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101. Babelloyd.com -- Like It Is - 3 May, 2003, Canadian Literature And Culture Like It Is 3 May, 2003 canadian literature and Culture. The guy who sent out the link scored eighteen right, and his livelihood is in canadian literature. http://www.babelloyd.com/likeitis/likeitis0055.html | |
102. MAIS - Course: ENGL 551 3 Comparative canadian literature Delivery Mode Individualized-Study Precluded course ENGL 551 cannot be taken for credit if credit has already been http://www.athabascau.ca/mais/syllabi/engl551.html | |
103. Athabasca University: Course Syllabus, English 302 English (ENGL) 302 Introduction to canadian literature. Delivery mode Individualized study. A New Anthology of canadian literature in English. http://www.athabascau.ca/html/syllabi/engl/engl302.htm | |
104. Beyond Silence: Chinese Canadian Literature In English By Eleanor Ty Beyond Silence Chinese canadian literature in English Lien Chao. TSAR. xiv, 206. Beyond Silence Chinese canadian literature in English. Lien Chao. TSAR. http://www.utpjournals.com/product/utq/701/silence119.html | |
105. English Canadian Literature English canadian literature. This guide is a list of some of the reference tools available for study and research in the field of English canadian literature. http://www.ubishops.ca/library_info/English-Canadian-Literature.htm | |
106. Michigan State University Press | French-Canadian Literature | Jane Moss Jonathan Weiss. Click here to learn more about this author. Frenchcanadian literature. Jane Moss. Jonathan Weiss. The ACSUS Papers. http://msupress.msu.edu/bookTemplate.php?bookID=242 |
107. Class PS8000: Canadian Literature Class PS8000 canadian literature. Dictionaries. 8021, Theory and principles of the study of canadian literature. 8023, History of Canadian literary history. http://staff.library.mun.ca/staff/toolbox/tables/PS8000.htm | |
108. Canada Online - Canadian Government News Issues And Services Study the language, food and music. Explore literature, history and traditions, research genealogy, and read online Frenchcanadian newspapers. From About.com. http://frenchcaculture.about.com/index.htm | |
109. University Of Victoria Special Collections Emphasis on Modern English and AngloIrish literature; Northwest Coast exploration, art, and archaeology; canadian military and southern Vancouver Island literary culture. Located at the University of Victoria in Victoria, B.C. http://gateway1.uvic.ca/spcoll/sc.html | |
110. Welcome To CANSCAIP A national, professional group for people in the field of children's culture. Supports and promotes children's literature through newsletters, workshops, meetings and other information programs. http://www.canscaip.org/ | |
111. Canadian Romance Authors Network canadian Romance Authors' Network offers a location for booksellers and readers to learn more about the wealth of great romance literature. http://www.canadianromanceauthors.com/ | |
112. Canadian Tamil Literature Presents translations of Tamil literature. http://www.pathcom.com/~gthami/writer.htm |
113. Hungarian-Canadian Online Resources HUNCOR Current events, history, literature, current events. http://www.newforce.ca/huncor/welcome.htm |
114. Orthopaedic Division Of The Canadian Physiotherapy Association Orthopaedic Division information, membership, current issues, research and literature, clinics for sale, job openings, links, bursaries and awards. http://www.orthodiv.org | |
115. Canadian Poisonous Plants Information System An interactive, searchable database taken from literature references for over 250 plants that can poison livestock, pets and humans in Canada. http://res.agr.ca/brd/poisonpl/title.html | |
116. CCL: Welcome! Advertises a bilingual journal of criticism and review covering canadian books and other media for children. http://www.uoguelph.ca/ccl/ | |
117. The Hamilton Association Home Page canadian notfor-profit offers free public lecture schedule and special events for the Advancement of literature, Science and Art . http://nebula.on.ca/hamiltonassoc/ | |
118. Canadian Plywood Association - CANPLY Website Represents manufacturers of plywood, veneer and composite products in Canada. Member mills, news, literature, services, and contact details. http://www.canply.org/ | |
119. 19th Century British, American And Canadian Authors Online verification of first printing of literary first editions by 19th century authors largely known for their work in children's literature. http://www.buriedantiques.com/19th_century_authors.htm | |
120. Booksforpleasure.com A canadian ebook publisher providing online literature for all ages. http://www.booksforpleasure.com | |
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