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101. ATLANTIC CANADA GENEALOGY & HISTORY ARTICLES - The Global Gazette, Online Family Atlantic Canada genealogy History Articles. , Exciting New genealogy List, NovaScota-L. Â, New Brunswick Newspapers. CLICK FOR MORE canadian ARTICLES. http://globalgenealogy.com/globalgazette/cda-east.htm | |
102. Genealogy Site Featuring The Canadian Province Of Newfoundland. The Newfoundland WELCOME TO THE NEWFOUNDLAND S GRAND BANKS genealogy SITE. Legal Documents. genealogy Notes genealogy Resources Available and Methods of Searching. genealogy Notes http://ngb.chebucto.org/ | |
103. TERRE DE NOS AIEUX - GÃNÃALOGIE Au CANADA FRANÃAIS genealogy sites on the Internet. Bibliothèque généalogique et d histoire sociale. French-canadian Connection. http://www.cyberbeach.net/~jrpellan/ | |
104. Wayne Cook's Genealogy And Historic Plaques Page hosted by me as part of the Ontario Genweb Project. THE genealogy PAGES. Including Project Rose Garden and the canadian Query Boards. TRAVEL ONTARIO CANADA. http://www.waynecook.com/ | |
105. Bob Your Uncle is a search engine that provides detailed access to canadian genealogical information on the World Wide Web. Build your search using the categories below. http://indexes.tpl.toronto.on.ca/genealogy/index.asp | |
106. Asian Canadian - Genealogy Exploring family roots AC Logo, Return to the Asian canadian homepage. Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by Asian canadian Multimedia, Inc. http://www.asian.ca/genealogy/ | |
107. Canadian Sites documents. National Archives, Canada genealogy section. Ontario 1871 Census - Heads of Households - search facility from this page. http://freespace.virgin.net/alan.tupman/sites/canada.htm | |
108. Canada GenWeb Project - Projet GenWeb Du Canada Canada GenWeb Project Projet GenWeb du Canada. Committed to the collection and distribution of canadian genealogical data on the web - Une collection de données généalogiques canadiennes sur http://www.rootsweb.com/~canwgw | |
109. Canada Census Records 1835. Family Size, Personal Property, and Geographical Location of Landowners, in The genealogy of the First Metis Nation 1881 Census of Canada CD LDS Church. http://www.afhs.ab.ca/registry/regcan_census.html | |
110. ACGS The Americancanadian Genealogical Society provides Acadian and French-canadian descendants access to genealogical and historical research materials. http://www.acgs.org/ | |
111. Canada Genealogy Forum Home Regional Countries Canada genealogy Forum Regions for this Country. Canada genealogy Forum. Search this forum Find http://genforum.genealogy.com/canada/ | |
112. Ontario, Canada Genealogy Forum (All Messages) Home Regional Ontario, Canada genealogy Forum (All Messages) Ontario, Canada genealogy Forum (All Messages). Search this forum Find http://genforum.genealogy.com/canada/ontario/all.html | |
113. Cyndi's List - Canada Index Cyndi s List of genealogy Sites on the Internet Canada Index This page created maintained by Cyndi Howells, cyndihow@oz.net Updated Thursday, 06 May 2004 http://www.cyndislist.com/canada.htm | |
114. Vermont French-Canadian Genealogical Society: Home Page The Irish. Vermont Frenchcanadian Genealogical Society. PO Box 65128 Burlington, VT 05406-5128 Founded 1996. SO MANY ANCESTORS ..SO LITTLE TIME ! http://www.vt-fcgs.org/ | |
115. The Habitant's Home Page I am interested in Acadian (also known as Cajun) and French canadian genealogical research, but I try to keep up with Creole, Métis, Huguenot, Foreign French http://habitant.org/ | |
116. French-Canadian Genealogical Research In Houghton County, Michigan Frenchcanadian Genealogical Research in Houghton County, Michigan Tracing French canadians in Michigan s Copper Country. John P. DuLong, Ph.D. http://habitant.org/houghton/fcgenealogy.htm | |
117. Ontario Genealogy Ontario (Upper Canada) genealogy. Ontario Genweb Sites. Upper Canada genealogy and History Site. Newcastle District genealogy and History Site. http://www.ontariogenealogy.com/ | |
118. Www.archives.ca/www/GenealogicalSources.html HOME Global genealogy History Bookstore - Globalgenealogy.com Browse through thousands of books, maps, archival supplies, genealogy software and Rights Reserved 43 Main Street South, Campbellville, Ontario, Canada L0P 1B0 http://www.archives.ca/www/GenealogicalSources.html |
119. Upper Canada Genealogy Upper Canada genealogy brings you the references and information to aide you in your search. Donations are appreciated. Best viewed http://webhome.idirect.com/~griffish/gene/sggene1.html | |
120. Canada Genealogy Queries Canada genealogy Queries. 3678 genealogy Queries. Canada genealogy Queries. Total matching queries 3678 Current search All locations Canada. http://www.cousinconnect.com/p/a/3/ | |
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