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81. L.M. Montgomery And Canadian Culture By Deirdre Baker LM Montgomery and canadian culture Irene Gammel and Elizabeth Epperly. Universityof Toronto Press. xviii, 268. LM Montgomery and canadian culture. http://www.utpjournals.com/product/utq/701/culture102.html | |
82. Commentary Magazine - Television & Canadian Culture Television canadian culture. Compton, Neil. ..This may be so in societies witha deeply rooted traditional culture, but it has not been so in Canada http://www.commentarymagazine.com/Summaries/V38I5P77-1.htm | |
83. Commentary Magazine - O Canada. An American's Notes On Canadian Culture, By Edmu O Canada. An American s Notes on canadian culture, by Edmund Wilson.Compton, Neil. SOME YEARS AGO, according to the Canadian novelist http://www.commentarymagazine.com/Summaries/V40I2P77-1.htm | |
84. CultureCanada.gc.ca Links to government sites about canadian culture, heritage, sports and recreation. http://www.culturecanada.gc.ca/culture.nsf | |
85. CultureCanada.gc.ca: Learning Resources - Canada Directory of educational materials about canadian culture and heritage. http://culturecanada.gc.ca/chdt/interface/interface2.nsf/engdocBasic/10.html | |
86. Geist: Canadian Ideas, Canadian Culture Literary magazine of ideas and culture. canadian culture with a sense of humour. http://www.geist.com/ | |
87. Cannabis Culture Magazine Online: Marijuana And Hemp Around The World Cannabis culture Magazine Marijuana and Hemp from Around the World. search cannabis culture " Spreading a revolution through retail is probably the niftiest idea that we ever came up canadian and American Idol toss contestants for pot and nudity. http://www.cannabisculture.com/ | |
88. Latvian Canadian Cultural Centre Lists of events and websites concerning the culture. http://www.latviancentre.org/ | |
89. Canada's Address :: OCanada.ca :: Canada's Portal Offers information on canadian art and culture, along with facts and provincial guides. http://www.ocanada.ca/ | |
90. [ P A P M A G ] Generalinterest webzine devoted to publishing canadian writing. Welcomes unusual, humorous submissions. Includes sections titled fiction, travel, science experiment, and arts and culture. http://www.papmag.net/ |
91. Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre - Toronto, Ontario Nonprofit community-based organization which facilitates the understanding and appreciation of Japanese heritage and culture. http://jccc.on.ca/ | |
92. CultureCanada.gc.ca: Government Of Canada Guide To Canadian Culture, Heritage An The Government of Canada s onestop web access to government culture,Heritage and Recreation services. Skip over navigation bars, Search. http://culturecanada.gc.ca/chdt/interface/interface2.nsf/engdocBasic/0.html | |
93. Faze Magazine Online canadian news magazine for teenagers covering a wide variety of topics such as social issues, technology, pop culture, sports and fitness, and entertainment. http://www.fazeteen.com/main.htm | |
94. Canadian Black Heritage In The Third Millennium Links to history and culture-related sites. http://fcis.oise.utoronto.ca/~gpieters/blklinks.html |
95. Civilisations.ca / Civilization.ca Canada's history, military history, Native peoples, folk culture, archaeology, and ancient civilizations. http://www.civilization.ca | |
96. Welcome To CANSCAIP A national, professional group for people in the field of children's culture. Supports and promotes children's literature through newsletters, workshops, meetings and other information programs for authors, parents, teachers, librarians, publishers, and others. http://www.canscaip.org/ | |
97. Marigold - 40% Political Rally - 60% Slumber Party canadian feminist/girl culture ezine, featuring online journals, political views and how to's, profiles of canadian women, artists in electronic residence, views and reviews, and forums. http://www.marigoldzine.com | |
98. The Canadian Society Of Muslims Educational Articles From A Sunni-Hanafi Perspec Nonprofit organization promoting understanding of Islamic civilization culture, Sunni Hanafi perspective http://muslim-canada.org | |
99. Inter-Source Provides information on the history, geography, economy, political situation and culture of countries. Sponsored by the canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/cfsi-icse/cil-cai/inter-source/menu-en.asp | |
100. Welcome To... / Bienvenue à ... Collections include over 600 web sites covering canadian history, geography, science, technology and culture, ranging from national treasures to local history. The site features educational resources, such as curriculum units, classroom activities, quizzes and games. Also available in French. http://collections.ic.gc.ca/ | |
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