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61. Build Your Biz This web site promotes economic growth in Ontario and offers resources for starting or expanding a business, exporting to global www.ontariocanada.com. http://www.greaterkwchamber.com/build_your_biz.asp?ID=1 |
62. Penticton Economic Development Services - Business - Starting A Business - Usefu Western Canada business Service Network Contacts Search Western economic Diversification s database of business service providers. http://www.penticton.ca/eds/business/starting_a_business/usefullinks.html | |
63. Small Business Profiles 2003 : 3. Contribution To The Economy to the province s economy. Figure 17 British Columbia has the second highest proportion of GDP comprised of small business in Canada, 2002. SOURCE BC stats / http://www.wd.gc.ca/rpts/research/profile2003/3a_e.asp | |
64. Bank Of Montreal Economics - Economic Research And Analysis On Canada, United St modest pace of 1.5% in Q1, real GDP growth in Canada is forecast The stronger economic environment should stimulate sales and business activity, and http://www.bmo.com/economic/commod/bfin.html | |
65. Canada Economic Development the largest export market for our business firms and The states in question exported approximately US$4 correct and up to date, Canada economic Development can http://www.dec-ced.gc.ca/asp/Publications/publications_ext_detail.asp?LANG=EN&DO |
66. The Canadian E-Business Initiative - CeBi Home CeBI released Fast Forward 4.0 Growing CanadaÂs Digital Economy and Net The Net Impact Study compares Canada s progress in SME ebusiness adoption with http://www.cebi.ca/ | |
67. CanadaTourism.com - Tourism Stats & Figures This section has powerful tools that can help tourism operators, businesses and individuals within the canadian Economy. Market Research, http://www.canadatourism.com/ctx/app/en/ca/statsfigures.do | |
68. Statistics And Publications Summarizes the economic impacts of downhill skiing on Alberta s National Parks, the province and Canada. offers a number of business development opportunities http://www.alberta-canada.com/statpub/tourstat.cfm | |
69. Business Bibliographies of Recent Works Pertaining to economic, business, Agricultural, and Labor History and the History of Science and Technology for the United States and Canada. http://www.kipnotes.com/bibliographies.htm | |
70. Speech - 15 June 2000: The Canadian Economy: Finding The Right Balance money and credit, and information from the Bank s business contacts across Canada. very favourable price performance suggests that our economy has not http://www.bankofcanada.ca/en/speeches/sp00-4.htm | |
71. Internet Resources For International Business and country reports on economic and trade University Center for International business Education and common industry definitions for Canada, Mexico, and the http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/business/ir/intlbs.html | |
72. EDIRC: Resource And Environmental Economics Government of Canada, Ottawa, National Round Table on Fullerton, College of business Administration and economics, Institute for economic and Environmental http://www.unites.uqam.ca/EDIRC/resource.html | |
73. Research Guide #18-Internet Resources - Business & Economics Library - UC Berkel essential.org/monitor/monitor.html; National Bureau of economic Research (NBER Statistics Canada. http//www.mexonline.com/business/link2.htm; United Nations/ECE. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/BUSI/bbg18.html | |
74. Research Guide #23-Business History - Business & Economics Library - UC Berkeley Indexes the history of the world excluding the US and Canada since 1954. Minority business enterprises; United states economic conditions; United http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/BUSI/bbg23.html | |
75. Research Centers: Canada-U.S. Trade Center (CUSTAC), State University Of New Yor basic and applied research on economic interactions and related issues between Canada and the United States and their respective international business partners http://www.geog.buffalo.edu/custac/ | |
76. We've Gone Mobile! | Canada Site access 1 800 OCanada service from outside of Canada and the United States); Canada business Service Centres Contact Information; economic Indicators; Government http://canada.gc.ca/mobile/wireless_e.html | |
77. German Embassy Economy and business. economic Relations between Germany and Canada. Germany s foreign trade in 1998 was with its European neighbours, while in Canada s case the http://www.germanembassyottawa.org/ebs/ebs.php |
78. The Business Link - Statistics Statistics on Alberta Small Businesses; Alberta First Alberta Community statistics and analysis related to the canadian economy and international United States. http://www.cbsc.org/alberta/tbl.cfm?fn=statistics |
79. Canada US Investment - Canadian Economy During the first quarter, the US economy grew 5.6 per Dale Orr, managing director for the canadian arm of looking for a revival in business investment, which http://www.canadausinvestment.com/news4.htm | |
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