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81. Badges Of The Canadian Military Badges of the canadian military. Canadian Armed Forces. Land Forces Command. Royal Canadian Infantry Corps. canadian military Engineers. Air Force. Air Command. http://www.pinette.net/chris/flags/canada/military/cfbadges.html | |
82. Canadian Military Police canadian military POLICE canadian military Police Corps, During the first years of the WWI, Regimental Police were the only police element in the Canadian Army. http://home.mweb.co.za/re/redcap/canada.htm | |
83. WWW-VL History Index - Canada Online; Veterans Affairs Canada. History; The canadian military Heritage Project; A Chronology of canadian military History; La série http://www.ukans.edu/history/VL/CANADA/canada3.html | |
84. CANADIAN MILITARY POLICE 1914 - 2001 Welcome to the canadian military Police Virtual Museum. February 29, 2004. Welcome to the canadian military Police Virtual Museum. http://www.mpmuseum.org/ | |
85. CAVUNP-MANITOBA.com Provides assistance and support to veterans, canadian military personnel and their families. Includes a calendar of events, photo gallery and bulletin board. http://cavunp-manitoba.com/ | |
86. Canadian Military Engineers Corrected and updated 17.04.2004. Disclaimers. canadian military Engineers and Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers. canadian military Engineers. http://www.regiments.org/milhist/na-canada/corps/engr.htm | |
87. CNN.com - Ship With Canadian Military Arms Told To Anchor In River - August 6, 2 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/americas/08/06/canada.usa.ship.reut/index.html | |
88. Canadian Military Exports Armed Indonesia's Brutal Militias ARMING A GENOCIDAL FORCE canadian military exports armed Indonesia s brutal militias By Asad Ismi. While the Indonesian Army and http://www.policyalternatives.ca/publications/articles/article257.html | |
89. ANAVETS UNIT 283 - WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, CANADA Provides assistance and support to veterans, canadian military personnel and their families. Includes a calendar of events, photo gallery and bulletin board. http://www.anavets283.com/ | |
90. Center For The Study Of Sexual Minorities In The Military | UCSB Study Finds Gays Do Not Undermine canadian military Performance. Media contact Aaron Belkin (805) 8935664 belkin@sscf.ucsb.edu. http://www.gaymilitary.ucsb.edu/PressCenter/press_rel1.htm | |
91. Canadian Military Families Online Interactive Community - TheMilitaryLife.com canadian military families. http://www.themilitarylife.com/ | |
92. Canadian Military Pattern Truck Findit Page canadian military Pattern vehicles, through their pugnacious presence have become beloved of a growing band of enthusiasts around the world. http://www.oldcmp.net/findit.html | |
93. Canadian Military Journal - Welcome/ Revue Militaire Canadienne - Bienvenue Quarterly, bilingual publication which provides a forum for open discussion and the free exchange of critical ideas about defence issues and military matters. http://www.journal.dnd.ca/ | |
94. World History Compass, Canadian History The canadian military Heritage Project FrenchIndian Wars, American Revolution, War of 1812, Rebellion of 1837, Civil War, Fenian Raids, Red River Rebellion http://www.worldhistorycompass.com/canada.htm | |
95. Mapleleafweb.com: Feature - The State Of The Canadian Military Article summarizes the state of the canadian military. The State of the canadian military How Strong, How Proud? by Scott Fogden April 1st, 2003. http://www.mapleleafweb.com/features/military/state/ | |
96. Mapleleafweb.com: Feature - The State Of The Canadian Military - The Future Of T Article summarizes the state of the canadian military. The Future of the canadian military New challenges faced by the Canadian Forces. http://www.mapleleafweb.com/features/military/state/future.html | |
97. Vernon's Collectible Website-Specialize In Canadian Military Collectibles Specializes in new and used canadian military badges, cloth and medals. http://www.vernonscollectibles.com | |
98. CultureCanada.gc.ca: Canadian Military History canadian military Medals and Decorations Source Veterans Affairs Canada. Canadian Veterans Interview Source Veterans Affairs Canada. http://culturecanada.gc.ca/chdt/interface/interface2.nsf/engdocBasic/8.10.html | |
99. CEL Surplus - Your Canadian Military Wharehouse Surplus Specialist Specializes in canadian military surplus. http://www.celsurplus.com | |
100. Canadian Military Contractors canadian military CONTRACTORS. Ploughshares Monitor, December 2000. Table 1 Top 10 canadian military Contractors 1999. Company head office/main plant. A. B. C. D. E. F. http://www.ploughshares.ca/content/MONITOR/mond00f.html | |
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