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41. P.M.A.: Political And Military History Albertans. At present, the program focusses on canadian military historyas it relates to the tradition of service of Albertans. Research http://www.pma.edmonton.ab.ca/human/govhist/intro.htm | |
42. Oh Canada: History 2 is tasked from time to time with the research and writing of commemorative historiesto mark significant milestones in canadian military history and other http://www.ualberta.ca/~bleeck/canada/canhist.html | |
43. Canadian Military History - Online Course Information Online Course Search / Graduate / Public Services / canadian military history. SectionId, LW594. Name, canadian military history. Program, Public Services. http://www.cgedonline.net/jsp/Online_Courses/Program_Details/3691 | |
44. The Halifax Explosion And The Royal Canadian Navy: Inquiry And Intrigue (Studies The Halifax Explosion and the Royal Canadian Navy Inquiry and Intrigue(Studies in canadian military history, 1). The Halifax Explosion http://www.historyamericas.com/The_Halifax_Explosion_and_the_Royal_Canadian_Navy | |
45. Royal Canadian Mounted Police History And Canadian Military History Essay about Royal Canadian mounted police history and canadian military historywritten by professional writers, download the sample term paper now. http://www.canadian-studies.com/police-military.htm | |
46. Douglas & McIntyre - Books Publication Date All. NonFiction canadian military history. TheGothic Line CanadaÂs best popular military http://www.douglas-mcintyre.com/book_browse.asp?s=51&c=41 |
47. Ubcpress.ca :: University Of British Columbia Press Studies in canadian military history Series. The Studies in Canadian MilitaryHistory Series is published in association with the Canadian War Museum. http://www.ubcpress.ca/books/series_military.html | |
48. Roch Legault - Staff - Department Of History Of The Royal Military College Of Ca Roch Legault, BA, MA, PhD. Assistant Professor (613) 5416000 ext.6511. Professor Legault teaches canadian military history. His http://www.rmc.ca/academic/history/personnel/legault_e.htm | |
49. Emplois/Ãtudes Permanentes - Opportunité D'enseignement - Collège Militaire R Translate this page HIE 208. canadian military history A study in War and Military History, 1867 -2000. CanadianMilitary History A study in War and Military History, 1867 -2000. http://www.rmc.ca/admin/employ/constudy0604_f.html | |
50. Jensen's Web Sources For Wars & World Military History Reader s Guide to canadian military history recommended; Dictionary of Canadian BiographyOnline. short scholarly biographies of Canadians who died before 1921. http://tigger.uic.edu/~rjensen/military.html | |
51. Course Description - Canadian Military History (HIE 208) - Continuing Studies This course will introduce students to the general themes of canadian military historyin the postConfederation period. canadian military history. 1 term 1 cr. http://www.cfsj.forces.gc.ca/studies/engraph/courses/coursehif208desc_e.asp | |
52. From Colony To Country : A Reader's Guide To Canadian Military History Target Audience Jurisdiction, Canada. Province, All of Canada. Title (mandatory),From colony to country a reader s guide to canadian military history. http://www.schoolnet.ca/home/e/resources/metadata/newurl_national_library_of_can | |
53. From Colony To Country A Reader's Guide To Canadian Military History Articles on Prime Minister Borden's leadership of Canada's military effort during World War I. English/French http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/milit/h13-4007-e.html |
54. Ash Vale & Aldershot Site For Local And British & Canadian Military History Local history and British and canadian military history http://www.btinternet.com/~iainwallace1 | |
55. The Great War Homepage: Find Military Ancestors & Build Your Family Tree The canadian GREAT WAR HOMEPAGE Canada s Role in World War I 1914 ~ 1918. Findyour military ancestors, learn their history, and build your family tree. http://www.rootsweb.com/~ww1can/ | |
56. From Colony To Country : A Reader's Guide To Canadian Military History Bibliography of published literature about Canada's military heritage (War of 1812, Northwest campaign, South African War, Boer War, First World War, WWI) from the 17th to 20th century. work entitled A military history of Canada, that Canadians of Canadians in military events ranging from rebellions literature on Canada's military history is extensive and http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/2/13/index-e.html | |
57. Home Page - Directorate Of History And Heritage (DHH) The Directorate of history and Heritage's (DHH) mission is to develop and reinforce the canadian Forces history, heritage, traditions, military honours, museum and music systems. A Sketch Account http://www.dnd.ca/hr/dhh/engraph/home_e.asp | |
58. Home Page - Directorate Of History And Heritage (DHH) The Directorate of history and Heritage s (DHH) mission is to develop and reinforcethe canadian Forces history, heritage, traditions, military honours, museum http://www.forces.gc.ca/hr/dhh/engraph/home_e.asp | |
59. From Colony To Country : A Reader's Guide To Canadian Military History The published literature on Canada s military history is extensive and muchof it is held in the collections of the National Library of Canada. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/military/index-e.html | |
60. First World War - From Colony To Country : A Reader's Guide To Canadian Military The First World War and Family history. General Reference Sources. Women and theWar. canadian Expeditionary Force. military Autobiography, Biography and Memoirs. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/military/h13-4000-e.html | |
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