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61. Alerta : Canadian Churches Reporting On Latin America , , Toronto, Inter-Church Bibliographic level s. Recording body SIM. Title Alerta canadian churches reporting on Latin America. Previous title Newsletter P. Continued as http://sim.law.uu.nl/SIM/Library/Serials.nsf/0/392cab156e26386dc1256640003ca30c? |
62. Canadian Churches Beginning To Respond To Call For Colombian Sponsorship 05/15/2 WINNIPEG, Man. canadian churches are beginning to respond to calls to sponsor Colombian Mennonites fleeing violence in their homeland. http://domino-18.prominic.com/A5584F/PressRelease.nsf/0/9f2b8cd865f87e1685256dde |
63. 00aug19 August 19, 2000. The dissolution of canadian churches. Nothing like it since Henry VIII s attack on the monasteries. David Frum. National Post. http://www.wob.nf.ca/alberta/Press Reports/National Post/000819.htm | |
64. Church Executive Magazine - Late Breaking News to Pentecostal traditions in the country, according to the National Council of Churches 2004 Yearbook of American and canadian churches. The Church of God http://www.churchexecutive.com/News.asp?Article=1694 |
65. Same-sex Marriage In Canada The canadian churches are interested in this issue, not only as a social issue of considerable importance to Canadians, but because the churches are involved http://www.ecumenism.net/news/marriage.htm | |
66. Welcome A small confederation of just over forty churches, in the tradition of the Reformed churches in the Netherlands (Liberated). http://www.canrc.org/ | |
67. Canadian Evangelical Christian Churches WELCOME TO OUR WEBSITE! The canadian Evangelical Christian churches was established in 1944, and is a Full Gospel Denomination that encompasses the scope and bridges the gap between the various denominational traditions. http://www.cecconline.org/ | |
68. Canadian Conference Of Mennonite Brethren Churches You may be surprised to learn that there are MB churches in Africa, Europe, Asia and South America as well as in 2004 canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren churches. http://www.mbconf.ca/ | |
69. Canadian Church Directory A searchable database of 20000+ canadian Christian churches. Create your Thank you for visiting canadian Church Directory. It is http://www.churchdirectory.ca/ | |
70. CCC Homepage / CCE Page D'accueil A community of churches which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures and therefore seek to fulfill together their common calling to the glory of one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and also other churches which affirm the same faith but which do not make doctrinal confessions. http://www.ccc-cce.ca/ |
71. Spiritualist Churches In Canada Worldwide Directory of Spiritualist churches. This is a representative list of various Spiritualist churches across Canada Nova ScotiaOther canadian Organizations. UNITED STATES of AMERICA http://www.lighthousespiritualcentre.ca/Churches/churchcanada.html | |
72. Universal Fellowship Of MCCs - Canada canadian site with information of UFMCC. http://www.ualberta.ca/~cbidwell/UFMCC/uf-home.htm | |
73. About Canadian Church Directory A searchable database of 20000+ canadian Christian churches. Not finding what I wanted, I began to construct canadian Church Directory, at least in my mind. http://www.churchdirectory.ca/aboutus.html | |
74. Page Moved - Rev Richard Pot Online A historical study of the ecumenical relations of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, focusing especially on the canadian Reformed churches. http://www.geocities.com/r_e_pot/opc.html | |
75. Book Of Praise Of The Canadian And American Reformed Churches Includes psalm tunes and lyrics; confessions and church order. http://www.canrc.org/resources/bop/ | |
76. Evangelical Lutheran Church In Canada - Canadian Church Community eg global). CCC indicates membership in the canadian Council of churches. If canadian Council of churches; Christ Catholic Church http://www.elcic.ca/direct/canada.html | |
77. BLUE SKIES: Ukrainian Canadian Pioneer Days Ukrainian canadian pioneer days are celebrated in this homepage which features the humble churches built by hardy Ukrainian immigrants at the turn of the century. http://home.echo-on.net/~nemmer/index.html | |
78. Evangelical Lutheran Church In Canada - ELCIC congregations. It is a member of the Lutheran World Federation, the canadian Council of churches, and the World Council of churches. http://www.elcic.ca/ | |
79. Canadian Church Home Pages Web Sites - British Columbia, Alberta, New Brunswick, The Rest of Alberta, canadian Christian churches -. u PCC Web; Internet for the Presbyterian Church in Canada. http://www.rwf2000.com/CH/canada.html | |
80. CCACA - Canadian Chinese Alliance Churches Association Fellowship of Alliance churches dedicated to enhancing Chinese ministries, churches, and missions in Canada. Features news, resources, contact information, and links to members. http://www.ccaca.org/ | |
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