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Canadian History General: more books (100) | ||
141. Home Page Based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Founded in 2001. WCRS holds monthly meetings at the SAIT campus and puts on the annual Western canadian Robot Games. Site includes photos, general information and a meeting calendar. http://members.shaw.ca/cybug/ | |
142. Canadian Orders, Medals And Decorations - Veterans Affairs Canada Published on the Web by the Veterans Affairs Department of Canada. http://www.vac-acc.gc.ca/general/sub.cfm/collections/cmdp/ | |
143. Canadian World Domination general headquarters for Canadians who are taking over the world and redesigning it to suit their aims. http://www.standonguard.com/ |
144. E-lynks Canadian Links A general index anddirectory to canadian web sites, including travel destinations and provincial guides. http://www.e-lynks.com/canada.htm | |
145. Canadian Pioneers - Home general information on the canadian Pioneers, a charitable organization of folks in the telecommunications industry. Lists community and national programs plus provincial chapters. http://www.canadianpioneers.ca | |
146. General Brock.com the firstround cut in CBC s The Greatest canadian contest. Watch Laura Secord shistory minute April 27 Major-general Sir Isaac Brock The Saviour of Canada. http://www.generalbrock.com/ | |
147. 1996 Report Of The Auditor General Of Canada - November - Chapter 27 A 1996 report by the Auditor general of Canada on the role of foreign and security intelligence in government and on the control and accountability arrangements in the intelligence community. http://www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/domino/reports.nsf/html/9627ce.html | |
148. Canadian Jambroee, 9th, 1997 Opening address to CJ '97 by Chief Scout, Governor general Romeo Leblanc. http://www.gg.ca/governor_general/leblanc/archive/jamboree_e.asp |
149. Canadian Lung Association - Asthma, COPD, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Smoking, And Information about respiratory conditions for both patients and the general public, and information about the Lung Association. http://www.lung.ca/ | |
150. Canoepolo.ca Contains general information about the sport and related links by province. http://www.canoepolo.ca/ | |
151. General Counsel - Business Law Solutions Legal information, products, and an attorney directory, for canadian businesses. http://www.generalcounsel.ca/ | |
152. Canadian Poetry Association Promotes reading, writing, publishing and preservation of poetry in Canada through its members' efforts and promotes communication among poets, publishers and the general public. http://www.canadianpoetryassociation.com/ |
153. Canadian Literature: Resources Links to general sites, journals, magazines, and awards. http://www.cdn-lit.ubc.ca/resources/index.html | |
154. Professsional, Motivational, Keynote, Speakers Hamilton Chapter Of The Canadian general information, events and membership application for professional speakers and those aspiring to learn the habits of professional speaking in their business. http://www.hamiltoncaps.com | |
155. ACIPR / CPCA Represents its members before governments, allied industries, consumers, and the general public. Includes facts about paint, environment issues, and health and safety. http://www.cdnpaint.org/ | |
156. Subject Research Guides: History - American And British: General History Portals National Library of Canada Electronic Collection Spartacus Internet EncyclopediaBritishHistory 17001920 documents, and research in general in American http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/rr_gateway/research_guides/history/texts_ge | |
157. Canadian Council Of The Blind Manitoba Division Inc. Includes mission statement, general information, programs and resources for the visually impaired. http://www.ccbmb.ca | |
158. The Canada Council For The Arts - Governor General's Literary Awards general s Literary Awards (200311-01); history of the 11); Winners of the 2001 Governorgeneral s Literary Awards The Canada Council for the Arts announces the http://www.canadacouncil.ca/prizes/ggla/default.asp | |
159. U-18 Boys JVC Canadian National Soccer Champions 2002-2003 general information about the Abbotsford Soccer Association and the Abbotsford Mariners. Photographs, links, and contacts. http://www.abbysoccer.com/ | |
160. Jossey-Bass::Canadian History For Dummies JosseyBass Society Lifestyle history Generalhistory canadian history for Dummies. http://www.josseybass.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1894413199.html |
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