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1. Canadian History - People Places And Events In The History Of Canada Search. Canada Online, canadian history general Guide picks. Explorethis broad collection of resources on people, places and events http://canadaonline.about.com/cs/canadahistory/ | |
2. World History Compass Home Page Provides categorized links to hundreds of history sites on the Web. For students, teachers, historians, writers and journalists. Main Index. general and. International history. Ancient Egypt. Ancient, general Afghanistan Soviet Occupation (1979-1989) Information Resource Centre, canadian Forces College. http://www.worldhistorycompass.com/ | |
3. Curricular Resources In Canadian Studies: Canadian History Curricular Resources in canadian Studies canadian history page has a large number of links to sites that have information on famous canadians. general canadian history Resources http://www.cln.org/subjects/can-hist_cur.html | |
4. Canadiana -- The Canadian Resource Page and history; Science and Education; Technology, Commerce, and Industry; Heritage,Culture and Entertainment canadian Film Festivals. Other general resources http://www.cs.cmu.edu/Unofficial/Canadiana/ | |
5. Canadian History Resources - History Of Canada - Academic Info An annotated directory of Internet resources on the history of Canada. history. history Gateway canadian history. Digital Library. Reference Desk. canadian Women's history. general Links Resources. Local Regional history http://www.academicinfo.net/canhist.html | |
6. Grade 12 (Canadian) History Internet Resources For High School Teachers In Saska Grade 12 (canadian) history Internet Resources. for High School Teachers general Internet Resources in canadian history. The People and the Land http://duke.usask.ca/~debrou/grade12.htm | |
7. Canadian History @ Culture.ca Expression history and Heritage history general (295 sites) Early canadian historyto 1867 (67 sites); Canada After Confederation (228). history - Provinces http://www.culture.ca/canada/explore-explorez-e.jsp?pre=n&category=510 |
8. Early Canadian History To 1867 @ Culture.ca peoples who forged it. Home history and Heritage history general Early canadian history to 1867, 1837 Rebellions Discusses the http://www.culture.ca/canada/explore-explorez-e.jsp?pre=n&category=511 |
9. Canadian Genealogy And History Links - Quebec 17th Century canadian history Various articles about early canadian history and ancestry notices, biographies, stories, texts, notes of general interest for the genealogist http://www.islandnet.com/~jveinot/cghl/quebec.html | |
10. Canadian History Books Top 6 canadian history Books general. Guide Picks. I am your Guide,From Susan Munroe, Your Guide to Canada Online. These books offer http://canadaonline.about.com/cs/history/tp/historybooks.htm | |
11. Civilization.ca - Online Resources For Canadian Heritage to provide a larger context for understanding Canada, its history, and the multiculturalbackgrounds of Canadians. Finally, some general resources are included http://www.civilization.ca/orch/www00_e.html | |
12. Canadian Genealogy And History Links - National receives regularly. Includes general canadiana, canadian history, music, literature, publishing and links dealing with canadian geography, history, politics, society, culture and http://www.islandnet.com/~jveinot/cghl/national.html | |
13. Civilization.ca - Online Resources For Canadian Heritage - Canadian History cbc4kids.ca/general/time/todayin-history/default.html. This Week in history http//www.pc.gc.ca/apps/cseh-twih/index_e.asp.This Month In canadian history http http://www.civilization.ca/orch/www04b_e.html | |
14. Governor General's Awards For Excellence In Teaching Canadian History Find information on nomination requirements, helpful hints and deadlines forthe Governor general s Awards for Excellence in Teaching canadian history. http://www.historysociety.ca/gga.asp | |
15. Canadian History Resources member for Hamilton West), Minister of Citizenship and later as Postmaster general. historicalfiction they prove once and for all that canadian history isn t http://www.canadainfolink.ca/history.htm | |
16. CAACMA HOME PAGE Specializing in Northern and Southern Kung Fu, and Wu Tai Chi in London, Ontario, Canada. Includes images, FAQ, history, announcements, and general articles. http://www.pakmei.net | |
17. Governor General Honours Canada's Finest Canadian History Teachers And Unveils N Governor general honours Canada s finest canadian history teachers andunveils new millennium map of Canada. November 20, 1998. OTTAWA http://www.gg.ca/media/doc.asp?lang=e&DocID=782 |
18. LookSmart - Directory - General Canadian History general canadian history Find time lines, images, documents and morerelating to the history of Canada. Directory Listings About. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317836/us317911/us53828/us326984/us76 | |
19. General Resources - Internet Resources For Quebec And Canadian History Internet Resources for Quebec and canadian history. general Resources.Last revised 20 September 2000. Aboriginal Links Canada and http://www2.marianopolis.edu/quebechistory/sites/general.htm | |
20. General Canadian Genealogy Links: Genealogy In Canada. general canadian Genealogy Links Chat. Bound Early canadiana Online Empress ofIreland The Most Tragic Marine Disaster in canadian history Family history http://members.shaw.ca/justgen/gencan.htm | |
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