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101. University Of Victoria Special Collections Emphasis on Modern English and AngloIrish literature; Northwest Coast exploration, art, and archaeology; canadian military and southern Vancouver Island literary culture. Located at the University of Victoria in Victoria, B.C. http://gateway1.uvic.ca/spcoll/sc.html | |
102. Artscanadian.com Canada S Premiere Portal To The Arts The canadian Cultural Web Directory is NOT a search engine, but a menu drivendirectory. It is your best connection to Canada s arts and culture! http://www.artscanadian.com/ |
103. Canadian Literature And Culture Links Information on canadian literature and writers http://www.cariboo.bc.ca/atwood/canadian.htm | |
104. Canadian Genealogy And History Links - Nunavut Includes information on area history, culture society issues. http://www.islandnet.com/~jveinot/cghl/nunavut.html | |
105. Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Saskatchewan Provincial Council Website A nonprofit organization located in Saskatchewan. Provides Canadians with information about current events with the Ukrainian culture. http://www.ucc.sk.ca/ | |
106. Belgian Canadian Association Of British Columbia, Canada Over 100 Belgians and Belgophiles of British Columbia promote the culture of Belgium and meet over 6 times/year since 1973 in Vancouver, BC, Canada. http://www.bcabc.ca/ |
107. Tamil Canadian Services History and culture of Tamils of Tamil Eelam (Northern and Eastern regions of Sri Lanka), and information on the war for their right to selfdetermination, human rights abuses and terrorism. Presented from a Tamil perspective. http://www.tamilcanadian.com | |
108. Canadian Iris Society - Welcome Provides regional events, culture, news, editorials and photographs. http://members.rogers.com/cdn-iris/ | |
109. Asian Canadian LITERATURE Recommended books for building a personal library. http://www.asiancanadian.net/literature.html | |
110. RootsWeb: Genealogy Mailing Lists: Canada : CAN-ORANGE Genealogy, culture, and history of persons who came to Canada as members of the Orange Association. http://lists.rootsweb.com/index/intl/CAN/CAN-ORANGE.html | |
111. Dominion Institute - Great Canadian Questions Essay competition encouraging debate on canadian history and culture. http://www.schoolnet.ca/greatquestions/ |
112. Ricepaper Online: Asian [arts] Canadian [culture] Asian canadian arts and culture magazine with online essays and editorials. http://www.ricepaperonline.com/ | |
113. What Magazine Sibling Whatmagnet.com - Canadian Teen Magazine canadian teen pop culture site. Contests current events and topics, music, movies, reviews, and educational opportunities. http://www.whatmagnet.com/ | |
114. Civilization.ca - Change Of Address Features archeological, ethnological, folk culture and historical collections, which highlight Canada's history and prehistory. Also showcases dance performances, musical groups, theatrical presentations and festivals. http://www.civilization.ca/cmc/cmceng/welcmeng.html | |
115. Bacon Magazine A monthly canadian men's magazine, focusing on humour, culture, entertainment and canadiana. http://www.frymybacon.com | |
116. Canadian Hip References Song lyrics and references to Canada's history and culture in the Hip's album, Phantom Power. http://www.angelfire.com/on/canadianhip/ | |
117. CultureCanada.gc.ca: Canadian Music canadian government site with links to resources about music in Canada. http://culturecanada.gc.ca/chdt/interface/interface2.nsf/engdocBasic/14.html | |
118. Kids' Stop - Index - Indian And Northern Affairs Canada Information about the First Nations people of Canada and their culture geared specifically at canadian youth. http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ks/index_e.html | |
119. Canadian Voice For Pagan Culture Information source for canadian networking/contacts, events, shopping, media, history, and newspaper articles. http://www.canadapagan.com | |
120. Canadian History A Distinct Viewpoint Information about the Metis nation, New France culture, aboriginal history and beliefs and values brought from Europe to Canada. http://www.agt.net/public/dgarneau | |
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