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61. The War Amps: Documentaries And Videos - Canada's Military Heritage Series These twominute vignettes will provide a glimpse into our unique canadian military heritage and some of them will reflect the full-length productions in our http://www.waramps.ca/video/never.html | |
62. 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion, A Coy. Portraying the A Company of the unit, the group creates an impression of this elite paratroop force as a small but important part of canadian military history. http://users.eastlink.ca/~bsmills/ |
63. Testaments Of Honour A nonprofit foundation dedicated to preserving canadian military history. http://www.testaments.ca/ | |
64. WarMuseum.ca - A Chronology Of Canadian Military History - C. 1000 The Canadian War Museum A Chronology of canadian military History. Collision of Cultures. c. 1000 Early encounters between Europeans http://www.civilization.ca/cwm/chrono/1000firstpeople_e.html | |
65. Civilization.ca - Online Resources For Canadian Heritage - Military And Naval Hi History. Military and naval history Canada (page 1). A Chronology of canadian military History http//www.warmuseum.ca/cwm/chrono/1000firstpeople_e.html. http://www.civilization.ca/orch/www04e_e.html | |
66. Canadian Military Families Online Interactive Community - TheMilitaryLife.com Online interactive community for families of canadian military members. http://www.TheMilitaryLife.com/ | |
67. All Recipes Soup Clam Chowder Canadian Military Style Clam Chowder canadian military Style. Submitted by Gail. MORE recipes like this. This is a thick, hearty chowder. I got the recipe http://soup.allrecipes.com/az/ClamChowderCanadianMilitar.asp | |
68. CONVOY The Magazine For Canadian Military Vehicle Hobbyists Dedicated to promoting and preserving canadian military history, heritage and vehicles, with special interests for the collector of canadian military vehicles. http://www.geocities.com/convoymagazine | |
69. The Olive Tree Genealogy: Canadian Military Index Military Section USA/CANADA special 14day FREE searches! in this OFFSITE database. Normally a pay-to-view database, this link gives you 14 days FREE. http://olivetreegenealogy.com/mil/can/index.shtml | |
70. Canadian Association Of Veterans In United Nations Peacekeeping An Association of retired and serving canadian military (Regular and Reserve), RCMP, and civilian personnel who have served on United Nations Peacekeeping Missions. http://www.peacekeeper.ca/cavunp.html | |
71. Canadian Military Law canadian military Law. By joining the armed forces, however, they subject themselves to additional liabilities and responsibilities under canadian military law. http://www.canadianlawsite.com/military.htm | |
72. Winterfrontpg Information and support for canadian military wives. Includes information on the Invisible Ribbon Campaign. http://www.renc.igs.net/~tcollier/ | |
73. Canadian Military Recipes, Canadian Food canadian military Recipes. These recipes are even big enough for MY family!! As far as I know, these are the only canadian military Recipes online. http://www.angelfire.com/bc/incredible/militaryrecipes.htm | |
74. Shearwater Aviation Museum this website is devoted to the interests of the Shearwater Aviation Museum and canadian military maritime aviation heritage in general http://www.shearwateraviationmuseum.ns.ca | |
75. AMANDX PRESENTS Below is a listing of the assigned frequencies for the canadian military in Manitoba.These are assigned frequencies in Manitoba. http://www.angelfire.com/mb/amandx/mbmil.html | |
76. Canadian Military Genealogy - Wars & Military Records In Canada Search. Genealogy, Military Genealogy in Canada Guide picks. Explore Canada s African War. From the canadian military Heritage Project. http://genealogy.about.com/cs/canadamilitary/ | |
77. ABORIGINAL CLAIMS AND THE CANADIAN MILITARY: THE IMPACT ON DOMESTIC STRATEGY AND 1314 November 1998. ABORIGINAL CLAIMS AND THE canadian military THE IMPACT ON DOMESTIC STRATEGY AND OPERATIONS. P. Whitney Lackenbauer University of Calgary. http://www.cda-cdai.ca/symposia/1998/98lackenbauer.htm | |
78. Lahr Revisited A site for all canadian military Brats who ever lived in CFB Lahr, Germany. Chat, Forums, Yearbooks, Reunions, Found Friends Listings. http://www.lahrbrat.com/ | |
79. Who Killed The Canadian Military? Dr. Jack Granatstein gave a summary of his recent book, Who Killed the canadian military . Laurent was not responsible for the death of the canadian military. http://www.cda-cdai.ca/CDA_GMs/AGM67/granatstein.htm | |
80. CANADIAN RESEARCH SERVICE A researcher for hire, offering a wide variety of research on the canadian military and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) from the early 1800s to present day. http://www.comnet.ca/~akay/ | |
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