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41. Med K-G Olin I Emigranternas Spår... the goldminers during the first six months of the rush alone. could scarcely choose a more inaccessible place for gold to be found than in the canadian Yukon http://www.multi.fi/~olimex/read_more/alaska_del_2.htm | |
42. NICHOLAS JENNINGS: BEFORE THE GOLD RUSH These are just a few of the colorful episodes in the history of canadian music, detailed in a new book called Before the gold rush. http://www.canoe.ca/JamBooksReviewsB/before_jennings.html | |
43. Canadian Business Magazine After The Gold Rush advertisement. MATTHEW MCCLEARN, 200208-05. After the gold rush. gold stocks have paid off handsomely. But will the good times last? advertisement. http://www.canadianbusiness.com/features/article.jsp?content=47581&page=1 |
44. Gold Rush The gold rush. The news of gold discovered in the remote Klondike area of buying their legendary ton of supplies (required by canadian authorities before http://www.alaskacruise.com/Grush.htm | |
45. Vancouver - Gold Rush And The Railway who gave up after the California gold rush of 49 Â managed to find over $500,000 in gold. its independence by Britain, BC joined canadian confederation. http://vancouver.com/whattoexpect/areahistory/goldrush/ | |
46. Gold Rush Trail Journal Book Store canadian heroes. Brown s remarkable adventurous life in Canada began in BC in 1862 during the Cariboo gold rush. Two years later http://www.barkerville.com/bookshelf/index_4.htm | |
47. Best Western Gold Rush Inn Whitehorse Yukon Territory - Hotels In Whitehorse When you make a booking through the canadian Hotel Guide website or through our 24 be processed just as if you had called the Best Western gold rush Inn yourself http://www.canadianhotelguide.com/ca/Yukon_Territory-hotels/Whitehorse-hotels/Be | |
48. The Red Lake Museum - Gift Shop Red Lake, and his experiences in the canadian Armed Forces. Included are fifty short stories and anecdotes about colorful personalities from the gold rush era. http://www.redlakemuseum.com/html/body_giftshop.html | |
49. The Globe And Mail Similar to the strategy of many goldrush pioneers a century ago, thousands of people in Ontario have and a director of the canadian Real Estate Association. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/ArticleNews/TPStory/LAC/20040521/AGENTS21 | |
50. Gold Rush Fever gold rush Fever was shortlisted for the 2003 Silver Birch Award and the 2003 Rocky Award, and was named a 2002 Our Choice book by the canadian Children s Book http://redcedar.swifty.com/2003/nominees/nonfiction/gold-rush-fever.htm | |
51. US-Parks.com - Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park Adventure Travel Guid This park celebrates the Klondike gold rush of 189798 through 15 restored buildings within FEE A permit is required to hike the US and canadian portions of http://www.us-parks.com/US_National_Historic/klondike_gold/NPS_Info.shtml | |
52. Alaska.com | Other National Parks | Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park The goldrush prospectors had built boats at the lake and sailed on to the gold fields around on the US side, but there s a charge on the canadian side. http://www.alaska.com/places/parks/other_us_parks/story/4835338p-4773529c.html | |
53. Klondike Gold Rush: 1896 of 1898 it had become the largest canadian city north of There was plenty of gold in the creeks around The Klondike rush probably yielded about 75 tonnes (2.4 http://info.goldavenue.com/Info_site/in_arts/in_civ/in_rush_canada.html | |
54. Yukonbooks.com - Your Online Source For Great Books On The Yukon, Alaska, And Th Daniel Francis, author of NATIONAL DREAMS MYTH, MEMORY, AND canadian HISTORY Our price CDN$ 19.95 (Approximate US$ 14.49) Quantity 1. gold rush Dogs More Info, http://yukonbooks.com/shop/customer/home.php?cat=40 |
55. Natural Resources - Canadian Heritage Gallery canadian Heritage Gallery. ID 20705. Cariboo Shack A gold miners shack in the Cariboo during the gold rush of the 1860s. ID 10017. http://www.canadianheritage.org/galleries/naturalresources0500.htm | |
56. Klondike Gold Rush Yukon Territory 1897 The most difficult route was the All canadian Route from Edmonton and overland through the wilderness. Klondike Links Klondike gold rush, Univ. of Wash. http://www.questconnect.org/ak_klondike.htm | |
57. Destinations & Discoveries Reviews of interest in canadian history, in part thanks to the CBC series Canada A People s gold rush Fever is one of the more interesting books aimed at eight to 12 http://www.ddontario.com/reviews.cgi?db=Book Reviews&r=29&q= |
58. Parks Canada - This Week In History who did not take part directly in the gold rush opened restaurants When the gold deposits were exhausted, the construction of the canadian Pacific Railway http://www.pc.gc.ca/apps/cseh-twih/index_e.asp | |
59. Parks Canada - Dawson Historic Complex National Historic Site Of Canada - The Go The gold rush Few episodes in canadian history captured world imagination in the same way as the fabulous Klondike gold rush of 189798. http://www.pc.gc.ca/lhn-nhs/yt/dawson/natcul/natcul4_e.asp | |
60. NEIL YOUNG After The Gold Rush - RCA Record Club Version & LP/CD Variations 1989, updated 67 May 1997, updated September 1999) (Special Thanks to Mats Aronsson Dr. Ray Miles for canadian After The gold rush information) All rights http://home.earthlink.net/~sidestreet/sidesite81.html | |
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