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101. Canadian Military Industry Database canadian military Industry Database. The CMID is a relational database of canadian military contractors and contracts and Canadian exports of military goods. http://www.ploughshares.ca/CONTENT/CONTROL WEAPONS/cmid.html | |
102. Canadian Military History - World War Two Books canadian military History. Battle for Normandy. World War II Companions. canadian military HISTORY. General Histories and Reference http://www.valourandhorror.com/BOOKS/Cd_history.htm | |
103. Dictionary Of Canadian Military History - World War Two Books World War Two Books, Canada, Second World War Books, Canada, WW.II. Books, Canada. Dictionary of canadian military History. David J. Bercuson JL Granatstein. http://www.valourandhorror.com/BOOKS/bercuson2.htm | |
104. Canadian Military Journal Ortona - Canada's Epic World War II Battle Review of Zuehlke's book. PDF http://www.journal.dnd.ca/engraph/Vol1/no1/pdf/75-80_e.pdf |
105. WarMuseum.ca - A Chronology Of Canadian Military History - Early Moves 1914-1915 The Canadian War Museum A Chronology of canadian military History. The First World War (1914-1918). Early Moves 1914-1915 Because http://www.warmuseum.ca/cwm/chrono/1914first_ww_e.html | |
106. Canadian Military - Encyclopedia Article About Canadian Military. Free Access, N encyclopedia article about canadian military. canadian military in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. canadian military. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Canadian military | |
107. Canadian Military History - Encyclopedia Article About Canadian Military History encyclopedia article about canadian military history. canadian military history in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Canadian military history | |
108. Canadian Military Brat Sites PalmerStone; canadian military Brat List; GG.Vanier High School Page - Philippe Madgin s Lahr Page; Hemer High School - Dave Larke. Ann http://www.kent.net/~ilmeyer/military.html | |
109. News From USJFCOM: Canadian Military Planners Take Transformation Training canadian military planners take transformation training. Members of the canadian military attended a twoday interactive forum on http://www.jfcom.mil/newslink/storyarchive/2003/pa031803a.htm | |
110. Peacekeeper's News Page - Canadian Military News canadian military News Last updated May 12th (UTC -5). canadian military NEWS Budget 2003 and the Department of National Defence http://www.peacekeeper.ca/news_mil.html | |
111. OGS Ottawa - Canadian Military Genealogical FAQ canadian military Genealogical FAQ. Of the many useful sources for canadian military genealogical research of, the following immediately come to mind http://www.ogsottawa.on.ca/MilitaryFAQ.php | |
112. ECHO TWO - Canadian Military Engineers This web page is dedicated to the canadian military Engineers, Echo Two is a collection of news items and articles regarding the canadian military Engineers. http://mypage.uniserve.ca/~echo2/ | |
113. From Colony To Country A Reader's Guide To Canadian Military History Articles on Prime Minister Borden's leadership of Canada's military effort during World War I. English/French http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/milit/h13-4007-e.html |
114. Faculty List - Canadian Military Journal - Royal Military College Of Canada Site Map. Faculty. canadian military Journal. Name, Position, Email address. Mr. J Marteinson. Editor. marteinsonj@rmc.ca. Dr. G Quillard. French Editor. http://www.rmc.ca/admin/faculty/Dep_CMJ_e.html | |
115. Selected Bibliography - MIlitary Law Canada With Emphasis On Military Justice // I apologize for the bad links. Selected Bibliography on canadian military Justice / Bibliographie choisie sur la justice militaire canadienne. http://home.achilles.net/~flareau/military.htm | |
116. Ash Vale & Aldershot Site For Local And British & Canadian Military History Local history and British and canadian military history http://www.btinternet.com/~iainwallace1 | |
117. ChristianWeek Hunter, a member of the Interfaith Committee on canadian military Chaplaincy (ICCMC), is a Pentecostal (PAOC) and a former member of the General Council of the http://www.christianweek.org/Stories/vol17/no08/cwfeature.html | |
118. NORAD North American Aerospace Defense Command a joint U.S./canadian military command tasked with the aerospace defense of North America. http://www.peterson.af.mil/norad |
119. London Free Press - Opinion/Columnists Rory Leishman: Trudeau Key Culprit In For premier historian, recounts the past glories and impending demise of the Canadian Armed Forces in an excellent new book, Who killed the canadian military? http://www.canoe.ca/NewsStand/Columnists/London/Rory_Leishman/2004/04/20/428861. | |
120. Canadian Military And Police Insignia For Sale canadian military and Police Insignia Sales Catalogue Ian Kelly Militaria, Mail Order Collectible Badge and Button Specialist. Militaria Dealers since 1990. http://www.kellybadge.co.uk/canadianinsignia.htm | |
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