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161. WarMuseum.ca - Site Map Gallery of 29 pictures and biography of Sir Alfred Munnings, who achieved renown as one of England's finest painters of horses. This biography, illustrated with photographs, focuses on his engagement during the First World War by Lord Beaverbrook's canadian War Memorials Fund. http://www.civilization.ca/cwm/munnings/eng/cwmmapeng.html | |
162. Canadian Surplus 45 Dumfries Street  . Paris Surplus goods including military, computer and office furniture and supplies. Describes products and location. http://www.canadiansurplus.com/ | |
163. Royal Military College military college that lays the foundation for the professional and personal skills necessary to meet the challenges of a career as a canadian Forces officer. http://www.rmc.ca/ | |
164. The Brothers Military Collectors Includes a sales page of British and canadian bayonets, swords, and used military related books, and links to bayonet collectors. http://www.cybertap.com/brothers/ | |
165. Military Gear, Tactical Gear, Army Gear, Military Clothing, Cadpat, Hydration Pa Outdoor field products and items suited for military, medical, industrial or personal use. Lists products and contact details. http://www.wheelersonline.com/ | |
166. Canada's Military University - Royal Military College Of Canada world, constantly sought after for military and high level civilian positions. Our graduates go on to challenging and meaningful careers in the canadian Forces http://www.rmc.ca/admission/index_e.html | |
167. An Armourers Home Page Retired canadian Airforce member provides personal information, jokes, links to military and friends sites. http://www3.sympatico.ca/john.ross6/ | |
168. Victoria Peace Coalition Diverse group of concerned citizens which calls upon the canadian government to respect international law and justice, and to not support military action in any form. Meeting and events calendar, articles, links to related projects, and contact information. http://vicpeace.ca/ |
169. Military Artwork By Janet Crombie military watercolor artwork by this canadian artist. http://www.janet.crombie.com/Military.htm | |
170. Pinetree Line Reunion 2002 Proposed reunion of all personnel who ever served on the Pinetree Line in any capacity. military, Civilian, canadian or American. http://www.lswilson.ca/reunion2.htm | |
171. Home Page The museum presents those things which exemplify the history and technology of canadian Maritime military Aviation. Lists location, hours, facilities, aircraft and gives a virtual tour. Lists contact details. http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/awmuseum/ | |
172. History - Veterans Affairs Canada years. The Korean War A new era of involvement in world affairs sees canadian troops deployed to the Land of the Morning Calm. Other http://www.vac-acc.gc.ca/youth/sub.cfm/history | |
173. Welcome Page canadian Forces Intelligence Branch Association. Français English. http://www.intbranch.org/ | |
174. The War Amps: Canada's Military Heritage - First World War Canada s military Heritage http://www.waramps.ca/military/wwi/home.html | |
175. Chinese Canadian Museum Society Chinese canadian Veterans Website http//saltwatercity.bc.ca/ccmuseum.htm. http://www.ccmuseum.bc.ca/ | |
176. CBC News Indepth: Canada's Military INDEPTH CANADA S military Introduction By the numbers Justin Thompson, CBC News Online Updated October 30, 2003 A Senate committee recommended on November http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/cdnmilitary/ | |
177. 2003 Military Communications Militaires 2003 Translate this page Celebrating 100 years of military Communications in Canada CÂlÂbrons 100 ans de Communications Militaires au Canada. http://www.commelec2003.ca/ | |
178. Canadians In Maine Military - US Civil War Database of Atlantic Canadians who served in Maine's state military during the Civil War. http://www.isn.net/~dhunter/mainem.html#top | |
179. National Post Latest News. This story is no longer available, Search canada.com About Us Advertise Site Map Privacy Terms FAQ Our Partners. Copyright http://www.canada.com/national/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=97f7dbbe-981a-408 |
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