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121. CanLinks: Directory Of Web Resources Relevant To Canadian Studies A directory of web resources relevant to canadian studies covering literature, arts, history, Quebec, museums and general information. http://lucking.net/canlinks/canlinks.htm |
122. Home Offers books and workshops promoting canadian children's literature. http://www.uotter.com | |
123. :: UTP HOME :: Publishes books and journals of academic and general interest. Special strengths in medieval and Renaissance studies, literature, and canadian history. http://utpress.utoronto.ca/ |
124. Canadian History Reading List null. Read Your Way Through canadian History with Children s literature. Chronological History Reading List. http://www.nucleus.com/~nicola/canhis.html | |
125. MiC NEWSLETTER Spring 2003 Edition Monthly newsletter with canadian SF literature news, award news, media news, a list of upcoming books and guest editorials. http://www.geocities.com/canadian_sf/Newsletters | |
126. CANADIAN CHILDREN'S LITERATURE REVIEW An annual publication reviewing all of the canadianauthored, English-language children's and young-adult books published in Canada each year. http://www.interlog.com/~cbra/CCLR/ | |
127. Special Collections - University Of Calgary Library Particular collecting area is canadian music and literature. Web site includes visitor information, finding aids, and online exhibits. http://www.ucalgary.ca/library/SpecColl/ | |
128. McGill University Libraries Research collections include the 'BlackaderLauterman Collection of Architecture and Art', several sections of canadiana, several groups of works dealing with Napoleon, Black history the 'History of Ideas' and 'History of the Book' collections which include works by David Hume, Gregor Malantschuk S¸ren Kierkegaard, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and many others. In addition, are extensive holdings in canadian, English, French, German, and Yiddish literature, historic manuscripts, rare maps, prints, and works of social and political history. Research affiliations Association of American Universities, Association of Research Libraries, Center for Research Libraries. http://www.library.mcgill.ca/ | |
129. Genres, Canadian, Literature Genres, canadian, literature. Art literature World literature canadian Genres. Genres Humor Mystery, Romance Science Fiction. Copyright © 2003 Art5.com. http://www.art-5.com/literature/world_literature/canadian/genres/ | |
130. Bookbroker.ca Canada's peer to peer market for new and used books. Free book postings, reviews, and message boards for readers interested in canadian and world literature. http://www.bookbroker.ca/ |
131. Canadian Reformed And Baptist Find links to Calvinistic churches, organizations, events, and literature. Provides educational resources. http://www.netrover.com/~dontheo/main.htm | |
132. Cancon Article from the canadian Content ezine. http://www.track0.com/cc/issues/0699censor.html |
133. Off The Page Readings and information on literature based on the winning book in the canadian Broadcasting Corporation's annual literature competition. http://artscanada.cbc.ca/artscanada.jsp?startingPieceLabel=offthepage |
134. Memorable Canadians An index of canadian biographies located throughout the National Library of Canada's web site. Focused on canadian history and society, literature, music, and library and information science. http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/8/2/index-e.html | |
135. :: CBC - Canada Reads :: The canadian Broadcasting Corporation's annual literature competition between books chosen by wellknown canadian personalities. http://www.cbc.ca/canadareads/ | |
136. Artandfantasy.com Original sculpture and fantasy art, inspired by classical mythology, literature and popular fantasy by this canadian artist. Models supplied to toy/model producers. Biography, galleries, services. http://www.artandfantasy.com | |
137. Award Winning Canadian Children's Literature List of awards and winners from the University of Saskatchewan. http://library.usask.ca/education/chldawrd.pdf |
138. Harbour Muse Gallery Features works from international renowned canadian artists and emerging talent. Also provides shopping for books about art, literature and metaphysics. Located in Thornbury. http://www.harbourmuse.com/ | |
139. Literature & Writing - Chebucto Community Net Usenet literature Groups. Note The selection of canadian and International links is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather to include some major and http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Culture/literature.shtml | |
140. Read Up On It Program to promote canadian children's literature and reading. Highlights notable books on a variety of themes and features awardwinning books in all categories. http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/ruoi/ |
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