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81. Canada Online - Canadian Government News Issues And Services may be able to vote by Special Ballot in the canadian federal election Ontario HealthPremiums The Ontario government is reintroducing premiums for health care http://canadaonline.miningco.com/ | |
82. Federal Government- Forestry, Canada, Careers, Jobs, Forest Products, Wood, Pape key department in charge of nationaleconomic as well as a marketplace that will encourage canadian businesses to http://www.canadian-forests.com/fed-gov.html | |
83. Government And Political Resources - Canada - Internet Sources For Journalists A Political Resources Canada, Internet Sources for Journalists and Broadcasters,links to canadian government and political sites at the federal and provincial http://www.synapse.net/radio/gsources.htm | |
84. Newsroom: AAFC Online: News Releases: 2004 A further $65 million is earmarked to cover the federal government s share of theshortfall for the 2002 claim year under the canadian Farm Income Program (CFIP http://www.agr.gc.ca/cb/index_e.php?s1=n&s2=2004&page=n40322a |
85. Canadian Statistics - Federal Government Debt federal government debt. millions. Gross federal debt, 648,389, 648,212, 644,900,640,526, 629,638. Canada Savings Bonds, 28,217, 26,899, 26,416, 24,021, 22,584. http://www.statcan.ca/english/Pgdb/govt03.htm | |
86. Government Information In Canada / Information Gouvernementale Au Translate this page GOUVERNEMENTALE AU CANADA, a quarterly electronic journal for discussion and studyof canadian federal, provincial/territorial, and local government information http://www.usask.ca/library/gic/ | |
87. Entrust Success Stories Entrust Saves Canadian Federal canadian government Chooses Entrust. Entrust saves canadian Federalgovernment millions of dollars. Like most government departments http://www.entrust.com/success/cangov.htm |
88. Canadian Government: Selected Resources --Arts And Sciences Libraries, UB Librar Business and government Documents Center, located on the first floor of LockwoodMemorial Library, has been a depository for canadian federal publications and http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/asl/guides/busdoc/canada_docs.html | |
89. Introduction To The Government Of Canada Official Web Site | Canada Site Access information on Canada, its government, and federal programs and services organized into categories. Find an MP's email address, the latest government news, or other government of Canada http://canada.gc.ca/main_e.html | |
90. PSC - Recruitment Menu federal Student Work Experience Program banner. With only one application for employment,you can apply to over 7,000 student jobs in the federal government. http://jobs.gc.ca/menu/home_e.htm | |
91. PSC - Recruitment Menu 1 254 160 visits in April 2004. Job Seeker Tools (Alert, Resume Builder, Search) With only one application for employment, you can apply to over 7 000 student jobs in the federal government. federal government. Full time work during breaks, or part time throughout the year. FSWEP offers an excellent opportunity to learn about the federal government http://jobs.gc.ca/home_e.htm | |
92. Welcome To The 37th Parliament Elections are anything but trivial. Check out some interesting factsabout canadian federal elections. Click here for more info. http://www.parl.gc.ca/common/index.asp?Language=E |
93. Health Canada's Web Site | Le Site Web De Santé Canada federal government department that encourages the health of Canadians through promotion and prevention activities, and supports the health system through research funding and the support of provincial/territorial health systems. http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca | |
94. Strategis - Technology, Innovation And Licensing Français Contact Us Help Search Canada Site. Home Sitemap What s New AboutUs Registration. Strategis.gc.ca, federal government Assistance Programs. http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/sc_innov/tech/engdoc/1b.html | |
95. Budget Information ItÂsa blueprint for how the government wants to set the annual economicagenda for Canada. July federal Tax Reductions (June 27, 2000). http://www.fin.gc.ca/access/budinfoe.html | |
96. Federal Government -- Sources [ ALSO! -- Can. Law ] Canada Gazette (also in French Gazette du Canada) consists of and proposed regulationsfrom the government and private to be published by a federal statute or http://www.lawsource.com/also/canada.cgi?cfg |
97. Federal News Releases - Government Information Many news releases from the federal government are also available from Canada NewsWirewww.newswire.ca/government/federal/english/) and government News http http://www.lac-bac.gc.ca/8/4/r4-200-e.html | |
98. Federal Government Searches federal News Releases From Canada NewsWire The best way to find a news releasefrom Français; federal News Releases From the government A daily http://www.journalismnet.com/canada/fedsearch.htm | |
99. Public Service Commission Of Canada Employment The federal government is one of the largest employers in Canada, with more than150,000 employees in 75 departments and agencies, and some 1,000 different http://www.psc-cfp.gc.ca/centres/empl_e.htm |
100. Canadiana -- The Canadian Resource Page Directory of Diplomatic Representatives in Canada. Also federal Institutions federalGovernment of Canada (courtesy NCF) Provincial and Territorial Sources of http://www.cs.cmu.edu/Unofficial/Canadiana/ | |
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