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181. The Canadian Hyperlexia Association Page Information on a syndrome which interferes with language and social interaction, coupled with a precocious ability to read. Contains articles, strategies, personal stories, words from the kids, and general information about the CHA and support groups. http://home.ican.net/~cha/ | |
182. Canadian Multiculturalism Act Contains general information about this Act from the Department of Justice. Includes a disclaimer statement, and related information. http://lois.justice.gc.ca/en/C-18.7/ | |
183. Canadian Democratic Movement Forum for general discussion of democracy and issues in Canada. http://www.canadiandemocraticmovement.ca/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl |
184. Coming Soon H Division of the RCMP serves the province with seven detachments. Lists links to each detachment, general information about the force, priorities, programs, services, news and a link to Operation Hope. http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/ns/index_e.htm | |
185. The Canadian Piano Page Listing of provincial and general piano resources including stores, tuners, technicians and teachers. http://www.canadianpianopage.com/ | |
186. Welcome To Homeschooling Horizons Magazine! A canadianbased online and print publication designed to empower and encourage homeschoolers. Local, regional, and general topics. http://www.homeschoolinghorizons.com/ | |
187. Canadian UL Information Provides information on canadian regulations, organizations, and general information. http://www.ionline.net/~elubitz/ | |
188. Breast Cancer Support, Information And Advocacy canadian support organization which gives general information, details about local resources and access to an online forum. http://www.bcans.org | |
189. Canadian Shipowners Association The general objective is to promote an economic and competitive canadian marine transportation industry. http://www.shipowners.ca/ | |
190. Ostéoporose Québec general information on various aspects of osteoporosis and bone health. Includes Quebec and canadian health links and contact information. http://www.osteoporose.qc.ca/ |
191. THE KANSAS HISTORY GATEWAY THE history GATEWAY AT KANSAS Converter   Weights and Measures Converter   history Societies   history Departments WWWVL history Network Main Catalog, Managers, Lynn http://www.ukans.edu/history | |
192. Cbc.ca/kids CANUCK RALLY Take it on the road and drive Canada from coast to coast!Keep your hands on the keyboard and your eyes on the course http://www.cbc.ca/kids/ | |
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