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21. Barkerville: A Gold Rush Experience Stories of the men and women who dug for gold on Williams Creek are told in this canadian bestseller, BARKERVILLE. Barkerville A gold rush Experience. Revised edition of a canadian top seller http://www.goldrushbc.com/brkrvlle.htm | |
22. 1858 Gold Rush - British Columbia - Canadian Confederation Toronto WJ Gage Ltd., 1957. 55 p. Marshall, Daniel P. Fraser River gold rush . canadian encyclopedia year 2000 edition. Ed. James H. Marsh. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/2/18/h18-2951-e.html | |
23. GOLD RUSH TRAIL 3 DAY to eligible canadian competitors for the two Championship races. In addition, there will be a total time, threeday competition, The gold rush Trail, with http://www.orienteeringbc.ca/coc2005/ | |
24. Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park the Chilkoot Trail, and day users on the canadian portion of http://www.nps.gov/klgo/chilkoot.htm | |
25. The Cariboo Gold Rush Credits Page of study is European history but also has a background in canadian as well. her knowledge of BC History to help build the pages for The Cariboo gold rush . http://collections.ic.gc.ca/cariboo/team/ | |
26. Family Chronicle - Master Page Template canadian author Pierre Berton described the gold rush as the most concentrated mass movement of American citizens onto canadian soil in all our history. . http://www.familychronicle.com/klondike.htm |
27. How To Find Your Gold Rush Relative: Sources On The Klondike & Alaska Gold Rushe Register with Indexes to the Microfiche Series of the canadian Institute for Neil E. San Mateo County Sourdoughs in the Klondike and Nome gold Rushes of 1896 http://www.library.state.ak.us/hist/parham.html | |
28. Cariboo Gold Rush - Teacher's Corner and central social and political issues involved in the Cariboo gold rush. It is expected that students will demonstrate understanding of canadian culture; http://cariboogoldrush.entirety.ca/site/en/index.php?area=teachers&source=grade5 |
29. City Rises On Golden Wave Seattle men and boys left town for the Alaskan and canadian gold fields; even And gold rush Seattle became notorious for wideopen gambling and prostitution. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/centennial/january/golden_wave.html | |
30. Gold Rush Sled Dog Association -- Races, History & Links our club has hosted the Katimavik volunteers, a group of canadian youth between the who helped with trail development and in staging the gold rush Trail Sled http://www.wellsbc.com/sleddog/ | |
31. The Great Canadian Travel Company - The Gold Rush This unique program combines a glimpse of CanadaÂs Northwest and Yukon Territories and your opportunity to follow in the footsteps of the oldtime gold rush. http://www.greatcanadiantravel.com/canarctic_goldrush.htm | |
32. Photo Of The Week the canadian Klondike region with over one ton of gold. Within hours every berth aboard the Portland was taken for her return trip. The Klondike gold rush was http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/photofrm2.htm | |
33. Klondike Gold Rush Links - ExploreNorth person s home town. canadian Heroes of the Klondike gold rush Short bios, listed by the person s home town. Captain Jack Crawford http://www.explorenorth.com/library/ya/bl22y.htm | |
34. THE DESTRUCTIVE AFRICAN GOLD RUSH: Canadian Mining Companies Set To Destroy Ghan web page THE DESTRUCTIVE AFRICAN gold rush canadian mining companies set to destroy Ghana s forest reserves By Asad Ismi. Under http://www.policyalternatives.ca/publications/articles/article389.html | |
35. History - The Origins Of The RCMP Two days later, a canadian Orderin-Council created the separate Yukon they were firmly established just in time for the spectacular Klondike gold rush. http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/history/origins10_e.htm | |
36. Software Development :: Vancouver - Toronto, Canada Software Development is a timely successor to After the gold rush (1999 Claiming a North American focus, there s little mention of canadian efforts, such as http://www.softwaredevelopment.ca/review/0321193679 | |
37. Canadian Genealogy Centre - Directory Of Resources - AVITUS - Simple Search 1. gold rush Database Dawson City Museum and Historical Society This database contains information on individuals who were in the Yukon during and after the http://apps.genealogy.gc.ca/avitus/010107_e.php?adf=TRUE&adq[0][col]=Suj-en&adq[ |
38. Canadian Genealogy Centre - Directory Of Resources - AVITUS Subject gold rush Deaths Census Employment records. Scope Yukon,Canada. Contact Info. URL http//users.yknet.yk.ca/dcpages/Museum.html. http://apps.genealogy.gc.ca/avitus/010106_e.php?uidc=Id-no&uid=660 |
39. Klondike Gold Rush Students would be given an opportunity to look at and read books on the Klondike gold rush. The canadian One Ton Law of 1898 would be explained to students. http://www.coe.ilstu.edu/iga/ALASKALM2.htm | |
40. Gold Panning And Gold Rush Directory, Outdoor Guide CANADA British Columbia. CITY. COMPANY. PHONE. EMAIL. Kamloops. canadian gold Prospectors Alliance. 250-374-8850. Yale. Historic Yale gold rush Town. 604-863-2324. http://www.outdoorguide.net/gold.html | |
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