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81. The Olive Tree Genealogy: Search For Your Military Ancestors Features USA and canadian wars. Included are databases of muster rolls, pension lists, as well as lists of resources, addresses and links. http://olivetreegenealogy.com/mil/ | |
82. Welcome To The Canadian Friends Of Finland (Ottawa) Web Site Includes newsletter, other organization information, information and Finnish language and genealogy, and links to heritage groups and resources in various parts of North America. http://www.canadianfriendsoffinland.ca/ | |
83. Franco American Heritage Collection Lewiston-Auburn College Working to build the museum and genealogy research library to educate the general public about the contributions of Frenchcanadian immigrants to New England and the United States. http://www.usm.maine.edu/lac/franco/ | |
84. Canadian Society, Sons Of The American Revolution Organized to foster better understanding of the participation of Canada in the Revolutionary War, and to support genealogy, family history, and heritage programs in preserving the Revolutionary War history of the United States. International affiliate of the NSSAR. http://www.sar.org/canada/default.htm | |
85. RootsWeb: Genealogy Mailing Lists: Canada : CAN-ORANGE genealogy, culture, and history of persons who came to Canada as members of the Orange Association. http://lists.rootsweb.com/index/intl/CAN/CAN-ORANGE.html | |
86. Notre Familie Family genealogy, encompassing German, French, Irish, Scottish and canadian ancestors. Surnames listed, photos of ancestors. http://nick6610.tripod.com/notrefamilie/ | |
87. Welcome To The Thuries Family History Site (genealogy And Much More) genealogy of the Thuri¨s and some protestant families from SouthWestern France origin, including the Australian, canadian, English and Irish 'De Blaquiere'. Also in Occitan and French. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/laurent-jm.thuries/netscape/English/cadreeng.html |
88. RootsWeb: Genealogy Mailing Lists: Canada : CANADIAN-ULSTER-SCOTS genealogy, culture and history of Canada's Ulster Scots, http://lists.rootsweb.com/index/intl/CAN/CANADIAN-ULSTER-SCOTS.html | |
89. Genealogy Of Borodenko, Bowser, Fawcett, Newton And Radford canadian Connection. Surnames include Bowser, Geisler, and Radford. The descendants of Sir Isaac Newton's family are also listed. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~radfordfamily/ | |
90. Archdiocese Of Kingston Ontario, serving the southeastern portion of the canadian province. Mission statement, parish directory, information for genealogy researchers, news, contact persons at the chancery. http://www.romancatholic.kingston.on.ca/ | |
91. The Loyalist Parkway - Your Route Through History Source of information for those with interests in Heritage Tourism, genealogy, canadian History, Early canadian Architecture, and genealogy. http://www.loyalistparkway.org | |
92. Wayne Ray Poetry and prose by the founder of the canadian Poetry Association. genealogy, canadian History and publishing web links. http://www.mirror.org/wayne.ray/ | |
93. Genealogy Of Yvon Maurice Ascending and descending family trees with web cards and charts. Mostly French canadian ancestry from mid 1600s Quebec and Ontario. Bilingual, English and French. http://members.rogers.com/yvonmaurice/newgen/genealogy.htm | |
94. Alines' French-Canadian Ancestors genealogy of over 1700 families who came to Quebec from France in the 1600's. http://members.tripod.com/~AlineB/index.html | |
95. French-Canadian Genealogical Society Of Connecticut Our focus is on the genealogy of people of Frenchcanadian and Acadian heritage who settled in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York and throughout New England http://www.fcgsc.org/ | |
96. BLAIS-CHARTIER-LETOURNEAU-PLANTE A Frenchcanadian surname site, focusing mainly on the surname Blais; also includes surnames Chartier, Letourneau, Plante, Cloutier, Caron, Charron, Belanger, Gagnon, Morin, Bouchard, Boucher, and Fortin. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~kathissite | |
97. French-Canadian Genealogical Society Of Connecticut Articles in the Connecticut Maple Leaf include research in many areas of Frenchcanadian and Acadian genealogy and history, including biographies, how-to http://www.fcgsc.org/resources.htm | |
98. Sources For Genealogical Research In Canada anyone else. If you ve discovered some great references for canadian or Loyalist genealogy, please email me with the particulars. http://www.king.igs.net/~bdmlhm/cangenealogy2.html | |
99. Society Hill - Directory Of Canadian Historical And Genealogical Societies Top/Regional/North_America/Canada/Society_and_Culture/genealogy/Organizations http://www.daddezio.com/society/hill.ca/index.html | |
100. Houle Family Presentation The Houde, Houle and Courtois family. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~houle/index.htm | |
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