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21. Canadian Military History - Encyclopedia Article About Canadian Military History encyclopedia article about canadian military history. canadian military historyin Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Canadian military history | |
22. WarMuseum.ca - A Chronology Of Canadian Military History - Early Moves 1914-1915 The Canadian War Museum A Chronology of canadian military history.The First World War (1914-1918). Early Moves 1914-1915 Because http://www.warmuseum.ca/cwm/chrono/1914first_ww_e.html | |
23. WarMuseum.ca - A Chronology Of Canadian Military History - 1919-1939 The Canadian War Museum A Chronology of canadian military history.Canada between the Wars. 1919-1939 Throughout the 1920s and http://www.warmuseum.ca/cwm/chrono/1914between_e.html | |
24. Military History Flight History.com; Fortress Study Group FSG; From Colony to CountryA Reader s Guide to canadian military history; Haze Gray http://facultystaff.vwc.edu/~dgraf/military.htm | |
25. From Colony To Country A Reader's Guide To Canadian Military History Bibliographical pathfinder for the general reader with an interest in Canada's military heritage. From the National Library of Canada. http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/milit/index-e.html |
26. Cyndi's List - Canada - Military University of Calgary Library canadian military history A bibliographyof regimental histories in the University of Calgary Library. http://www.cyndislist.com/milcan.htm | |
27. World History Compass, Canadian History From Colony to Country A Reader s Guide to canadian military history Bibliographicalpathfinder from the National Library of Canada for the general reader http://www.worldhistorycompass.com/canada.htm | |
28. Canadian Military History Website Index work term. This index includes web sites covering most aspects of Canadianmilitary history, both past and present. The topics range http://artsweb.uwaterloo.ca/~cdmather/ | |
29. Canadian Military History Web Site Index - World War I during the First World War, including Canada. Balloon Busters, Claims Documentation,Military Ranks, RFC Turkey, United States); News; - Today in History. http://artsweb.uwaterloo.ca/~cdmather/Canadian_Military_History_Web_Site_Index_- | |
30. Military History Of Canada :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius Military history of Canada. The expedition was responsible for eliciting one ofthe most famous pronouncements in all of canadian military history, however. http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/m/mi/military_history_of_canada.ht | |
31. Canadian Army Reading List - Military Heritage An extremely useful bibliographical guide on canadian military history. Stacey,CP Introduction to the Study of Military History for Canadian Students. http://members.tripod.com/RegimentalRogue/library/CARL3_military_heritage.htm | |
32. From Colony To Country A Reader's Guide To Canadian Military History National Library of Canada prepared this bibliographical pathfinder for people interested in learning about Canada's military heritage. Material of interest to genealogists and family historians is included. http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/milit/ |
33. Canadian History And Studies Canadian Confederation (National Library of Canada); From Colonies to CountryA Reader s Guide to canadian military history (National Library of Canada); http://www2.tntech.edu/history/canada.html | |
34. 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion, A Coy. Portraying the A Company of the unit, the group creates an impression of this elite paratroop force as a small but important part of canadian military history. http://users.eastlink.ca/~bsmills/ |
35. Canadian Military History canadian military history, Watch resources for canadian military history.SEARCH The Web Related canadian military history sites List http://www.watcheducation.com/canadian-military-history.html | |
36. Testaments Of Honour A nonprofit foundation dedicated to preserving canadian military history. http://www.testaments.ca/ | |
37. BC History Internet/Web Site: Historical Disciplines And Subjects: Military Canadians in various wars. The canadian military history Project (BrianLee Massey and Lorine McGinnis Schulze); Canadian Virtual War http://victoria.tc.ca/Resources/bchistory-disciplines-military.html | |
38. The BC History Internet/Web Site: Chronologies National Museum). Significant Dates in canadian military history (Directorateof History and Heritage, National Defence Canada); This http://victoria.tc.ca/Resources/bchistory-chronos.html | |
39. CONVOY The Magazine For Canadian Military Vehicle Hobbyists Dedicated to promoting and preserving canadian military history, heritage and vehicles, with special interests for the collector of Canadian military vehicles. http://www.geocities.com/convoymagazine | |
40. From Colony To Country. A Reader's Guide To Canadian Military History Metadata From Colony to Country. A Reader s Guide to canadian military history. AReader s Guide to canadian military history. Author, Cooke, Owen; Bell, Sandra. http://www.historyguide.de/cgi-bin/ssgfi/anzeige.pl?db=hist&nr=001515&ew=SSGFI |
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