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161. The Dutch Canadian Connection - Portal For Dutch And Canadian Ex-pats Portal site for dutch and canadian expats. Info on canadian and Dutch culture and all kinds of other information about the dutch - canadian friendship. http://www.sgtclog.nl | |
162. Visions From The Wilderness: The Art Of Paul Kane Documents the life and legacy of the canadian artist who traveled to document North American Native culture. Includes information on the program and biography of the artist. http://www.paulkane.ca |
163. Fringe Theatre Adventures Produces the Edmonton Fringe Theatre Festival, the largest extravaganza of theatre arts and culture of its kind in North America, a yearround season of youth programming through Fringe Theatre For Young People, and a five-week Western canadian mentoring program. FTA also runs the Fringe Theatre School, which provides classes for those aged 5 and up and manages The Arts Barns , a 45,000 square foot cultural centerpiece of Old Strathcona. http://www.fringetheatreadventures.ca/ | |
164. The Banff Centre For Continuing Education a canadian learning centre dedicated to the arts, leadership development, and mountain culture. The Centre hosts an International Workshop in Jazz and Creative Music and the Hugh Fraser Jazz Orchestra Workshop. http://www.banffcentre.ca | |
165. Canada Online - Canadian Government News Issues And Services You are here About News Issues Canada Online. canadian Election Firsts Inevery election campaign, politicians are eager to claim historic firsts. http://canadaonline.about.com/ | |
166. Canada Online - Canadian Government News Issues And Services canadian federal and provincial governments news, issues, how they are organized, how they work, and the services they provide to business and consumers in Canada. HomeEssentialscanadian Federal GovernmentProvinces of CanadaPrime Ministers canadian Election Firsts. In every election campaign in the history of canadian federal elections http://frenchcaculture.about.com/ | |
167. Multiculturalpedia Is a canadian sneeze different from a Japanese sneeze? Learn about everyday habits and customs from various cultures around the world. http://www.netlaputa.ne.jp/~tokyo3/e/ | |
168. Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board. What is the ReviewBoard? The canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board is an http://www.canadianheritage.gc.ca/progs/cebc-cperb/index_e.cfm | |
169. Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre - Toronto, Ontario Arts Cultural Classes Other Activities Workshops Expansion Heritage Links Policies Contact the JCCC. The National Tribute to Japanese canadian http://www.jccc.on.ca/ | |
170. Patrimoine Canadien / Canadian Heritage Français English, Avis importants, Important Notices. http://www.pch.gc.ca/ccop-pcce/ | |
171. Canadian Heritage http//www.canadianheritage.gc.ca/index_e.cfm http://www.pch.gc.ca/english.htm | |
172. Broken Pencil - Zine Culture In Canada And The World broken pencil, zine culture in canada and the world, features reviews of hundredsof zines, ezines, journals, chap-books and newsletters from across the http://www.brokenpencil.com/ | |
173. Israel's Leading Immigrant Organization A volunteer organization with headquarters in Jerusalem that provides expert information and guidance on employment, housing, culture shock, oleh rights, customs shipping, education adventures in learning, and volunteerism http://www.aaci.org.il/ | |
174. CCRN Research Network The canadian Cultural Research Network is intended to promote the sharing of researchand information in the cultural sector in Canada, build linkages between http://www.arts.uwaterloo.ca/ccm/ccrn/ | |
175. Media And Canadian Cultural Policies Chronology Review your selections. issues cultural policies media and canadian culturalpolicies chronology. Media and canadian Cultural Policies Chronology. http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/issues/cultural_policies/cultural_policy_c | |
176. Cultural Profiles Project Features overviews of life and culture in many countries. Developed to assist Canadians in understanding immigrants. http://www.settlement.org/cp/english/ | |
177. Whyte Museum Of The Canadian Rockies Devoted to the cultural history of the canadian Rocky Mountains and mountain cultures throughout the world. http://www.whyte.org/ | |
178. Welcome To Maplesquare - Canada's Internet Directory Arts Entertainment Business Money Computers Internet culture SocietyEducation Gov t Politics Health News Reference Science Tech Sports http://www.maplesquare.com/ | |
179. Parspage.com- Information for Canadians of Iranian descent and for those interested in Iran. Site includes information on Iranian films, sports, news and culture. http://www.parspage.com/index.htm | |
180. Welcome To African Canadian Online The Centre for the Study of Black Cultures in Canada provides information on African canadian artists, politicians, and atheletes. Includes links to other canadian resources. http://www.yorku.ca/aconline/ | |
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