To The 37th Parliament Check out some interesting facts about canadian federal elections. (2004/04/20)Canada s Prime Ministers bring a variety of life experiences to the job. http://www.parl.gc.ca/common/index.asp?Language=E |
96. Canadian Study Of Parliament Group (CSPG)-Le Groupe Canadien D'étude Des Questi Nonprofit organization made up of individuals with an interest in the role, function and reform of parliamentary institutions. Site includes upcoming events, online documents of conference proceedings, discussion papers and other material. http://www.studyparliament.ca/ |
97. CBA Home Page Professional association for lawyers incorporated under a Special Act of parliament. Resources for lawyers and the public including a lawyer referral service, publications, and media information, and a description of the association's goals. http://www.bccba.org/ | |
98. DEMOCRACY AND THE PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: A NEW DEMOCRACY FOR THE 21st CENTURY. A proposal to reform canadian government institutions, making all legislation subject to a Direct Democratic parliament of 100 percent of the people of Canada aged over 18 who choose to participate. http://members.fortunecity.com/democracies/index.htm | |
99. Canadian Government Basics - Elections Government Spending Ethics An introduction to government in Canada how it's organized, how it works, and the services it provides. HomeEssentialscanadian Federal GovernmentProvinces of CanadaPrime Ministers of CanadaGovernment Glossarycanadian parliament in Canada. The canadian House of Commons and Senate http://canadaonline.about.com/cs/governmentbasics | |
100. The Canada Council For The Arts - Canada Council Independent, arm's length organization created by the parliament of Canada in 1957 to foster and promote the arts. Provides a wide range of grants and services to professional canadian artists. http://www.canadacouncil.ca/ | |
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